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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 19:27:02
miggidy22 It would be nice to know your place in the queue. This would help to give you an idea when to keep an eye out for the order notification e-mail. It would suck to miss the e-mail during the 8 hour response window.
Yeah that would be nice. From what I hear is they are at 7:21am PDT for the 3080ti ftw3. What time did you signed up?
Just a few minutes ago...
oh deng, yeah if its signed up today, then probably 8 months to a year tbh. But still dont give up, eventually you will get a card
Ouch! I live in Santa Clara, maybe I'll just stand in front of Nvidia headquarters and beg Jensen for a card 
Hey, i live in bayarea too just 30 mins north hahaha
You mean you didn't hit the line at the only Best Buy in the Bay Area selling the 3080 Ti at launch? 
neh, i dont want FE. I want evga
Live in San Jose. Fortunately got my notify in at 7:22 on thursday and was able to order on friday. Sucked that the only BB that had ti cards was the one in SF on harrison. Plus i think i saw in a tweet they only had around 50 and 80 ppl lined up lol.
post edited by sabk11 - 2021/06/05 19:28:50
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 19:55:04
coldrain85 EVGA wanted to drum up interest in it's elite program and it got its wish.
Oh absolutely! They announced it on every platform they could get on. I just hope they realize that they’ve singlehandedly destroyed the forums at the very least until after 3070 Ti launch, and probably leading up to every new item launch from now on. At the end of the day, most of us here are gaming enthusiasts, gathered here to talk about our common interest and our lives goes on contentedly (I hope) whether we have a shiny new GPU or not, and most of us will probably still be here when and If the dust settles. Flint 1760 kissTheApex: Thank you for the chuckle. All this may subside a little by the end of June. Most of the repeatedly asked questions have answers already published, however no one reads or searches for them. I tried to make a thread to answer most questions concerning the process and it probably received limited use.
“I shalt not read” mentality is exceptionally strong with the fastest-way-to-100 crowd, I doubt your thread stayed on the first page for more than a couple of minutes. Honestly, During the week, I would be getting an email notification on a thread I was/am following and by the time I click on the link within, the thread would be 3-4 pages deep.. I know there’s a 5-6 minute delay between a thread being updated and the notification emails, but never have I seen such a quick thread movement. Cheemonstonzo I had many similar questions when I joined the queue in March, and not trying to sound snobbish or anything, but I didn't want to be an undue burden and read a few pages back. This answered all my questions and more. There are definitely a lot of sub-100 post Elite members, but when someone with less than 100 posts asks something that is answered literally in the previous few posts on the same page, it feels a lot like veiled road-to-100 spam. I unfortunately see this same "won't RTFM"/"unwillingness to look for answers" behavior in many other forums. Not salty about it, just mildly disappointed.
Which brings another question. Was the 100 post rule even spelled out before eVGA decided to announce it? If I remember correctly, it used to say (going from memory) “to attain elite status you can : - register an eligible product, or - follow eVGA on twitch streams, or - participate in eVGA forums.” I don’t remember seeing a post number attached to it. But again, I go thru my day(s) half asleep and dazed & confused so I wouldn’t be the best source. Heck, I didn’t even know what “elite” was when I joined on the forums, and once I found out it took me a month to realize my previous purchases made me eligible. Like I said, dazed & confused.
post edited by kissTheApex - 2021/06/05 20:12:34
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 20:01:17
Thank you for giving us all a chance to get our cards.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 20:29:30
mmsr80 Thanks enewt, Is this also for the EU?
Apologies, I missed the EU.evga note. This ( is the latest I've seen from BovineGamer who tracks the EU queue (there is also an EU specific thread...I'll look for it and edit this post...just a second...). Edit: European Queue info courtesy of BovineGamer: Name SKU Latest Emailed Date K|NGP|N HYDRO COPPER 3999 No Self Reports Yet 3090 FTW3 Ultra 3987 9/30/2020 6:58:07 AM PT 3080 Ti FTW3 HYDRO COPPER 3969 No Emails Sent Yet 3080 Ti XC3 HYBRID 3958 No Emails Sent Yet 3080 Ti FTW3 HYBRID 3968 No Emails Sent Yet 3080 TI FTW3 Ultra 3967 No Emails Sent Yet 3080 TI XC3 Ultra 3955 Did this open? 3080 XC3 Ultra 3885 9/17/2020 11:04:25 AM PT 3080 FTW3 Ultra 3897 9/17/2020 7:50:00 AM PT 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra 3797 Opens on 10/6 3070 Ti XC3 Ultra 3785 Opens on 10/6 3070 XC3 Black 3751 10/29/2020 6:15:19 AM PT 3070 XC3 Ultra 3755 10/29/2020 6:56:00 AM PT 3070 FTW3 Ultra 3767 10/29/2020 6:41:00 AM PT 3060 Ti XC Gaming 3663 12/6/2020 2:50:32 AM PT 3060 TI FTW 3667 12/6/2020 12:54:00 AM PT 3060 XC Gaming 3657 2/25/2021 09:00:52 AM PT BovineGamer's most recent post: Best of luck!
