EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N!

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Friday, July 28, 2017 10:27 PM (permalink)
I have an idea about why someone would buy a kingpin and use it on air. The ftw3 air cooled card runs hot for a lot of people and has throttling (among other 1080ti related) issues for a lot of people. The kingpin has a little better design to its air cooler and a different designed board. For me, if its more stable and runs a little cooler than a ftw3 air card, then i'll pay an extra $225 for it. Then if they release a hydro copper block for it I will buy that and water cool it. As far as other brands go, I don't care about what company's card does what, for what price. I buy evga, and the ftw3 is the top air card evga offers and if the kingpin does the same or a little better on air I will buy the kingpin all day long, but then again i'm the guy who puts forged pistons, steel rods, and a steel crank in his daily driver. Its like buying a 1/2 ton truck versus a 1 ton. Just driving them, they are both just trucks. However if you stress them, the 1/2 ton will break first, and can't do what the 1 ton can do.

A card built for ln2 needs ln2. The only difference i know of between the ftw3 cooler and kingpin is a little bit of copper coating and some led's.

Since you want to talk trucks and towing, let's talk trucks and towing and compare.

Consider the ftw3 is designed to run on E85 fuel. The kpe is designed to run on 93.. why would you run it on E85? You know the vehicle meant to run on o3 won't run properly on e85, but people are determined to do it because they can.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Friday, July 28, 2017 10:49 PM (permalink)
post edited by pedal92 - Sunday, July 30, 2017 0:27 PM
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Friday, July 28, 2017 10:51 PM (permalink)
post edited by pedal92 - Sunday, July 30, 2017 0:28 PM
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Friday, July 28, 2017 10:55 PM (permalink)
KPE on air. 

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Friday, July 28, 2017 11:25 PM (permalink)
Got mine today. Want to crack it open but bad reviews have me hesitant. Think I'll leave it unopened until more info comes out.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Friday, July 28, 2017 11:55 PM (permalink)
Deja Vu...

This seems to be the same case where an LN2 based card used on air is not working on air as people expected. This seems to be the 4th generation of these sort of complaints.

Contact Kingpin through the forums.kingpincooling.com website, and get his attention about the bios issues. He may be able to work through them.

As far as the air cooler.. I've got no clue why people still buy a kingpin card for any air use other than a quick test to make sure the card functions. I have been curious about this for years now, after I bought the 980 kpe and it was bad on air but fine with water. It still wasn't special on water either.

With ln2 and dice, they are great, but not worth their cost when it comes to air or water.

Jacob on the evga livesteam, earlier today talking about the kingpin cards. "built for the overclocker, and not just ln2 overclocker, but water cooling, even air cooling. It is actually the best air cooler we have put on a graphics card, even better then the ftw3"
So from what evga claims, its supposed to be the best overclocking board regardless of how you choose to cool it. That's why people buy it.
Starts talking about it at 16:30, exact quote around 16:44
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 0:05 PM (permalink)

Jacob on the evga livesteam, earlier today talking about the kingpin cards. "built for the overclocker, and not just ln2 overclocker, but water cooling, even air cooling. It is actually the best air cooler we have put on a graphics card, even better then the ftw3"
So from what evga claims, its supposed to be the best overclocking board regardless of how you choose to cool it. That's why people buy it.

Yes, but some people are expecting LN2 clocks on air and it will not make it there (simply because they do not READ how the clocks were obtained). Then claim there is something wrong because "I seen on the internet this OC and mine won't" and then the "I want the highest OC in the galaxy but I want 0db fan speeds because it's too noisy and now my temps are high".
IE: I purchased a dragster, it was too loud so i put mufflers on it...........now my ETs are slow, and the fuel economy sucks...............

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 0:14 PM (permalink)
yes. those people are simple minded. the owners who have complained so far on the forums are not those people.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 1:04 AM (permalink)
yes. those people are simple minded. the owners who have complained so far on the forums are not those people.

