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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/06 15:43:49
"To Flash the BIOS manually:First download the latest BIOS from our website ( ) Next create a folder in your C:\ drive called BIOS. Extract all the files in the ZIP folder to C:\BIOS (Note: just copy the files themselves and the sub-folders. Do not put the files in a folder in the BIOS folder.) Under Start->All Programs->Accessories right click on the Command Prompt icon and select "Run as administrator". Type CD\ (Enter) Type CD BIOS (Enter) Type fptwin(32/64).bat (Enter) (If 32-bit OS - fptwin32.bat , 64-bit OS - fptwin64.bat) The utility should now flash the BIOS. Press Y to flash. Once the process completes you can reboot the system and you should have the BIOS flashed. If your board has multiple BIOS', You can follow the same steps to flash the other BIOS' on the board if you desire."
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/06 16:24:00
Turns out I must have done something strange when I unzipped the flash file. I edited the bat file and removed the system shut down and added a pause after fptw64 executes and the error I was getting was that fptw64 could not be found. So I just manually executed the file from command prompt and it flashed without problem :)
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/06 21:57:13
rebelderock i switched to the correct bios, wich is bugged. No post and only FF. Requested to EVGA a new bios chip with updated bios. I hope it will do the trick.
sorry to hear that man:( you can solve it if you have a SB-e cpu i think! BlueJay37 If this is all a big misunderstanding I don't know why EVGA doesn't just make a "Jacob already said this is as intended. The voltage spike by itself will not damage your processor" post. and silence can be an answer
post edited by nachtfalke00 - 2013/10/06 22:01:51
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/07 10:00:24
Still waiting for detailed answer. Thanks.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/07 17:03:00
I got this reply back from Jacob earlier when asking for more detail about this: Much of the specifics are unfortunately under NDA, but I can say that there should be no adverse effects to the CPU. Secondly for anyone with concerns we are considering to make it optional in the future (But default on). Other boards have this same function as well (example ASUS)
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/07 17:40:47
Under NDA?! Why though?
I would have thought all features would be detail for the customers now. I don't understand how EVGA wants to keep it under wraps after the motherboard is already released. I'm not liking this policy. My guess is because the Z87 hasn't being released yet.
Anyways, I got most of my stuff to start building my X79 now. I think I'll keep the default bios until EVGA actually produces one that is quality, bugs fixed, and has all the latest ROMs.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/07 18:03:26
Luigi408My guess is because the Z87 hasn't being released yet. Z87 boards have been available since Haswell was released over 4 months ago.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/07 19:48:25
Luigi408My guess is because the Z87 hasn't being released yet. Z87 boards have been available since Haswell was released over 4 months ago.
Lol oops. Hmmm... Why so much secrecy then? Seems weird. I'd like to get as much info of my PC parts as I can to make a decision to buy it or not. I wonder what they are hiding about the board
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/07 21:10:20
I notice you do this testing with your OCP disabled. (auto is default). Have you ever tested for these "voltage spikes" with OCP at the default (auto) setting??