12G-P5-3958-KR6/3/2021 7:28:12 AM PTYes
ASUS TUF Gaming GT501 Mid-Tower Computer Case W/smoked tempered glass  Gigabyte Z390 AORUS MASTER  Intel Core i9-9900K Desktop Processor 8 Cores up to 5.0 GHz Turbo unlocked  HyperX Predator Black 32GB kit 3333MHz DDR4 CL16 DIMM XMP memory  EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA 24GB  1-- Samsung 970 EVO Plus SSD 250GB - M.2 NVMe Interface Internal Solid State (O.S only)
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 20:33:15
Thank you for great forum. I ready 3 pages and already found what I wanted
post edited by kapuriakaran - 2021/06/05 20:35:20
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 20:40:38
coldrain85 Oh, and just to give the 3080TI hopefuls some perspective on how time works in EVGA world.... The 3080 hybrid (3898) launched in mid-December. Yes, there was a tiny pre-launch in November that was unannounced and I have not forgotten that, but I'm referring to the announced launch on 12/16. The queue started at 9am but it got bogged down, so the earliest time stamps for the 3898 were 9:02 and some change. I got what I did not think was a very good time stamp at 9:08:44. We are coming up on 6 months now and the queue has moved about 5.5 minutes. I expect to either be in the next drop, or the one after that. So, July is probably a safe guess for my time stamp that was a liI expect Jacob to chime in at some point if he hasn't already with the "HC's and hybrids will be made in limited quantities" remark, so those of you who are in those queues and have a time stamp after 8am on 6/3 are probably going to be in for a long wait. I'm closer to 9am, so I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I will get a card that way before 2022. Probably not early 2022 either. If we were coming out of the chip shortage I would be more optimistic, but we're not even close
Hmmm, normally I would agree with you (just based on the 3080/3090 hybrid movement), but the queue for 3968 clearly moved at least 20 minutes on Thursday, so now I'm not so sure. Could be that we now won't see any hybrid movement for another month. I'm willing to be hopeful this time though....
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the community spreadsheet ☺️. I hope you all get your card soon! If you found the spreadsheet useful, please consider using my associate code for your next purchase:
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 20:47:00
coldrain85 Oh, and just to give the 3080TI hopefuls some perspective on how time works in EVGA world.... The 3080 hybrid (3898) launched in mid-December. Yes, there was a tiny pre-launch in November that was unannounced and I have not forgotten that, but I'm referring to the announced launch on 12/16. The queue started at 9am but it got bogged down, so the earliest time stamps for the 3898 were 9:02 and some change. I got what I did not think was a very good time stamp at 9:08:44. We are coming up on 6 months now and the queue has moved about 5.5 minutes. I expect to either be in the next drop, or the one after that. So, July is probably a safe guess for my time stamp that was a liI expect Jacob to chime in at some point if he hasn't already with the "HC's and hybrids will be made in limited quantities" remark, so those of you who are in those queues and have a time stamp after 8am on 6/3 are probably going to be in for a long wait. I'm closer to 9am, so I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I will get a card that way before 2022. Probably not early 2022 either. If we were coming out of the chip shortage I would be more optimistic, but we're not even close
Hmmm, normally I would agree with you (just based on the 3080/3090 hybrid movement), but the queue for 3968 clearly moved at least 20 minutes on Thursday, so now I'm not so sure. Could be that we now won't see any hybrid movement for another month. I'm willing to be hopeful this time though....