Yes, as far as K|P goes for now, the folks who actually know what they are purchasing BUT I can bank on it that in the future there will be threads about it. The simple fact is no one wants to read, they look at the "numbers" they find on the net. Pay no attention and buy the K|P and complain.  It is the same thing EVERY new generation of GPUs, rinse and repeat....................rinse and repeat...............Look in the thread archives......
I think it's an awesome GPU, not for me though. I wouldn't use it to it's full potential/ intended purpose of benching. I go with FTW HC or Hybrids now, already OC'd out of the box enough for me, all I have to do is install and run it. A FE with a Hybrid cooler or purchased WB comes out to about the same price anyway.....and there is the risk of me damaging it and losing the warranty.

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 2:24 AM (permalink)
Actually the engines are what run on different fuels, not the truck. The tonnage clasification on a truck are spring ratings and sizes. Axle sizes. Boxing on the frame. Tie rods and ball joints. Sway bars etc.. i know, i own a shop here. The kingpin does not run on ln2. It runs on electricity. Ln2 is used to cool it. Its just like timing in an engine. To put more timing in you have to bring cylinder temps down through the cooling system. So if a 400 hp engine makes 400hp on a conservative timing curve , but i can run it cooler and put some aggressive timing to it and make 435 hp thats good. However it still makes 400 hp on a conservative timing curve. And that is still more powerfull than a 300 hp engine.

yes.. but you completely missed my point.. E-85=Air.. 93=LN2.. no one cares about tonnage and towing in a race car. you are thinking far into it, and you should be thinking about the basics.  If your equipment is meant for "93..." would you run it on E-85?  yes or no?
Instead of 93.. would you run a top fuel dragster on 93 octane?  or would you stick to the nitro methane it is built for?  again.. 93=air, and Nitro+LN2, because no one cares about tonnage or towing in a race car. the goal is to go fast. 
Jacob on the evga livesteam, earlier today talking about the kingpin cards. "built for the overclocker, and not just ln2 overclocker, but water cooling, even air cooling. It is actually the best air cooler we have put on a graphics card, even better then the ftw3"
So from what evga claims, its supposed to be the best overclocking board regardless of how you choose to cool it. That's why people buy it.

Hopefully Jacob doesn't take offense to this, but what is Jacobs job?  Marketing.  What does marketing do?  They sell hardware.
End users post real reviews, not paid reviews, not sponsored reviews, not what the website says they should post.. they post real experiences...
So, Jacob says it is the best on air, water, and LN2?  Refer to your quote below....
Got mine today. Want to crack it open but bad reviews have me hesitant. Think I'll leave it unopened until more info comes out.

If it is the best according to Jacob, why are you waiting?  Every company.. EVERY COMPANY... claims theirs is the best.  That is their job.. Why would Jacob come out and be like, "YO!!! we have the 1080ti K|ngp|n, and it is the third best.. the Galax and Asus cards are way better, but you should buy ours because it is 3rd best for $150 more!!"  Nah... Not going to happen.  Every company markets, and Air users always out buy the Extreme Overclockers.
post edited by Scarlet-Tech - Saturday, July 29, 2017 2:28 AM
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 3:45 AM (permalink)
lol yes.. its marketing. And currently evga is marketing the kingpin card as having a better cooler then even their ftw3 card. There not comparing themselves to other companies, only to other evga products they offer.
Deja Vu...

This seems to be the same case where an LN2 based card used on air is not working on air as people expected. This seems to be the 4th generation of these sort of complaints.
As far as the air cooler.. I've got no clue why people still buy a kingpin card for any air use other than a quick test to make sure the card functions. I have been curious about this for years now, after I bought the 980 kpe and it was bad on air but fine with water. It still wasn't special on water either.

