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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 15:42:38
Every now and then the text drops out and I can't see how many caps I am picking up after a kill or being rewarded after finishing a mission. Anyone know any easy fixes for this without quitting the game and restarting?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 15:48:03
That's a new one on me. Let me see how my Google-Fu is doing.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 15:52:03
Dukman That's a new one on me. Let me see how my Google-Fu is doing.
I hope it's doing better than mine. Something dark is clouding my Chi and I don't even know how to phrase the question in Google-eze.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 15:58:19
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 16:11:26
I've been reading a whole page filled with known glitches and couldn't find anything. Normally after I quit for a while and restart the game it will be fixed. It's hit or miss. Sometimes everything is fine. I have seen a Brahmin stuck in a tree and another one falling from re-entry into the atmosphere. If you've never seen a dot in the sky and watched it until you realize it is a Brahmin about to go splat on the ground you don't know what you're missing. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 16:18:05
I had the (mostly) invisible woman as a provisioner last night. Harness and gear were there (she was wearing what appeared to be a Raider or Gunner harness), but no visible body supporting all that gear. How did I know it was a woman? Her head was visible. But from the neck down? Nothing.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 16:33:07
Dukman I had the (mostly) invisible woman as a provisioner last night. Harness and gear were there (she was wearing what appeared to be a Raider or Gunner harness), but no visible body supporting all that gear. How did I know it was a woman? Her head was visible. But from the neck down? Nothing.
Well, at least she can't say you only love her for her body!
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/14 16:45:37
Dukman I had the (mostly) invisible woman as a provisioner last night. Harness and gear were there (she was wearing what appeared to be a Raider or Gunner harness), but no visible body supporting all that gear. How did I know it was a woman? Her head was visible. But from the neck down? Nothing.
Well, at least she can't say you only love her for her body! 
That's you not me! I admit it. Im shallow. It body or nothing and in this case there was nothing!
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/15 08:43:02
Had an odd encounter last night. Got a message that the drive in was under attack by Synths. I showed up, saved the day and was heading out, but I still had a marker saying there was a synth left. Well I found it. But not exactly what I expected.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/15 08:53:14
That's really weird! It looks like the Synths are trying to expand their client base. LOL That Brahmin actually had a marker hovering over it? What will those Synths think of next?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/15 09:12:20
I expected the marker to lead me to a Synth impersonator inside the house behind the cow. So imagine my surprise (and amusement) when it was hovering right over the cow.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/15 09:23:47
I'm not sure how much of a threat a Synth Brahmin can actually be. Lacking opposable thumbs they can't pick up an assault rifle or throw a grenade. Biggest worry would be if they were upgraded to having fangs and started gnawing your settlers to death. It obvious that they aren't adapted to flying yet as witnessed by several observations of them plummeting from the sky or perching in trees unable to free themselves.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/15 09:59:09
Oh, you got that wrong. They are flying just fine. They're just horrible at landings.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/15 10:11:19
I think the funniest thing I have seen so far but didn't have the presence of mind to capture the video of it happening was when I was surrounded by the sound of waves crashing onto the beach and looking over to see Nick Valentine swimming through the air 8 ft off the ground.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/16 14:07:49
This time I recorded the moment for future generations. I have no idea how they got up there. Maybe they're on strike for better wages? I didn't even know they Unionized the Provisioners.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/16 16:02:18
Zuhl3156 This time I recorded the moment for future generations. I have no idea how they got up there. Maybe they're on strike for better wages? I didn't even know they Unionized the Provisioners.
That brings back memories. I ended up building a path from the rock ledge to the roof line. Then they didn't give me that problem again.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/16 16:06:30
Dukman I had the (mostly) invisible woman as a provisioner last night. Harness and gear were there (she was wearing what appeared to be a Raider or Gunner harness), but no visible body supporting all that gear. How did I know it was a woman? Her head was visible. But from the neck down? Nothing.
Kiss and tell Ducky?
post edited by whiskers54 - 2016/07/17 04:00:07
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/16 20:40:14
I've been messing about with SweetFX/Realshade with goes deeper into the games graphic settings and allows you to tweak alot of things. Since I don't really want the hassle of playing with all the settings, I'm just downloading settings that other have made. This is Fallout 4 - Ultra Realistic Cine FX. Pretty subtle changes, but adds a bit more vibrancy and depth to things. Before. After You can see Curie there in the black trench coat. She's limping because... I might have shot her in the knee for being annoying.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 04:09:54
Dukman I've been messing about with SweetFX/Realshade with goes deeper into the games graphic settings and allows you to tweak alot of things. Since I don't really want the hassle of playing with all the settings, I'm just downloading settings that other have made. This is Fallout 4 - Ultra Realistic Cine FX. Pretty subtle changes, but adds a bit more vibrancy and depth to things. Before.