I just want to see the 12G-P5-3967-KR (3080 ti FTW3 Ultra) Queue move past 7:30am...I'm in at 7:29:11am, and all fingers crossed I can the email to purchase, can finally finish my build, as well as then passing on my GPU so I can get my daughter's PC built.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 21:15:40
coldrain85 Oh, and just to give the 3080TI hopefuls some perspective on how time works in EVGA world.... The 3080 hybrid (3898) launched in mid-December. Yes, there was a tiny pre-launch in November that was unannounced and I have not forgotten that, but I'm referring to the announced launch on 12/16. The queue started at 9am but it got bogged down, so the earliest time stamps for the 3898 were 9:02 and some change. I got what I did not think was a very good time stamp at 9:08:44. We are coming up on 6 months now and the queue has moved about 5.5 minutes. I expect to either be in the next drop, or the one after that. So, July is probably a safe guess for my time stamp that was a little more than SIX MINUTES after launch. I expect Jacob to chime in at some point if he hasn't already with the "HC's and hybrids will be made in limited quantities" remark, so those of you who are in those queues and have a time stamp after 8am on 6/3 are probably going to be in for a long wait. I'm closer to 9am, so I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I will get a card that way before 2022. Probably not early 2022 either. If we were coming out of the chip shortage I would be more optimistic, but we're not even close. The hybrid or HC is the way to go with the TI's though. I would avoid the air cooled unless you like cards that run hot and are loud as ****.
Wow, that's a bit disheartening but I understand the reality. 5:30 minutes of movement for 6 months worth of queue makes me less optimistic considering I'm 5:31 minutes out form the last reported 3968 invite to purchase (last report - 6/3/21 7:41:43 and mine at 6/3/21 at 7:47:14). And if the Ti hybrids follows the course of the 3080 hybrids, I may have some time to wait, but I hope this is not the case. I also have an 3967 queued at 7:52:29 but I'd prefer the hybrid for better thermals. At the end of the day, I'll take what I can get and be happy about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is my first time using the queue system so I appreciate the insight 
You got a good time stamp. I don't think you will have to wait very long. We will just have to see how far each drop advances the queue. Due to the technical difficulties associated with the launch, it's hard to tell how many people got in during the first few minutes. In the case of the 3968 I'm talking before 8am given that time stamps appear to start around 7:41 for that SKU. So far, the 3968 has only moved about 5 seconds. I guess that was the launch drop. Pffffft.
Hosam mamdouh
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 21:20:31
Any way how many cards purchasing every day?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 21:21:29
coldrain85 Oh, and just to give the 3080TI hopefuls some perspective on how time works in EVGA world.... The 3080 hybrid (3898) launched in mid-December. Yes, there was a tiny pre-launch in November that was unannounced and I have not forgotten that, but I'm referring to the announced launch on 12/16. The queue started at 9am but it got bogged down, so the earliest time stamps for the 3898 were 9:02 and some change. I got what I did not think was a very good time stamp at 9:08:44. We are coming up on 6 months now and the queue has moved about 5.5 minutes. I expect to either be in the next drop, or the one after that. So, July is probably a safe guess for my time stamp that was a liI expect Jacob to chime in at some point if he hasn't already with the "HC's and hybrids will be made in limited quantities" remark, so those of you who are in those queues and have a time stamp after 8am on 6/3 are probably going to be in for a long wait. I'm closer to 9am, so I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I will get a card that way before 2022. Probably not early 2022 either. If we were coming out of the chip shortage I would be more optimistic, but we're not even close
Hmmm, normally I would agree with you (just based on the 3080/3090 hybrid movement), but the queue for 3968 clearly moved at least 20 minutes on Thursday, so now I'm not so sure. Could be that we now won't see any hybrid movement for another month. I'm willing to be hopeful this time though....
I didn't know that it moved that much. What that tells me is that not very many people were getting in early because of the slow server. I wonder where the bottleneck starts. I guess we will find out soon enough. For sure though, 3898 movement is not an indicator of what the 3968 will do. It's just an example of a niche queue that is moving seconds at a time vs. minutes/hours/days like the others. Hopefully the 3080TI's will move a lot faster that some of the other 3080 SKU's.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 21:46:48
It's incredible that the 3080 hybrids haven't moved at all it seems. Being a 1440p gamer that card is perfect for me. I'm hoping I don't have to go with the 3080 Ti instead.
Is EVGA just eventually going to cancel the que so it doesn't have to cover the grandfathered in import fees? I mean almost 7 months and no movement is suspicious.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 22:33:32
Beasthunt It's incredible that the 3080 hybrids haven't moved at all it seems. Being a 1440p gamer that card is perfect for me. I'm hoping I don't have to go with the 3080 Ti instead.
Is EVGA just eventually going to cancel the queue so it doesn't have to cover the grandfathered in import fees? I mean almost 7 months and no movement is suspicious.