tried all settings what a normal user can do... "spiky feature " persist. Much of the specifics are unfortunately under NDA, but I can say that there should be no adverse effects to the CPU. Secondly for anyone with concerns we are considering to make it optional in the future (But default on). Other boards have this same function as well (example ASUS) Sorry Jacob , but you lie....ASUS board haven´t this wonder spikey mikey pikey feature ..or whatever you call a issue ..feature. if you want a video with asus Z87 and X79 board i make special for you and evga team .. or just inform the asus team about what do i said already, no? . I wonder what they are hiding about the board
for obvious reasons,is not clear? now hint us with info under NDA ...for a board already relased=)))))) Jacob Please said in public : "but I can say that there should be no adverse effects to the CPU" "should be no "--hmmm intresting need inform Intel about this and then ASUS ...because Jacob form evga already tested one ...and has spikes feature too=)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) evga = a brand with no future and I will never in my life buy EVGA again, need selling my board , because I realized that there will be no improvement ..and i can´t used the board in this condition, seems like "new evga team" it´s same old team undercover . Jacob ,you are from the old team, right?? is just a matter of time like the previous evga x79 line, when forums explode all kind of issue with Dark , already x79 motherboard thread is full of complain but evga team should see them als FEEDBACK´s
post edited by nachtfalke00 - 2013/10/07 21:42:40
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/07 23:42:00
So, here's where we currently stand with this voltage spike issue that was introduced in BIOS revision 2.04 and is still happening in revision 2.05... - When power is initially applied to the motherboard during its first power on, the VCore can spike as high as 1.683V as read by a DMM (with a VCore BIOS setting of 1.400V) (source | video)
- We are being told:
- This only happens when the multiplier is set above 41x (source | source)
- This is a feature/optimization taken from other Z87 motherboard BIOS microcode (EVGA says Asus boards have this as well) (source) [Yet, no one that has the tools to measure this has found another motherboard that comes with this "feature"]
- The spike in voltage should cause no harm to the CPU (source) [Keyword: Should]
- The details cannot be revealed because there is an NDA in place (for the BIOS microcode?) (source)
When this "feature" was uncovered it also reminded me of other posts I had read where people were having trouble reaching > 40x multiplier with BIOS 2.04, but all was well with 2.02 ( source). Coincidence? Could be, since the OP of that thread claimed a brand new PSU seemed to fix the issue, but I find it extremely odd that BIOS revision 2.02 didn't exhibit the unintended behavior with their original PSU. /shrug I think we would all love to hear a detailed explanation of what this "feature" is called and what it's used for.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/08 00:54:14
Nda or not we want this feature to be enabled or disabled at user's choice!
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/09 17:20:10
I just want to contribute my own findings with bios 2.04. CPU 4.5 ghz vCore 1.33 Here is the voltage spike: Here are some measurements: set idle idle burn burn measured ELEET measured ELEET CPU @ 4.4 ghz vCORE 1.3 1.303 1.355 1.389 PLL 1.789 1.789 VCCIO 1.1 1.056 1.065 VSA 1.024 1.037 VDIMM L 1.65 1.622 1.623 VDIMM R 1.65 1.626 1.626 CPU @ 4.5 ghz vCORE 1.33 1.334 1.36 1.388 1.411 PLL 1.789 (1.823 in hard.mon.) 1.789 VCCIO 1.1 1.056 1.063 VSA 1.024 1.032 VDIMM L 1.65 1.622 1.623 VDIMM R 1.65 1.626 1.626 Clearly, ELEET, overestimates the voltage on my board. The bios section of hardware monitor also overestimates. Also, there is a significant voltage spike, but I do not know how 'real' it is. I am not a hardware engineer, but the voltage we are measuring is BEFORE the chip. The actual voltage the cpu 'sees' might be different. Why? Well, remember the traces from the measuring point to the cpu add resistance. And then from the pins to the cpu proper the 'wires get mighty thin'. And then when you are on the silicon, it's a whole 'nother world. Unless I can get a microprobe (one of those things IBM makes by stacking one atom at a time) diectly onto the bare silicon, I'll never really know what my cpu sees. But then again, Intel calibrates their CPUs to measured voltage so one might ask ' Where do they measure'? Then there is the question of the meter. How does it measure voltage and do transients cause aberrant readings. My video shows transients up to 3.3 volts, then 1.9, then 1.5, then 1.339. The 3 volt reading might be real. Just before it's 3.3 v, I see a 191 mV reading. So it's not a spurious event. It's quite reproducible. I must have rebooted this machine 200x in 2 weeks. To think my cpu is hitting 3 volts every time concerns me. Truth is, I NEVER measured this before-it might be a common even. Just for fun, I checked ALL the other voltages at boot. VSA, PLL,vDIMM. They all spike all over the place. Even with bios 2.02, I get spikes. Here is the video of that: to 2.5v BTW, there are never any spikes when I restart. Only w cold boots. And yes I have experienced most problems reported by others on this board. Reboot loops. Dropping USB3 ports. Hangs at b7. Hangs at Marvell driver load w error A2. Interestingly, these problems usually crop up when I switch from one bios to another. I think the voltage settings from the 'previous' boot are retained somewhere in the CMOS and not stored in each bios. There may be three bioses, but are there three CMOSes? That's why I think I find fewer problems when I clear the cmos after I switch bioses. Anyways, has ANY other board EVER had cold-switchable bioses? Most of the problems I have seen, I worked through by raising voltages. Truthfully, we dont really know what's going on in the bios. Know that ELEET over measures and the real voltages are usually lower. When you think about it, the board has to boot somehow. If you cannot dial in the voltages BEFORE you press the ON button, then how will it know what to do? We know from experience that we can destabilize a board by changing CPU and memory clocks. The bios wizards have to guestimate some numbers to get the board to boot with unknown hardware. The only thing that bothers me is that it crashes on resume from standby-in a reproducible manner. Right now I have a scheduled task to shut it off when idle.
