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I really want to hop onboard on the x99 train but I just hear nothing but bad things about the ftw k no reviews besides one website that has a written article about it and 2 videos where the biard does not even boot! Skylake X dont come out till Q2 of 2017!!!
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 01:41:10
I really dont want to go asus rampage V that board has nothing but stability issues...
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 03:11:00
Buy Rampage V 10th Edition. Customers say it's far more stable board. That's nothing weird because RVE was on time with processors and for 10TH Edition they had more than year to work. Customer experience is far better than RVE. MSI Titanium is beautiful as well and cheaper.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 03:25:40
Asus customer support is better now? Thats unheard of I told myself thats the last asus board im getting after 3 deluxe boards burnt out on me I very much prefer evga but atm there kinda dropping the ball when I see threads about the FTW K just failing on people.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 05:36:04
Darkotaku Asus customer support is better now? Thats unheard of I told myself thats the last asus board im getting after 3 deluxe boards burnt out on me I very much prefer evga but atm there kinda dropping the ball when I see threads about the FTW K just failing on people.
ASUS customer support depend a lot from regional office and distributors. They not sell products alone and than you can't compare...
post edited by Vlada011 - 2016/08/13 05:41:12
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 05:37:13
DarkotakuAsus customer support is better now? It exists?! Also, don't be taken over by bad reviews. There's a lot of amateurs and new builders out there that are armchair IT techs that zap their devices or watch a Utube video overnight and become a system building expert all of a sudden and than blame the manufacturer for all their issues. I bet most of the time its user error. What you don't hear are the people never having issues. Usually works that way so take it all with a grain of salt. Everyone company will have their fair share of issues. Where I would stand is with a company that has the best CS. Just my 2 cents.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 05:50:31
In my case the compasitors on the asus mobos tend to be the ones that bust on me and yea like you said thats why I love evga for there warranty and CS I just find it funny there not one youtuber that was given a FTW k for a review heck the z170 classified got one!
post edited by Darkotaku - 2016/08/13 05:52:50
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 07:19:23
DarkotakuAsus customer support is better now?
It exists?!  Also, don't be taken over by bad reviews. There's a lot of amateurs and new builders out there that are armchair IT techs that zap their devices or watch a Utube video overnight and become a system building expert all of a sudden and than blame the manufacturer for all their issues. I bet most of the time its user error. What you don't hear are the people never having issues. Usually works that way so take it all with a grain of salt. Everyone company will have their fair share of issues. Where I would stand is with a company that has the best CS. Just my 2 cents.
+1 absolutely correct! My last four boards have been EVGA and no issues. If any issues do arise they are fixed with a bios update. That's normal for new boards of any brand. To many arm chair builders writing bad reviews.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 08:02:37
My main problems with ASUS isn't so much quality, its the entire fiasco that they refer to as "Customer Service". Essentially, if the component goes bad. Write it off and go get something else. It's cheaper in the long run if you take into account how much time you'll spend just trying to get to speak to a real person.
post edited by Dukman - 2016/08/13 08:04:39
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 14:58:20
Dukman My main problems with ASUS isn't so much quality, its the entire fiasco that they refer to as "Customer Service". Essentially, if the component goes bad. Write it off and go get something else. It's cheaper in the long run if you take into account how much time you'll spend just trying to get to speak to a real person.
There are some threads out there specifically calling out Asus on their troubling CS. For one example, some were saying how the downtime took WEEKS if not MONTHS only to have the failed components returned back to them and closing the case as user error or charging them for a fix or replacement. Most of the time it was something like a malfunctioned VRM or capacitor. Something you know is out of the users hands for much of a error. Best is when they DO agree to replace, they return the same product back saying it was fixed when it wasn't. These are the ethics that go down the tubes for me, no matter how amazing the designs and products are from Asus. If it turns on you, you're pretty much left in the dark. I refuse to take that risk.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 15:16:33
My one (and last) experience with ASUS CS pretty much echos what you have just described. Had a PCIE slot fail on a Z68 board. ASUS agreed to RMA/Replacement. Replacement board was a used/refurb board that was in far worse condition than I sent them and had more issues. Sent it back, told them to forget it. Purchased another motherboard from another manufacturer.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 15:17:23
Where does the RVE have stability issues?
I have had my RVE since November 18, 2014 and havent had stability issues in well over a year. That was old bios as they were figuring out x99. Now it is extremely stable. Been at 4.7ghz and 1.36v for over a year and a half without changing anything. When I update the bios, I set everything exactly the same and never have an issue.
Of course, this is personal experience.
Customer service may have stability issues.. But the board has been great
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 15:23:00
Well if you believe all the expert reviews on Newegg, the board is all over the place. Yet other reviews (Amazon, etc) indicate a different story. I tend to take many of the reviews on Newegg and such with a grain of salt. I looked at it, but the price tag stood me off. Well that and the color scheme. The Rev10 however... It's not 600.00 tempting, but it's tempting. But there is that ASUS CS.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 19:35:30
Yea kinda at the point to say screw it get the 5xxx chip and the current x99 classified mobo because the new 6xxx boards that are available is marginally Asus, msi and gygabyte and Id hate to add another board to my shelf of failed gygabyte msi boards...
post edited by Darkotaku - 2016/08/13 21:14:15
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 21:27:14
Not to sound nit picky but evga pushing all these rgb lights yet the ftw k has that anoying red light that would clash with my black with white led build XD
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 21:40:40
Darkotaku Not to sound nit picky but evga pushing all these rgb lights yet the ftw k has that anoying red light that would clash with my black with white led build XD
Don't all their X99 boards have a dark mode, where only the status LED panel will be lit? My X99 Classy appears to have it, but I haven't tried it out.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 21:49:36
Wait the red E on the x99 classy actually glows?