EVGA will eventually honor these queues but again with 3080 Ti now it will be even harder, think about it that way, how many users got served since last Sep and still the production isn't sufficient to meet the demand, many factors came in together in a timing that can't be worst, C19 hitting us, Mining and Scalpers. nVidia is taking a chunk of the scalpers market by selling a GPU that no one asked for, it tops 3080 with 10% max performance and extra 500+USDs, from NVIDIA POV it's more $$$ to invest in Ti now not the amazing one of a kind 3080... Shame on them but this is the current reality :/ I trust EVGA and their queue, I signed up for my older card FTW3 Ultra 2nd day of the release and had my notification 136 days later, was totally worth the wait, wish us all the best.
08G-P5-3667-KL 12/28/2020 9:40:57 PM PTN No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 22:34:56
coldrain85 Oh, and just to give the 3080TI hopefuls some perspective on how time works in EVGA world....
The 3080 hybrid (3898) launched in mid-December. Yes, there was a tiny pre-launch in November that was unannounced and I have not forgotten that, but I'm referring to the announced launch on 12/16. The queue started at 9am but it got bogged down, so the earliest time stamps for the 3898 were 9:02 and some change. I got what I did not think was a very good time stamp at 9:08:44. We are coming up on 6 months now and the queue has moved about 5.5 minutes. I expect to either be in the next drop, or the one after that. So, July is probably a safe guess for my time stamp that was a liI expect Jacob to chime in at some point if he hasn't already with the "HC's and hybrids will be made in limited quantities" remark, so those of you who are in those queues and have a time stamp after 8am on 6/3 are probably going to be in for a long wait. I'm closer to 9am, so I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that I will get a card that way before 2022. Probably not early 2022 either. If we were coming out of the chip shortage I would be more optimistic, but we're not even close
Hmmm, normally I would agree with you (just based on the 3080/3090 hybrid movement), but the queue for 3968 clearly moved at least 20 minutes on Thursday, so now I'm not so sure. Could be that we now won't see any hybrid movement for another month. I'm willing to be hopeful this time though....
I didn't know that it moved that much. What that tells me is that not very many people were getting in early because of the slow server. I wonder where the bottleneck starts. I guess we will find out soon enough. For sure though, 3898 movement is not an indicator of what the 3968 will do. It's just an example of a niche queue that is moving seconds at a time vs. minutes/hours/days like the others. Hopefully the 3080TI's will move a lot faster that some of the other 3080 SKU's.
I hear you. I probably wouldn't even have gone for the 3080 Ti, but I am becoming increasingly wary of the 3080 and 3090 queues slowing to barely moving. Linus was possibly right about one thing - why make 3090s when you can make 3080 Tis for much less and sell them for almost the same price? Or why sell 3080s when you can barely improve on them and sell Tis for much more?
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the community spreadsheet ☺️. I hope you all get your card soon! If you found the spreadsheet useful, please consider using my associate code for your next purchase:
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 22:56:04
I hear you. I probably wouldn't even have gone for the 3080 Ti, but I am becoming increasingly wary of the 3080 and 3090 queues slowing to barely moving. Linus was possibly right about one thing - why make 3090s when you can make 3080 Tis for much less and sell them for almost the same price? Or why sell 3080s when you can barely improve on them and sell Tis for much more?
I wonder how the 3090 folks feel about the 3080TI. Anyone? The price of a 3968 rubs right up on the low end 3090's. I was surprised by that. When you look at the specs, the price reflects the performance when you compare the two cards. It makes an argument for the 3080 being a better deal though given the rather large price difference. $540 separates the 3898 and 3968 hybrids which inclines me to stick with the 3898 at this point, especially since I am so close to getting one. I guess it comes down to how much future proofing one expects to get for that extra $540. And let's not forget that for another $160 on top of that $540 you can get a low end 3090 with twice as much VRAM. So many choices. It's a clown car of SKU's.
Sniper Dave
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/05 23:22:41
Beasthunt It's incredible that the 3080 hybrids haven't moved at all it seems. Being a 1440p gamer that card is perfect for me. I'm hoping I don't have to go with the 3080 Ti instead.
Is EVGA just eventually going to cancel the queue so it doesn't have to cover the grandfathered in import fees? I mean almost 7 months and no movement is suspicious.