So if they market it as having the best air cooler they offer, how is it wrong to hold them to that expectation? The reason I started buying evga products is because people rave about their customer service and product quality. It seems immoral and the opposite of the principles I would expect from such a company. So even though its just "marketing" its not unreasonable to want to believe what they are claiming. So when someone complains about a product not meeting a marketed standard, it only seems fair they voice their opinion. These opinions are why I haven't opened mine. I ordered the product trusting evga, and these post sure are making me question my trust in the brand. I full well came to these forums yesterday and today expecting to find people raving about how happy they are, only to be met with disappointment, and evga associates basically saying what do you expect its "marketing." All in all, it seems a bit tasteless and its making me reconsider using evga products. Which is a bummer considering I also purchased a evga power supply and motherboard in the past 2 weeks. Its all still unopened not because I dont believe in evga, but because im still waiting on my new case (****ing caselabs)
Ah who am i kidding. Im probably gonna keep it, I dont really care if it performance doesnt blows its competators away, it still the nicest looking 1080ti hands down and its worth the price to me.
post edited by gobstoppable - Saturday, July 29, 2017 4:12 AM
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 6:39 AM (permalink)
If anyone hasn't cracked the seal on theirs and has changed their mind, I'm keen ;)
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 6:42 AM (permalink)
With ln2 and dice, they are great, but not worth their cost when it comes to air or water.

If one is willing to shell out a grand for a Kingpin video card just for gaming only then why not throw a few hundred more and get a TitanXp with a waterblock, it still is the only consumer grade card with full pascal chip after all.

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 7:10 AM (permalink)
If people can get 2025MHz, knowing full well 80% of 1080Tis of any kind can too, provided adequate airflow, they have only themselves to blame if they're disappointed they can't get 2026MHz on air. EVGA has never offered a guaranteed OC, and that's the only substantive value in the marketing material. Is such a guarantee worth $225 when it's so likely a reality for any Ti owner? If you bought this card for air use, you obviously thought so. KP mentioned the highest he'd seen on air was 2150, and was likely reprimanded for it, as in follow up interviews, he menetioned nary a clock value. Considering there are Strix-s in the wild that can hit 2100+, he probably wasn't lying. The thing is, that number was hit courtesy of Nvidia and TSMC, not EVGA and KP. Don't buy this card if you plan to keep it on air and care about value. Do what you want otherwise. It's that simple.

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 9:53 AM (permalink)
lol yes.. its marketing. And currently evga is marketing the kingpin card as having a better cooler then even their ftw3 card. There not comparing themselves to other companies, only to other evga products they offer.

So if they market it as having the best air cooler they offer, how is it wrong to hold them to that expectation? The reason I started buying evga products is because people rave about their customer service and product quality. It seems immoral and the opposite of the principles I would expect from such a company. So even though its just "marketing" its not unreasonable to want to believe what they are claiming. So when someone complains about a product not meeting a marketed standard, it only seems fair they voice their opinion. These opinions are why I haven't opened mine. I ordered the product trusting evga, and these post sure are making me question my trust in the brand. I full well came to these forums yesterday and today expecting to find people raving about how happy they are, only to be met with disappointment, and evga associates basically saying what do you expect its "marketing." All in all, it seems a bit tasteless and its making me reconsider using evga products. Which is a bummer considering I also purchased a evga power supply and motherboard in the past 2 weeks. Its all still unopened not because I dont believe in evga, but because im still waiting on my new case (****ing caselabs)

Ah who am i kidding. Im probably gonna keep it, I dont really care if it performance doesnt blows its competators away, it still the nicest looking 1080ti hands down and its worth the price to me.

It is a beautiful card! I 100% agree. Also, I am not an employee of EVGA (not sure if you thought I was, but I wanted to provide clarification just in case).

I hate to talk down on the air/water version of a card honestly.. but the kingpin is legitimately built by an ln2 overclocker for ln2 overclocking. Yes... it works on air... but air AND water are severe limiting factors. Sure, you can get more stable on water, but so is every other card.


Wait for it... Wait for it! EVGA was asking reviewers to do LN2 overclocking: https://www.kitguru.net/c...less-tested-with-ln2/. That should be another sign.  (Added a new link below, but leaving the picture below because it is funny.)
(Note, Jacob provided some clarification here: https://www.kitguru.net/components/graphic-cards/zardon/evga-us-clear-up-eu-communication-issues-on-kingpin-gtx1080-ti-card/)

post edited by Scarlet-Tech - Saturday, July 29, 2017 3:42 PM

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 12:00 AM (permalink)
I hope when Jacob Freeman gets a son he will name him as Gordon :D

But nice move from EVGA regarding with Kitguru and review

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 12:19 AM (permalink)
 Also, I am not an employee of EVGA (not sure if you thought I was, but I wanted to provide clarification just in case). 