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 23:14:30
Red E doesn't glow. Aluminium only glows when radioactive. :D I wholeheartedly agree that there is no such thing as Asus Customer Support. As for Rampage V model 10. I admit, especially with EK monoblock it'll look spectacular. But (there are always some) - it only has 4 PCI-e slots, lane switching is worse than on Classy - in extreme cases you can end with only 3 working x16 slots as last sharing bandwidth with other stuff. Yeah... and the price which is eye watering experience. Until now I don't get it who will need 3 NICs on one motherboard. Between the two, Classy is clearly better choice IMHO (and you can get nice Bitspower block for it).
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/13 23:18:45
Well guess its settled 5930k with classy x99 unless I find a good deal on the 5960x ill stick with that
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 07:18:10
Darkotaku Well guess its settled 5930k with classy x99 unless I find a good deal on the 5960x ill stick with that
Good choice...  Been a solid setup for me for 9 months now.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 07:43:43
O yea 1 more thing what hb sli bridge i need for 16x/16x sli lanes on x99 classy? I have the 4 space nvidia one.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 07:51:56
Darkotaku O yea 1 more thing what hb sli bridge i need for 16x/16x sli lanes on x99 classy? I have the 4 space nvidia one.
It depends on what slots you are using. The standard spacing between SLI slots is 20mm. Let us know what slots you are attempting to use and we can give you the proper recommendation. PCI-E Lane Distribution (40 Lane Processor) PE1 – x16 (x8 if PE2 is used) PE2 – x8 PE3 – x8 PE4 – x16 (x8 if PE3 is used) PE5 – x4 (Gen 2 only, 4 lanes pulled from PCH) PE6 – x8 PCI-E Lane Distribution (28 Lane Processor) PE1 – x16 (x8 if PE2) PE2 – x8 PE3 – x8 (Slot is *NOT* functional with a 28 lane processor.) PE4 – x8 PE5 – x4 (Gen 2 only, 4 lanes pulled from PCH) PE6 – x4
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 07:55:56
Darkotaku O yea 1 more thing what hb sli bridge i need for 16x/16x sli lanes on x99 classy? I have the 4 space nvidia one.
It depends on what slots you are using. The standard spacing between SLI slots is 20mm. Let us know what slots you are attempting to use and we can give you the proper recommendation. PCI-E Lane Distribution (40 Lane Processor)
PE1 – x16 (x8 if PE2 is used) PE2 – x8 PE3 – x8 PE4 – x16 (x8 if PE3 is used) PE5 – x4 (Gen 2 only, 4 lanes pulled from PCH) PE6 – x8
PCI-E Lane Distribution (28 Lane Processor)
PE1 – x16 (x8 if PE2) PE2 – x8 PE3 – x8 (Slot is *NOT* functional with a 28 lane processor.) PE4 – x8 PE5 – x4 (Gen 2 only, 4 lanes pulled from PCH) PE6 – x4
1 and 4 since I am getting a 40 lane cpu
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 08:16:13
20mm spacing between each slot, that means you'd need a 60mm 2 way bridge.
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 08:16:30
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 08:22:29
Dukman You'll be wanting this one. Or if you're using 100 series cards, this one.
Cool i got the correct one then :) (nvdia version)
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 08:36:06
Darkotaku O yea 1 more thing what hb sli bridge i need for 16x/16x sli lanes on x99 classy? I have the 4 space nvidia one.
It depends on what slots you are using. The standard spacing between SLI slots is 20mm. Let us know what slots you are attempting to use and we can give you the proper recommendation. PCI-E Lane Distribution (40 Lane Processor)
PE1 – x16 (x8 if PE2 is used) PE2 – x8 PE3 – x8 PE4 – x16 (x8 if PE3 is used) PE5 – x4 (Gen 2 only, 4 lanes pulled from PCH) PE6 – x8
PCI-E Lane Distribution (28 Lane Processor)
PE1 – x16 (x8 if PE2) PE2 – x8 PE3 – x8 (Slot is *NOT* functional with a 28 lane processor.) PE4 – x8 PE5 – x4 (Gen 2 only, 4 lanes pulled from PCH) PE6 – x4
1 and 4 since I am getting a 40 lane cpu
Actually you will need the 2-Slot spacing SLI bridge. If you look at the board layout of the X99 Classified there is a 40mm gap between slots 1 and 2. In total there is an 80mm gap between your SLI bridge connections. Here is the bridge you will need: http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=100-2W-0027-LR
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 08:49:43
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 08:53:46
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Re: Evga update your classified line!
2016/08/14 08:56:16
According to the specs on the Nvidia website you have the correct bridge. Enjoy!  SLI BRIDGE: 4-SLOT (81.26 MM)