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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/12 04:05:28
Travelling with Longfellow is supposed to give you a really good perk once you reach maximum affinity with him but he has to be the most boring of all the companions. I might snag him just for the perk but Cait is my main squeeze. She's always good for a laugh most of the time. Don't lose your head to my silenced .308 sniper rifle...
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 04:37:33
New DLC was announced yesterday and one of them will drop tomorrow. I am not big on Workshop stuff and building things but the Vault-Tec one looks interesting. Nuka World looks good too. I just want to go out and kill things though instead of building contraptions.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 10:02:06
With the E3 announcement, FO4 will get VR integration in 2017.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 10:14:09
Brad_Hawthorne With the E3 announcement, FO4 will get VR integration in 2017.
Yeah, I'd seen that along with a few other big titles but I'm not interested because of the added expense. Hopefully someone will find a way to feed the video signal through the USB cable to my iPhone 6S Plus and I can use Google Cardboard. I gotta admit that for only $19.99 that Google Cardboard can be very entertaining at times.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 16:27:36
Dukman Cut and paste the Archive and lower into your Fallout4Custom file. [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
There are 2 .INI files that need additional instructions. Would you please copy and paste both files and their respective lines? I would greatly appreciate it and in return I would send Piper your way. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 16:38:39
Zuhl3156 You can see the shot spread pattern when it hits the water.
This shotgun kicks serious butt. One thing I found out though is do not shoot directly in water in front of you. You will lose your vision for a few seconds. But it was fun. Mierlurks make it real fun. 1 shot destroys their shells and I mean it strips them of it and sends it flying and the second shot guts them. Raiders are fun also but the draw back on that is the explosive shotgun scatters them and you have to find them. A 1 and done. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 16:44:37
Zuhl3156 New DLC was announced yesterday and one of them will drop tomorrow. I am not big on Workshop stuff and building things but the Vault-Tec one looks interesting. Nuka World looks good too. I just want to go out and kill things though instead of building contraptions.
My favorite words. LOL I'm looking forward to the upcoming DLC. My problem is that I haven't finished the main quest yet. I'm procrastinating a bit as I want to expand my capability in building better settlements and to be able to use the new toys that will be coming out.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 16:57:37
Something new for me. Sanctuary was never attacked by raiders of any kind and right after I assigned 2 robots and the fake general to booths, it was attacked. I may have a traitor somewhere.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 19:10:02
I see that Contraptions workshop and Nuka World have now been down loaded and waiting for the official time to unlock. I see that the Vault Tech workshop was also slipped in there.
post edited by whiskers54 - 2016/06/13 20:24:44
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/13 23:51:44
Well, whiskers, To finish off the Fallout4 discussion... They should have made this game co-op, allowing a friend or another player to join in, taking your companion's place at any time (only in common-wealth they would be able to join in). It would be sort of like Gears of War 1 or on Fable 3 when you could join in and out of a friend's game any time you wanted. This would have been the ultimate icing on the cake had Fallout4 had a co-op mode where your friend could join your game at any time he wanted (using his character). Heck, why not have the ability to let your co-op partner go into your world and modify your settlements as you see fit (while you are offline, with your permission of course. your friend must have access to be able to modify your settlements to be able to modify). Another feature... ahhh.. brain is hurting with such ideas. Another idea... Interlinking worlds... Your world is now your friend's world, or vise versa. Whatever you do on your world alters your friend's world as well, and vise versa. Whatever they do will change and impact your world. Stay strong and make wise choices. Man I hope Bethesda is reading this, as my brain hurts. LOL Sharing worlds with your friend in Survival mode....
post edited by stalinx20 - 2016/06/14 00:00:49
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/14 03:38:00
whiskers54 Something new for me. Sanctuary was never attacked by raiders of any kind and right after I assigned 2 robots and the fake general to booths, it was attacked. I may have a traitor somewhere.