I don't think they pay you lol, but I do think of you as having more of an association with the company then other forum members, seeing as how you moderate their forums
Sadly this hesitation isn't anything new for me. I cant buy a $20 pair of flip flops without going threw the existential crisis of, do I need these, do I like them, are they worth $20, do they fit well, how are flip flops supposed to fit, maybe there was a better option. My girlfriend refuses to go shopping with me because I'm indecisive, I just think there is too many variables lol. One moment I love it, next moment I have buyers remorse, a week later I think why did I even consider anything else lol. I have bought and returned high priced electronics, only to buy and return them again a week later because "maybe I was too critical the first time" . I know I'm a "unique" customer, and I fell in love with the kingpin series at first sight, I'm just doing my normal wishy-washy behavior. I've been searching for people happy about their purchase, I have only found 3 people who own the card so far, and all 3 are having issues (coil whine and bios) so its triggering my buyers remorse pretty hard.
Heck on the 27th evga retweeted some guy who got his card, the next day that guy posted a video of his fan making noise and the cards apparently missing screws lol. I want good news, its just not out there right now lol
If one is willing to shell out a grand for a Kingpin video card just for gaming only then why not throw a few hundred more and get a TitanXp with a waterblock, it still is the only consumer grade card with full pascal chip after all.

he makes a good point, looking at xp reviews right now lol.
post edited by gobstoppable - Saturday, July 29, 2017 12:40 AM
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 12:52 AM (permalink)
 Also, I am not an employee of EVGA (not sure if you thought I was, but I wanted to provide clarification just in case). 

I don't think they pay you lol, but I do think of you as having more of an association with the company then other forum members, seeing as how you moderate their forums
Sadly this hesitation isn't anything new for me. I cant buy a $20 pair of flip flops without going threw the existential crisis of, do I need these, do I like them, are they worth $20, do they fit well, how are flip flops supposed to fit, maybe there was a better option. My girlfriend refuses to go shopping with me because I'm indecisive, I just think there is too many variables lol. One moment I love it, next moment I have buyers remorse, a week later I think why did I even consider anything else lol. I have bought and returned high priced electronics, only to buy and return them again a week later because "maybe I was too critical the first time" . I know I'm a "unique" customer, and I fell in love with the kingpin series at first sight, I'm just doing my normal wishy-washy behavior. I've been searching for people happy about their purchase, I have only found 3 people who own the card so far, and all 3 are having issues (coil whine and bios) so its triggering my buyers remorse pretty hard.
Heck on the 27th evga retweeted some guy who got his card, the next day that guy posted a video of his fan making noise and the cards apparently missing screws lol. I want good news, its just not out there right now lol
If one is willing to shell out a grand for a Kingpin video card just for gaming only then why not throw a few hundred more and get a TitanXp with a waterblock, it still is the only consumer grade card with full pascal chip after all.

he makes a good point, looking at xp reviews right now lol.

I completely understand the association aspect. I definitely try to help around the forums, buts modtly cleaning up fowl language :-)

The titan Xp is a beautiful card. It's only limiting factor is the reference cooler, but there is a hybrid kit as well as the option for waterblocks... without waiting for them. They are already available.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 12:55 AM (permalink)
I hope when Jacob Freeman gets a son he will name him as Gordon :D

But nice move from EVGA regarding with Kitguru and review

On his Twitter bio: "Not related to Gordon, unless you count my sons middle name", so you were close 

Heck on the 27th evga retweeted some guy who got his card, the next day that guy posted a video of his fan making noise and the cards apparently missing screws lol. 

Hey, that's me! I'm famous! 

Lian Li O11D XL
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 1:08 PM (permalink)
It really is a shame, sure that there are many users enjoying their kingpin, and the few cards that have gone wrong are the ones that are being seen here. I want to see reviews already !!!!
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 1:26 PM (permalink)
It really is a shame, sure that there are many users enjoying their kingpin, and the few cards that have gone wrong are the ones that are being seen here. I want to see reviews already !!!!