 You can see Curie there in the black trench coat. She's limping because... I might have shot her in the knee for being annoying.
So Curie is suffering from the Adventurer's bullet to the knee syndrome. The subtleness between the two is very nice. Very soft.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 04:19:36
I was doing the quest for the Constitution when I noticed that I was getting clobbered in the health meter. I knew I was getting shot but wasn't expecting that kind of damage. The type of damage was greater than a 308. Does the enemy also use a 50 Cal? I have never seen them with one but have with a 308. After the battle I looked for anything that could cause that damage but had no luck. No energy weapons, only small Cal lead throwers.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 05:06:09
I've picked up a few .50 cal Pipe Sniper Rifles I think. I scrap all of my scavenged weapons before my settlers steal them again.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 07:07:13
Zuhl3156 I've picked up a few .50 cal Pipe Sniper Rifles I think. I scrap all of my scavenged weapons before my settlers steal them again.
I've picked a few up also but they were from storage containers. I don't recall any enemy having any however. Weapons and armor, unless special and better than what I have gets scrapped as soon as possible. I don't fool around with it and I am always looking to increase the caps account.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 07:13:16
I have picked up some nasty Hunting Rifles that deal a lot of damage. Having visited several settlements I notice almost everything in the Workbenches is gone except for Raider Power Armor pieces. I guess that's one thing those scrounging settlers can't scrap either. LOL I have plenty of Power Armor stored at Home Plate. I am starting to pick up old Power Armor pieces and selling them to Vendors but it seems nobody but me has any caps. Whenever I run into someone that tries to Barter with me I just unload my garbage weapons and armor and take all of their caps.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 07:20:33
Zuhl3156 I have picked up some nasty Hunting Rifles that deal a lot of damage. Having visited several settlements I notice almost everything in the Workbenches is gone except for Raider Power Armor pieces. I guess that's one thing those scrounging settlers can't scrap either. LOL I have plenty of Power Armor stored at Home Plate. I am starting to pick up old Power Armor pieces and selling them to Vendors but it seems nobody but me has any caps. Whenever I run into someone that tries to Barter with me I just unload my garbage weapons and armor and take all of their caps.
Have you invested in the shops? Adds 500 caps to their bottom line. It takes about 2 or 3 in game days before vendors are resupplied with goods and caps.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 07:30:05
Check your Steam game library for FO 4 and look at your hours that you played it. For some reason I am short 100 hours. I was a little over 800 and now I am at 701.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 07:33:16
I set up a clothing shop for the woman who was married to the loser who ran that radio station. I gave her nothing to start with and out of nowhere she had suits, T-shirts and jeans, hats and numerous other things to wear. I just build a shop because it is supposed to make my settlers happy. I never give them anything to start out with. They are growing plenty of food to sell so I don't see a problem there. I might be getting paranoid but I have been worried about those Provisioners and their Brahmin stuck on that roof. I hope I don't get back to Egret Marina and find their skeletal remains.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 07:42:59
whiskers54 Check your Steam game library for FO 4 and look at your hours that you played it. For some reason I am short 100 hours. I was a little over 800 and now I am at 701.
Steam says I have 359 hrs but ingame stats have me lower than that for somme reason. I stopped paying attention. Yes, I know my keyboard is double typing and I am tired of it. Instead of spending hours trying to edit my posts I'll just let everyone see Corsair garbage in action.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 07:59:33
Since neither of you are running any weapons mods (that I know of), then no you shouldn't be running into anyone using a .50 caliber rifle against you. But a fully modded (and ugly) assault rifle can do a lot of damage in a hurry, same with a mini-gun.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/07/17 09:02:51
Zuhl3156 I set up a clothing shop for the woman who was married to the loser who ran that radio station. I gave her nothing to start with and out of nowhere she had suits, T-shirts and jeans, hats and numerous other things to wear. I just build a shop because it is supposed to make my settlers happy. I never give them anything to start out with. They are growing plenty of food to sell so I don't see a problem there. I might be getting paranoid but I have been worried about those Provisioners and their Brahmin stuck on that roof. I hope I don't get back to Egret Marina and find their skeletal remains. 
By investing caps into the shops you increase the amount of caps that they will have on hand which will raise their amount of caps the moment you do as well as for future selling. Building shops does increase the happiness in settlements. I build the largest one of each shop. After that I will build the Food and Drink shop several times in a settlement. That one seems more productive than the rest of them. All you have to do is drop a large floor platform between the rock ledge and the roof line. This will provide a path for them to leave the roof. Once I did this I have had no further issues with it. Leave the floor platform there once you lay it down.