post edited by bwanaaa - 2013/10/09 17:58:41
EVGA Dark Intel i7 4930k EVGA GTC 780 SC ACX Corsair cmd32gx3m4a 1866 c9 1.6v 32g Samsung 256 840pro WD Black 2 gig LG Bluray Seasonic Platinum 1000 Corsair H110 Nanoxia DS-1 BIOS 2.07 Win7Pro 4.6 ghz @ 1.36v PLL on vDroop off Pics:
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/10 11:30:04
Luigi408My guess is because the Z87 hasn't being released yet. Z87 boards have been available since Haswell was released over 4 months ago.
It's got nothing to do with the Z87 chipset, it has to do with EVGA's own Z87 boards.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/13 18:46:21
Obviously this must be the issue I was having with 40+ multiplier and a Seasonic X1250 PSU. Also most likely the problem with the Corsair 860i PSU's also. I RMA'D the PSU but it seems that the real issue is who ever writes the bios for this board needs a bit more education in what they do. I see a lot of my thoughts reflected in this thread IE Evga fixes 1 thing in the bios and breaks another or 2.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/14 01:58:01
bdary If you have the ZIP folder with revision 2.02, then you can reflash to that revision. My suggestion is this, boot into Windows, then go move the bios selector switch to the position (1,2, or 3) you want to flash to. Then run the flash tool as instructed on the OP. If you plan to re-flash to the same bios chip you booted on, make sure you loaded the bios default settings prior to flashing.
Oooh, I was wondering how to do this! Finding concrete info on how to flash a different BIOS chip than the one you're currently using has been harder to find than I expected :) Does this voltage spike issue only really affect you if you're overclocking? What about if you're still running stock clocks? I just got my X79 Dark and installed a 4930k CPU so I was looking into updating the BIOS to the latest version (as recommended by EVGA) - then I found this thread! I'm more than a little concerned... If it could damage my CPU even at stock speeds, I'll just stay on v2.02 until I hear something official or (hopefully) see a v2.06 released!
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/14 07:27:25
bdary If you have the ZIP folder with revision 2.02, then you can reflash to that revision. My suggestion is this, boot into Windows, then go move the bios selector switch to the position (1,2, or 3) you want to flash to. Then run the flash tool as instructed on the OP. If you plan to re-flash to the same bios chip you booted on, make sure you loaded the bios default settings prior to flashing.
Oooh, I was wondering how to do this! Finding concrete info on how to flash a different BIOS chip than the one you're currently using has been harder to find than I expected :) Does this voltage spike issue only really affect you if you're overclocking? What about if you're still running stock clocks? I just got my X79 Dark and installed a 4930k CPU so I was looking into updating the BIOS to the latest version (as recommended by EVGA) - then I found this thread! I'm more than a little concerned... If it could damage my CPU even at stock speeds, I'll just stay on v2.02 until I hear something official or (hopefully) see a v2.06 released!