EVGA will eventually honor these queues but again with 3080 Ti now it will be even harder, think about it that way, how many users got served since last Sep and still the production isn't sufficient to meet the demand, many factors came in together in a timing that can't be worst, C19 hitting us, Mining and Scalpers. nVidia is taking a chunk of the scalpers market by selling a GPU that no one asked for, it tops 3080 with 10% max performance and extra 500+USDs, from NVIDIA POV it's more $$$ to invest in Ti now not the amazing one of a kind 3080... Shame on them but this is the current reality :/ I trust EVGA and their queue, I signed up for my older card FTW3 Ultra 2nd day of the release and had my notification 136 days later, was totally worth the wait, wish us all the best.
Like the 3090 black card not a single one of those has moved through the queue the only ones in existence are all from retail stores.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 00:53:52
tshalev I hear you. I probably wouldn't even have gone for the 3080 Ti, but I am becoming increasingly wary of the 3080 and 3090 queues slowing to barely moving. Linus was possibly right about one thing - why make 3090s when you can make 3080 Tis for much less and sell them for almost the same price? Or why sell 3080s when you can barely improve on them and sell Tis for much more?
I wonder how the 3090 folks feel about the 3080TI. Anyone? The price of a 3968 rubs right up on the low end 3090's. I was surprised by that. When you look at the specs, the price reflects the performance when you compare the two cards. It makes an argument for the 3080 being a better deal though given the rather large price difference. $540 separates the 3898 and 3968 hybrids which inclines me to stick with the 3898 at this point, especially since I am so close to getting one. I guess it comes down to how much future proofing one expects to get for that extra $540. And let's not forget that for another $160 on top of that $540 you can get a low end 3090 with twice as much VRAM. So many choices. It's a clown car of SKU's.
I'm not a 3090 owner but comparing the 30xx cards to each other, I agree that the pricing and SKUs are a circus, generally speaking, and probably the 3080 or 3070ti would be the best price for performance, if you can get your hands on one. However, I did purchase some 20xx cards previously and comparing these 30xx cards to older 20xx predecessors, the price-performance is a lot more reasonable IMO. 2080ti retail: ~$1.3k 3080ti retail: ~$1.4k for ~1.5x performance improvement Titan RTX (closest thing to a 2090) retail: $2.5k 3090 retail: $1.9k for ~1.3x performance improvement I don't believe there is much future proofing for getting a 3080ti or 3090 over a 3080. Future proofing beyond a 3080 would probably be best to hold off until the 40xx cards IMO. But if your just a fan of the Ti cards (like I am) or can't get a 3080, by all means get the 3080ti !
PCPartPicker - 5000D Airflow | Intel i7-11700k | EVGA 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming | GIGABYTE Z590 Vision D | 64GB Crucial DDR4-3600 | Samsung 980 PRO 1TB M.2 PCIe 4.0 | Kingston NV1 2TB M.2 PCIe 3.0 | Crucial P5 2TB M.2 PCIe 3.0 | EVGA 1600W T2
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 01:05:21
ahmadkeam Please use my Associate Code at your checkouts for up to 10% discounts on all your EVGA purchases: W8C0E181534O0ZT
def not gona use yours
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 01:20:46
Since the queues opened for the ti series, I wonder if EVGA is still going to work on the other cards (the ones that people been in line for months on) or are they just from this point on going to fill ti orders?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 01:23:09
Beasthunt It's incredible that the 3080 hybrids haven't moved at all it seems. Being a 1440p gamer that card is perfect for me. I'm hoping I don't have to go with the 3080 Ti instead.
Is EVGA just eventually going to cancel the queue so it doesn't have to cover the grandfathered in import fees? I mean almost 7 months and no movement is suspicious.
EVGA will eventually honor these queues but again with 3080 Ti now it will be even harder, think about it that way, how many users got served since last Sep and still the production isn't sufficient to meet the demand, many factors came in together in a timing that can't be worst, C19 hitting us, Mining and Scalpers. nVidia is taking a chunk of the scalpers market by selling a GPU that no one asked for, it tops 3080 with 10% max performance and extra 500+USDs, from NVIDIA POV it's more $$$ to invest in Ti now not the amazing one of a kind 3080... Shame on them but this is the current reality :/ I trust EVGA and their queue, I signed up for my older card FTW3 Ultra 2nd day of the release and had my notification 136 days later, was totally worth the wait, wish us all the best.
wonder why NIVIDIA picks this time to release the ti cards, especially since there's a backlog on current cards. Bad timing I thing for NVIDIA. production is not meeting supply.
