EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04

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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04 2013/10/21 08:26:18 (permalink)
Your running a 4 core CPU and your using the BLCK to OC right?
Yah I dunno. I'd like to turn it off and keep my current Vcore.

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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04 2013/10/21 08:36:25 (permalink)
4 core CPU, yes.  But my 4.2ghz OC is with the multi, 42x100.  No bclk OC with that one.

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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04 2014/01/28 17:11:23 (permalink)
I found a strange VRM behavior every time when the mb is turned ON , the motherboard X79 Dark gives a voltage  pulse in CPU every time when pc starts , you can see it ONLY if you monitorizing in real time the cpu voltage on DMM or SCOPE
the issue perisist ONLY with bios v2.04 and v2.05
sistem specs: evga x79 dark  bios v1.14 , 2.02 , 2.04 , 2.05 , cpu 3930k , 4x4gb tridentX 2666cl10 , vertex4 128gb ssd , PSU AX1200 , AX860i , Evga classified SR2 1200 ( antec tpq 1200 OC) , custom water loop cooler
so , what i tried:
- i tried with 3 different PSU´s ( ax1200 , evga classified SR2 -antec tpq 1200OC , and AX8601i ) -issue persist .
- i tried with 2 multimeters ( fluke 115 , voltcraft VC 270) and a Fluke 289FVF datalogger scope- issue persist
-i switch to first bios that board came v1.14 - same settings - issue is not anymore ...the cpu voltage is normal without spike
- i updated a bios rom to v2.02 - the cpu voltage is normal all perfect.
the issue is ONLY with 2.04 and 2.05 bios .. so it is 100% a bios issue .that can kill ours cpu´s without reason ...because is some going wrong with this board , remember ...every time when you turn ON the motherboard ..cpu take a lot of volts in head  for a split second almost 1,7v .
the issue persist if you rise the default voltage ...at the default bios value( stock) all is fine ...
EVGA bios team what did you done with this board??????? please fix this big problem
i have uploaded a video here:

Ok, so I have an i7 3930k... I installed the cpu and correctly installed my water block. When I turned on my pc I had no post and burning smell near cpu and mb showed "C" code. I RMAed and received my new mb and new cpu, the same ones... dark and i7 3930k, it posted and I over-clocked it a bit off the start. Not much I think it was to 4.0ghz. I installed windows, a few games, and with the over-clock and voltage up a bit my pc restart many times installing drivers and all that good stuff without a problem. The cpu was getting errors so I removed the over-clock and put it back to all default settings. I ran a quick test and it finished without any errors. So I started an 8 hour stress test to be sure that my cpu was in good working order before I tried over-clocking it again. At some point in the night my computer did an automatic restart because windows is ****ing stupid and I am guessing when it restarted my cpu was fried from the voltage jump. I tested it in many different configs in the morning and all I got was a "C" code. It was many hours later so if there was a burning smell it was gone by that point. Any advice? I am getting another RMA and I will wait to boot so I can figure this out. I never updated my bios on the prior attempts but I called EVGA and they are sending me a new bios chip that I am going to install on the MB. 
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04 2014/01/29 08:11:54 (permalink)
Sorry about your troubles bud.  This is the 1st I've read of anyone having an issue from that split second "voltage spike" at start up.  I can tell you though that a setting to disable it came with bios rev 2.07 or 2.08, I forget now.  But if you use the latest revision (2.09), it's also in there.  It's called K-boost in the BIOS.  Just disable it...

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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04 2014/01/29 18:08:40 (permalink)
The first time I tried to boot it was instantaneous and the second time I was unaware of the issue and did not update my bios, but still it shouldn't have happened. EVGA has been kind enough to provide me with 2 new v2.09 bios chips. So when I install them I will give you a shout.
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Re: EVGA X79 Dark _cpu voltage spike issue with bios v2.05/v2.04 2014/01/30 08:32:21 (permalink)
Just make sure that on your 1st boot, you go into the BIOS and disable "Kboost".  If I remember right, it's defaulted to enabled.  Best to just verify that setting if you're concerned about the voltage spike.
EVGA considers that a "feature", so it's not that they did anything wrong in their view.  Personally, I don't understand the need for it, but maybe there is depending on what you're doing with your rig...

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