I got an alert to help defend Sancuary and nothing happened for a long time. After about 5 minutes three Ghouls spawned in the middle of town. That's it. Three Ghouls. Pffft! Then I got a notice to help defend the Checkpoint. There were three Supermutants and after they were dead I had settlers and Minutemen shooting at each other??? The game went nuts and had some kind of psychotic break. Minutemen and Settlers running around shooting at nothing and each other at the same time. Not a single enemy in sight. They even shot at me!
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/17 05:02:44
Fallout 4 is my number one game to pass the time of day again. DOOM earned itself a rapid uninstall after its constant crashing to Desktop. I'm still travelling with Longfellow but I don't seem to be getting any closer to max affinity with him. During the dialogue with him I asked him about 'Relationship' and he prompted me that if I was looking for any of that 'lovey dovey' stuff I had the wrong guy. LOL Thank God for that. I guess that makes Preston the only Closet Queen in my ranks.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/18 03:35:11
stalinx20 Well, whiskers, To finish off the Fallout4 discussion... They should have made this game co-op, allowing a friend or another player to join in, taking your companion's place at any time (only in common-wealth they would be able to join in). It would be sort of like Gears of War 1 or on Fable 3 when you could join in and out of a friend's game any time you wanted. This would have been the ultimate icing on the cake had Fallout4 had a co-op mode where your friend could join your game at any time he wanted (using his character). Heck, why not have the ability to let your co-op partner go into your world and modify your settlements as you see fit (while you are offline, with your permission of course. your friend must have access to be able to modify your settlements to be able to modify). Another feature... ahhh.. brain is hurting with such ideas. Another idea... Interlinking worlds... Your world is now your friend's world, or vise versa. Whatever you do on your world alters your friend's world as well, and vise versa. Whatever they do will change and impact your world. Stay strong and make wise choices. Man I hope Bethesda is reading this, as my brain hurts. LOL Sharing worlds with your friend in Survival mode.... 
Interesting. I personally am not the co-op type but your ideas do have merit. Didn't Bethesda do an online Elder Scroll?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/18 03:53:09
Zuhl3156 Fallout 4 is my number one game to pass the time of day again. DOOM earned itself a rapid uninstall after its constant crashing to Desktop. I'm still travelling with Longfellow but I don't seem to be getting any closer to max affinity with him. During the dialogue with him I asked him about 'Relationship' and he prompted me that if I was looking for any of that 'lovey dovey' stuff I had the wrong guy. LOL Thank God for that. I guess that makes Preston the only Closet Queen in my ranks. 
I hear that. I haven't finished it yet. I have been delaying that due to the upcoming releases and the game is just fun. I'm in the Explosive Combat shotgun mode and Death Claws are on the top of the list. They're getting harder to find. LOL I'm still running with Nick and long for Caite.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/18 04:28:20
whiskers54 I hear that. I haven't finished it yet. I have been delaying that due to the upcoming releases and the game is just fun. I'm in the Explosive Combat shotgun mode and Death Claws are on the top of the list. They're getting harder to find. LOL I'm still running with Nick and long for Caite.
That Explosive Shotgun is a hoot. I used it to exterminate the residents of Covenant and I am having a terrible time carrying all of the miscellaneous body parts down to the river. I am making progress with Longfellow. We had our first heart to heart soul baring conversation yesterday. He really is kind of funny. He was behind me yesterday one minute and the next he was coming around the corner from the front so I accidentally shot him in the face with my Explosive Shotgun because I thought he was a Raider. He just looked at me and said, "Now that got my attention".
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/18 04:52:16
whiskers54 I hear that. I haven't finished it yet. I have been delaying that due to the upcoming releases and the game is just fun. I'm in the Explosive Combat shotgun mode and Death Claws are on the top of the list. They're getting harder to find. LOL I'm still running with Nick and long for Caite.
That Explosive Shotgun is a hoot. I used it to exterminate the residents of Covenant and I am having a terrible time carrying all of the miscellaneous body parts down to the river. I am making progress with Longfellow. We had our first heart to heart soul baring conversation yesterday. He really is kind of funny. He was behind me yesterday one minute and the next he was coming around the corner from the front so I accidentally shot him in the face with my Explosive Shotgun because I thought he was a Raider. He just looked at me and said, "Now that got my attention". 