Well in my case, I'm sure it would be just a simple fix and likely does not represent all the cards so take those complaints out of the cons below and you'll have a solid review. It's been said that the BIOS should be resolved via a firmware update at some point, and even with the iffy BIOS, I could still get it to sit at 2062 on air easily, and that's just where I stopped when I noticed the fans.

I'm sure I could easily get it higher with some better tweaking, especially once the BIOS is updated and I can modify the voltage a little. So for what little amount I did use the card, I enjoyed it. I do wish that the waterblock was included in the price considering, as some have repeatedly stated, the card does not run optimally on air and the blocks likely won't be released for a couple months. Hell, even the EVGA support rep I spoke to yesterday was adamant that they were not releasing any waterblocks and I had to convince him like "cmon man, just watch the video, Jacob flat out says they will be released in the coming months". But I digress. 

-Indeed minimum of 2025 OC on air.
-Managed 2062 stable before I noticed the fans and stopped using the card, so it may even be able to reach higher. 
-Beautiful design
-Ample cooling even just on air, card didn't go above 65°C throughout benchmarks and stress tests.

-Most expensive 1080 Ti on the market by a couple hundred USD.
-No waterblock included in that price, nor available at release.
-BIOS issues, unable to properly adjust voltage, therefore unable to properly test OC.
-Fan issues, only a couple of us have observed this, and I'm not sure if the others have noticed any of their screws missing, so this may be isolated just to myself.

Lian Li O11D XL
Gigabyte Z490 AORUS Master
i5-10600K @ 4.9GHz
3090 FTW3 Ultra (HydroCopper Coming Soon™)
32GB G.Skill TridentZ RGB DDR4 @3600
Corsair MP600 2TB M.2

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 1:41 PM (permalink)
The titan Xp is a beautiful card. It's only limiting factor is the reference cooler, but there is a hybrid kit as well as the option for waterblocks... without waiting for them. They are already available.

I know right.. I mean I was going to get the waterblock for the kingpin when it came out, which would mean the card could lose much of its aesthetic appeal. After reading this review on hexus and seeing how well it overclocks even with its terrible reference cooler, really has me interested, that thing is the king of pascal on water. But then again, not sure its worth it after reading the gamernexus review, and seeing their hybrid gaming benchmarks im not sure its worth it. 
It really is a shame, sure that there are many users enjoying their kingpin, and the few cards that have gone wrong are the ones that are being seen here. I want to see reviews already !!!!

I know right, its the same for most customer reviews. People who are having a bad experience are understandable express themselves, while happy content people never say a peep lol. I was hoping with this being such an enthusiast card there would be more people showing what their card can do. 
I can wait and see, I'm in no rush. Still waiting on caselabs to ship my case... When I ordered the site said it would be 3-4 weeks processing. Its been 8 weeks and my order hasn't budged, still "awaiting fulfillment." Apparently they have had some manufacturing issues and are behind on orders, should ship in the next 2 weeks. Well see 
Well in my case, I'm sure it would be just a simple fix and likely does not represent all the cards so take those complaints out of the cons below and you'll have a solid review. It's been said that the BIOS should be resolved via a firmware update at some point, and even with the iffy BIOS, I could still get it to sit at 2062 on air easily, and that's just where I stopped when I noticed the fans. 

I'm sure I could easily get it higher with some better tweaking, especially once the BIOS is updated and I can modify the voltage a little. So for what little amount I did use the card, I enjoyed it. I do wish that the waterblock was included in the price considering, as some have repeatedly stated, the card does not run optimally on air and the blocks likely won't be released for a couple months. Hell, even the EVGA support rep I spoke to yesterday was adamant that they were not releasing any waterblocks and I had to convince him like "cmon man, just watch the video, Jacob flat out says they will be released in the coming months". But I digress. 

-Indeed minimum of 2025 OC on air. 
-Managed 2062 stable before I noticed the fans and stopped using the card, so it may even be able to reach higher. 
-Beautiful design
-Ample cooling even just on air, card didn't go above 65°C throughout benchmarks and stress tests.

-Most expensive 1080 Ti on the market by a couple hundred USD.
-No waterblock included in that price, nor available at release.
-BIOS issues, unable to properly adjust voltage, therefore unable to properly test OC.
-Fan issues, only a couple of us have observed this, and I'm not sure if the others have noticed any of their screws missing, so this may be isolated just to myself.