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 02:14:41
Anyone have any tips with how to deal with the site crashing on release? Do you just keep pressing "refresh" with fingers crossed?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 02:36:15
Beasthunt It's incredible that the 3080 hybrids haven't moved at all it seems. Being a 1440p gamer that card is perfect for me. I'm hoping I don't have to go with the 3080 Ti instead.
Is EVGA just eventually going to cancel the queue so it doesn't have to cover the grandfathered in import fees? I mean almost 7 months and no movement is suspicious.
EVGA will eventually honor these queues but again with 3080 Ti now it will be even harder, think about it that way, how many users got served since last Sep and still the production isn't sufficient to meet the demand, many factors came in together in a timing that can't be worst, C19 hitting us, Mining and Scalpers. nVidia is taking a chunk of the scalpers market by selling a GPU that no one asked for, it tops 3080 with 10% max performance and extra 500+USDs, from NVIDIA POV it's more $$$ to invest in Ti now not the amazing one of a kind 3080... Shame on them but this is the current reality :/ I trust EVGA and their queue, I signed up for my older card FTW3 Ultra 2nd day of the release and had my notification 136 days later, was totally worth the wait, wish us all the best.
wonder why NIVIDIA picks this time to release the ti cards, especially since there's a backlog on current cards. Bad timing I thing for NVIDIA. production is not meeting supply.
They are making more money on the Ti than the regular one and no need to pump the performance THAT high, they add 10% for more 500+USDs, there is more cash there than 3080.
08G-P5-3667-KL 12/28/2020 9:40:57 PM PTN No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 02:43:51
Its my Birthday today. 65 years old and still like playing games. Crysis Re-Mastered at the moment. Had to buy a Gigabyte 1080ti Extreme Edition as i have waited patiently but to no avail. So today i checked my notification and guess what. Yep there it is . NOTHING NADA. NOWT. So my wait continues.   08G-P5-3663-KR 2/22/2021 1:39:20 AM PT No 08G-P5-3767-KR 2/21/2021 12:23:19 AM PT No 08G-P5-3667-KR 2/21/2021 12:04:18 AM PT No
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:17:05
Hi, I have got 3080 ti founder edition.(Europe). So i will remove the notification.
Is there any hybrid cooler compatible with 3080 ti?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:29:06
Ha, I bet I will have to wait for months to get a card with my late queue
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:40:31
Beasthunt It's incredible that the 3080 hybrids haven't moved at all it seems. Being a 1440p gamer that card is perfect for me. I'm hoping I don't have to go with the 3080 Ti instead.
Is EVGA just eventually going to cancel the queue so it doesn't have to cover the grandfathered in import fees? I mean almost 7 months and no movement is suspicious.
EVGA will eventually honor these queues but again with 3080 Ti now it will be even harder, think about it that way, how many users got served since last Sep and still the production isn't sufficient to meet the demand, many factors came in together in a timing that can't be worst, C19 hitting us, Mining and Scalpers. nVidia is taking a chunk of the scalpers market by selling a GPU that no one asked for, it tops 3080 with 10% max performance and extra 500+USDs, from NVIDIA POV it's more $$$ to invest in Ti now not the amazing one of a kind 3080... Shame on them but this is the current reality :/ I trust EVGA and their queue, I signed up for my older card FTW3 Ultra 2nd day of the release and had my notification 136 days later, was totally worth the wait, wish us all the best.
wonder why NIVIDIA picks this time to release the ti cards, especially since there's a backlog on current cards. Bad timing I thing for NVIDIA. production is not meeting supply.
They are making more money on the Ti than the regular one and no need to pump the performance THAT high, they add 10% for more 500+USDs, there is more cash there than 3080.
"cut the middle man and make the money" Nvidia
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:43:01
Nice I like the new AUTO-Notify System. 1000 times betetr as all other stores, where all Bots buy all crads empty for too high prices! Hope to get my 3080TI in some weeks to build by new gaming PC!
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:46:45
You can use my Associate code: BDSLXPAD3HLKXV3 for 3% off for your GPU or up to 10% off of any purchase!

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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:50:32
thokkiano Hi, I have got 3080 ti founder edition.(Europe). So i will remove the notification.
Is there any hybrid cooler compatible with 3080 ti?
.... How and where did you manage to do that?
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:51:07
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Re: New Notification Checkout Process
2021/06/06 03:55:49
Hi guys Just wanted to ask, if your an Elite Member and was able to do the Auto-Notify for the 3080ti is it assured that you will be able to get the chance to buy? Also when do we get notified that the card is ready to be purchased? Thank you all