Don't forget that those body parts continue to produce loot. Nick has done that surprise move on me a few times and in the process I thought he was a raider or some other baddy. He got shot a couple of times. But it does sound to me that Longfellow has a Caite style sense of humor. When did you dump Nick? Also, when does Nick's usefulness in Far Harbor diminish enough to be able to bring in another companion?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/18 05:10:06
I dumped Nick after I finished the Far Harbor quests and hooked up with Cait again. I have her waiting patiently for me at Longfellow's house while I unlock his perk. I don't think Nick is necessary but it is fun to watch him chat with Dima.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/19 03:36:04
Zuhl3156 I dumped Nick after I finished the Far Harbor quests and hooked up with Cait again. I have her waiting patiently for me at Longfellow's house while I unlock his perk. I don't think Nick is necessary but it is fun to watch him chat with Dima.
I still have a lot of gaming to do on the main so I think I will continue with Nick and finish Far Harbor. Then I will dump Nick. After you completed Far Harbor are there continuing quests for the island? I had something happen to me last night. I came back to the mainland and checked up on my settlements. The map said I had 44 settlers at one of my settlements. I went there and then it corrected itself back to 22. Weird. A first for me. I was at that marina that has all those boats linked together and filled with Raiders. I got onboard the main boat and was battling some Raiders when 3 of them jumped me at once. I was using the exploding shotgun at that time. I turned and fired one round into the middle of that group and nailed all three of them. Now that's the way to conserve ammo. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/19 06:06:32
There is another quest if you can find your way into the hidden Vault. That's all I will tell you about it so you're on your own from here. That cove with all of the ships is where the Courser popped up and made me finish the 'Synth Retention' quest for The Institute. I'm glad I blew them to smithereens. Nothing happening for me except bits and pieces for the RR and BOS being their little 'errand boy'. I am a General for crying out loud and I get no respect! EDIT: I am spending most of my time modding my weapons. One thing I would like to see in a new Workshop is a catapult so I can fling those corpses out of Covenant.
post edited by Zuhl3156 - 2016/06/19 06:15:32
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/19 19:03:01
Zuhl3156 There is another quest if you can find your way into the hidden Vault. That's all I will tell you about it so you're on your own from here. That cove with all of the ships is where the Courser popped up and made me finish the 'Synth Retention' quest for The Institute. I'm glad I blew them to smithereens. Nothing happening for me except bits and pieces for the RR and BOS being their little 'errand boy'. I am a General for crying out loud and I get no respect! EDIT: I am spending most of my time modding my weapons. One thing I would like to see in a new Workshop is a catapult so I can fling those corpses out of Covenant. 
Thanks for the tease. With friends like you, who needs enemies. Did you get Bunker Hill as a settlement? If so, did you make any building changes?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/20 04:30:06
whiskers54 Thanks for the tease. With friends like you, who needs enemies.  Did you get Bunker Hill as a settlement? If so, did you make any building changes?
Yep, I got Bunker Hill a while ago but it's pretty close to its ceiling cap anyway. I think I added some turrets and that's about all I could do for now. When I go into Covenant everything is marked in red and I have to steal it if I want it or need it. That makes no sense since everyone that owned these things is dead and we all know that dead people don't need stuff so why is it stealing? My Covenant corpses aren't yielding any goodies yet either. Maybe I have to add some fertilizer?
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/20 22:26:21
stalinx20 Well, whiskers, To finish off the Fallout4 discussion... They should have made this game co-op, allowing a friend or another player to join in, taking your companion's place at any time (only in common-wealth they would be able to join in). It would be sort of like Gears of War 1 or on Fable 3 when you could join in and out of a friend's game any time you wanted. This would have been the ultimate icing on the cake had Fallout4 had a co-op mode where your friend could join your game at any time he wanted (using his character). Heck, why not have the ability to let your co-op partner go into your world and modify your settlements as you see fit (while you are offline, with your permission of course. your friend must have access to be able to modify your settlements to be able to modify). Another feature... ahhh.. brain is hurting with such ideas. Another idea... Interlinking worlds... Your world is now your friend's world, or vise versa. Whatever you do on your world alters your friend's world as well, and vise versa. Whatever they do will change and impact your world. Stay strong and make wise choices. Man I hope Bethesda is reading this, as my brain hurts. LOL Sharing worlds with your friend in Survival mode.... 