Hi and Welcome to the forums... I can only go by what a couple other members have stated in this thread about this "voltage spike" issue. But based on that, I have personally decided to just play it safe and stick with bios rev 2.02 until I see what 2.06 brings when released. The other day I went to do some of my own testing on this and found that my DMM isn't sensative enough for voltage under 2 volts...  Time for me to buy a new & more sensative unit.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/15 16:07:22
This spike is severe enough to overload some awalleyeguy Obviously this must be the issue I was having with 40+ multiplier and a Seasonic X1250 PSU. Also most likely the problem with the Corsair 860i PSU's also. I RMA'D the PSU but it seems that the real issue is who ever writes the bios for this board needs a bit more education in what they do. I see a lot of my thoughts reflected in this thread IE Evga fixes 1 thing in the bios and breaks another or 2.
This actually makes sense. The higher you OC it the higher the spike? That would def trip some PSU's and or their rails. To trip a 1250 would be impressive...
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/15 16:28:58
We are going to make this function optional in a future release.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/15 21:28:09
EVGA_JacobF We are going to make this function optional in a future release.
and how you call this "option" in bios? ..LN2 boost feature or something like that? anyway it is a good choice make it optional. PLEASE fix the 1.67bclk strap ...because IS NOT FUNCTIONAL on dark , tried 5 cpu´s nonextreme/extreme cooling ...nothing, is the board/bios fault. also please implement more cpu VCORE options ...if the bios team can´t calibrated the pwm voltages problem , implement more cpu vcore options ..and than can the user calibrated , but for a 400$ board , only few option at the cpu vcore is an offense for overclocking name cpu vcore [FIXED] [AUTO] [MANUALY] cpu vdroop -intel specs / OFF/ 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% /100% / 120% also please check the cpu pwm freq , because is something wrong ..the setup become very unstable if rise the pwm freq..also the heatsink of pwm is very very hot only with 1.4v in cpu during the prime95 can´t touch with hand because peel off the skin=)) is not normal for a 600A theoretical power delivery to cpu with the new power mosfet from internal rectifier IR3550M , also the pcb area to cpu even ram slots dimms is very hot because heat travels through PCB to others components. this is a feedback for evga team , please check ...if not i will make video with Fluke IR themometer ...and you will see.
post edited by nachtfalke00 - 2013/10/15 21:42:31
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/18 14:50:47
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/18 16:59:49
A-W-E-S-O-M-E ! Well done EVGA!
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/19 02:46:43
EVGA_JacobF This function is now optional in BIOS 2.07 To disable it please disable the K-Boost option.
Thanks! K-Boost-disable - i confirm that there is no anymore spikes cpu voltage bootup , all run in specs:) case closed!
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/19 10:01:51
EVGA_JacobF This function is now optional in BIOS 2.07 To disable it please disable the K-Boost option.
Thanks! K-Boost-disable - i confirm that there is no anymore spikes cpu voltage bootup , all run in specs:) case closed!
Thanks for verifying this...
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/20 16:47:15
Look at the description of this "feature" (K-Boost) in bios..... it says "use at your own risk". Meh
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/20 17:20:20
That's lawyer talk. However, if a RIVE can achieve 4.4+OC without a voltage spike why does the Dark need to?
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/20 20:46:54
I finally made it to the OS with Kboost off but I had to raise the Vcore from 1.38 to 1.40 Not sure which is the worse of the evils....
post edited by dustingg - 2013/10/21 07:38:38
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/21 04:09:41
Definitely the voltage spike!
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/21 05:58:16
It's the fear of something that you don't fully understand that keeps you in the Dark of things. Just gonna let it spike until something fantastic happens.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04
2013/10/21 08:19:26
dustingg I finally made it to the OS with Kboost off but I had to raise the Vcore from 1.38 to 1.40 Not sure which is the worse of the evils....
That seems strange to me. So far I have tested two of my OC profiles from the previous BIOS revisions, primarily 2.02. Using the same settings and voltages on 2.07, and with K-boost disabled, so far my 4.2Ghz (42x100) and my 4.5Ghz (36x125) have worked and performed the same. My Gflops while running IBT have gone up slightly using bios 2.07, but are within margin of error I'd say. My next test will my what I have in my sig. I'm just not getting why you'd need the extra Vc just to enter the OS without K-boost??
post edited by bdary - 2013/10/21 08:21:39