Well damn, that is a good review in my opinion. Fan issues are no big deal and can be rma-ed, the performance is what im looking for, and with those performance results right there I would be a happy camper.  Especially if the bios issues can be fixed and performance has more headroom afterwards
post edited by gobstoppable - Saturday, July 29, 2017 2:09 PM
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 2:46 PM (permalink)
Alright just got caught up on all the posts. I just wanted to say that After installing I could not use the Mini Display port to Display port adapter on a Asus Rog Swift monitor. I had to purchase a solid cable that was a mDP to DP port cable. Afterwords no issue. Just in case someone is having an issue. I am beginning my tests right now btw. SO far I am really impressed with the card! It sure looks great and I cannot wait for a waterblock
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 3:15 PM (permalink)
Here was the original KitGuru article, which I will add to my post above: https://www.kitguru.net/c...nless-tested-with-ln2/

It is good that EVGA is requiring the standard review sites to agree to LN2 benchmarks. I don't care what air users think about this tactic, the card is especially built for Ln2, and should be reviewed as an ln2 card.. yes, reviewing it on air is fine and dandy.. but it is just a 1080ti on air, and there is nothing overly special about air in this case. Rearranged heat pipes and a little copper don't change enough. Freezing cold temps change everything.
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 3:55 PM (permalink)
Hmm, wont the Maxwell 2 history repeat itself? :/. Not sure, but by 980Ti's were all graphic cards bottlenecked by the chip. And since I had already 4 GTX 1080 Ti, all of them "high end" [Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080 Ti, Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti WaterForce Xtreme, MSi GTX 1080 Ti Lightning Z and now I'm on EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3], and all were +- same way overclockable, is there a real "real" possibility of achieving e.g. 2150 - 2200 MHz on chip, and 12500 - 13000 MHz on memory? With full body waterblock of course. I wasn't able to get past 2100 MHz stable on any of the 1080Ti + didn't get memory beyond 12500 MHz. That's why I ask.

[my actual baby is running on 2050 - 2080 MHz, depending on a game title and mem is 12 000 MHz].

mobo: EVGA Z690 DARK K|NGP|N, 121-AL-E699-KR | bios: 1.14 | cpu: Intel® Core™ i9-12900T Processor | vga:  Nvidia GeForce RTX™ 3090 Ti Founders Edition | ram:  DOMINATOR® PLATINUM RGB 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5 DRAM 6600MHz C32 Memory Kit — Black [SKU CMT32GX5M2X6600C32] | nvme ssd: Samsung 980 PRO NVMe™ M.2 SSD 1 TB & Samsung 980 PRO NVMe™ M.2 SSD 2 TB  | psu:  Asus ROG THOR 1000P2 GAMING cooler: Asus ROG RYUJIN II 360  | monitor #1: 31.5'' 4K OLED Display with Pixel Dimming and 1M : 1 Contrast Ratio [32EP950-B] | monitor #2: LG Ergo 27UN880 | mouse: Logitech Master 3S | keyboard: Logitech MX Mechanical + MX Palm Rest
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 4:46 PM (permalink)
Hmm, wont the Maxwell 2 history repeat itself? :/. Not sure, but by 980Ti's were all graphic cards bottlenecked by the chip. And since I had already 4 GTX 1080 Ti, all of them "high end" [Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080 Ti, Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti WaterForce Xtreme, MSi GTX 1080 Ti Lightning Z and now I'm on EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3], and all were +- same way overclockable, is there a real "real" possibility of achieving e.g. 2150 - 2200 MHz on chip, and 12500 - 13000 MHz on memory? With full body waterblock of course. I wasn't able to get past 2100 MHz stable on any of the 1080Ti + didn't get memory beyond 12500 MHz. That's why I ask.

[my actual baby is running on 2050 - 2080 MHz, depending on a game title and mem is 12 000 MHz].

It is "possible" if you win the lottery.
Is it probable? No.
2150-2200 on 1080 Pascal is way above average. 2200+ is golden chip territory, I have seen maybe 4-5 reported cases of that and only 2 of those were 2300.