Interesting. I personally am not the co-op type but your ideas do have merit. Didn't Bethesda do an online Elder Scroll?
They did for elder scrolls, but that's an MMO. What i'm speaking of would be merely Co-op.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 04:27:04
stalinx20 Well, whiskers, To finish off the Fallout4 discussion... They should have made this game co-op, allowing a friend or another player to join in, taking your companion's place at any time (only in common-wealth they would be able to join in). It would be sort of like Gears of War 1 or on Fable 3 when you could join in and out of a friend's game any time you wanted. This would have been the ultimate icing on the cake had Fallout4 had a co-op mode where your friend could join your game at any time he wanted (using his character). Heck, why not have the ability to let your co-op partner go into your world and modify your settlements as you see fit (while you are offline, with your permission of course. your friend must have access to be able to modify your settlements to be able to modify). Another feature... ahhh.. brain is hurting with such ideas. Another idea... Interlinking worlds... Your world is now your friend's world, or vise versa. Whatever you do on your world alters your friend's world as well, and vise versa. Whatever they do will change and impact your world. Stay strong and make wise choices. Man I hope Bethesda is reading this, as my brain hurts. LOL Sharing worlds with your friend in Survival mode.... 
Interesting. I personally am not the co-op type but your ideas do have merit. Didn't Bethesda do an online Elder Scroll?
They did for elder scrolls, but that's an MMO. What i'm speaking of would be merely Co-op.
It goes to show you what I know. LOL I didn't pay attention to Elder Scrolls online. But the CO-OP idea would bring a new aspect to these games. That survival mode would be a killer.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 04:47:02
whiskers54 Thanks for the tease. With friends like you, who needs enemies.  Did you get Bunker Hill as a settlement? If so, did you make any building changes?
Yep, I got Bunker Hill a while ago but it's pretty close to its ceiling cap anyway. I think I added some turrets and that's about all I could do for now. When I go into Covenant everything is marked in red and I have to steal it if I want it or need it. That makes no sense since everyone that owned these things is dead and we all know that dead people don't need stuff so why is it stealing? My Covenant corpses aren't yielding any goodies yet either. Maybe I have to add some fertilizer?
I saw that too. If you haven't built the settlement beacon yet and you are only dealing with that robot I would say to steal all the items (out of sight of the robot) before population starts to arrive. I killed all the original population of Covenent after the quest (they initiated the fight and I ended it), looted their bodies and then moved them to the river and dropped them in. They stayed at that location and didn't float away. When I am done with whatever I am doing there I leave. I am gone for at least a few in game days. That gives them time to reset. When I return, some of the bodies have loot on them and I take it. The longer you're away the better.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 04:59:17
The place where I find corpses that constantly refill their property is Backstreet Apparel where that Chem Deal went bad. The crates stay empty but there are several naked corses marked as 'Gunner' that always have something of value to take.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 05:03:08
Zuhl3156 The place where I find corpses that constantly refill their property is Backstreet Apparel where that Chem Deal went bad. The crates stay empty but there are several naked corses marked as 'Gunner' that always have something of value to take.
Those are generally the good ones to get as their loot is more armor and that brings in a few caps.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 05:17:55
I gave Longfellow a Suppressed Combat Shotgun and he really goes to town sometimes.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 05:53:50
Zuhl3156 I gave Longfellow a Suppressed Combat Shotgun and he really goes to town sometimes.
He must be a quick study. LOL
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 05:58:11
Those stingwings and mosquitoes are a pain in the butt. I may get the first one with 1 shot but after that it's 2 to 3 shots with the shotgun.
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Re: Fallout 4
2016/06/21 06:06:21
Zuhl3156 I gave Longfellow a Suppressed Combat Shotgun and he really goes to town sometimes.
He must be a quick study. LOL
He's really funny at times but I want my Cait back.