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 5:32 PM (permalink)
Hmm, wont the Maxwell 2 history repeat itself? :/. Not sure, but by 980Ti's were all graphic cards bottlenecked by the chip. And since I had already 4 GTX 1080 Ti, all of them "high end" [Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080 Ti, Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti WaterForce Xtreme, MSi GTX 1080 Ti Lightning Z and now I'm on EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3], and all were +- same way overclockable, is there a real "real" possibility of achieving e.g. 2150 - 2200 MHz on chip, and 12500 - 13000 MHz on memory? With full body waterblock of course. I wasn't able to get past 2100 MHz stable on any of the 1080Ti + didn't get memory beyond 12500 MHz. That's why I ask.

[my actual baby is running on 2050 - 2080 MHz, depending on a game title and mem is 12 000 MHz].

It is "possible" if you win the lottery.
Is it probable? No.
2150-2200 on 1080 Pascal is way above average. 2200+ is golden chip territory, I have seen maybe 4-5 reported cases of that and only 2 of those were 2300.

Thank You for Your reply @DSP1. So if I understand this correctly, the general difference between Founders Edition vs. Lightning X, K1NGP1N, Matrix, HOF, is VRM configuration, thermal sensors, better after market cooler, but the chip [besides EVGAs prebinned high ASiC chips] is nada?

So all in all, FE + fullbody waterblock + small handmade AiO [120/140mm rad [30-40mm], waterpump with reservoir on the top of it and mentioned waterblock] makes more sense, than all the others?

To my current understanding, 6+2 vs 14+2 and more extreme, 16+3 etc. VRM configured graphics card should/could have higher memory/gpu clocks. But they don't, like for the past 3 generations they don't [from my own experience, not the reviews/forums]. Is there at least a some active principle of getting a better chip prebinned with high end 1080Ti, compared to FE? Or is it all just a lottery?
post edited by uplink_svk - Saturday, July 29, 2017 5:35 PM

mobo: EVGA Z690 DARK K|NGP|N, 121-AL-E699-KR | bios: 1.14 | cpu: Intel® Core™ i9-12900T Processor | vga:  Nvidia GeForce RTX™ 3090 Ti Founders Edition | ram:  DOMINATOR® PLATINUM RGB 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5 DRAM 6600MHz C32 Memory Kit — Black [SKU CMT32GX5M2X6600C32] | nvme ssd: Samsung 980 PRO NVMe™ M.2 SSD 1 TB & Samsung 980 PRO NVMe™ M.2 SSD 2 TB  | psu:  Asus ROG THOR 1000P2 GAMING cooler: Asus ROG RYUJIN II 360  | monitor #1: 31.5'' 4K OLED Display with Pixel Dimming and 1M : 1 Contrast Ratio [32EP950-B] | monitor #2: LG Ergo 27UN880 | mouse: Logitech Master 3S | keyboard: Logitech MX Mechanical + MX Palm Rest
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 8:50 PM (permalink)
Hmm, wont the Maxwell 2 history repeat itself? :/. Not sure, but by 980Ti's were all graphic cards bottlenecked by the chip. And since I had already 4 GTX 1080 Ti, all of them "high end" [Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080 Ti, Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti WaterForce Xtreme, MSi GTX 1080 Ti Lightning Z and now I'm on EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3], and all were +- same way overclockable, is there a real "real" possibility of achieving e.g. 2150 - 2200 MHz on chip, and 12500 - 13000 MHz on memory? With full body waterblock of course. I wasn't able to get past 2100 MHz stable on any of the 1080Ti + didn't get memory beyond 12500 MHz. That's why I ask.

[my actual baby is running on 2050 - 2080 MHz, depending on a game title and mem is 12 000 MHz].

It is "possible" if you win the lottery.
Is it probable? No.
2150-2200 on 1080 Pascal is way above average. 2200+ is golden chip territory, I have seen maybe 4-5 reported cases of that and only 2 of those were 2300.

Thank You for Your reply @DSP1. So if I understand this correctly, the general difference between Founders Edition vs. Lightning X, K1NGP1N, Matrix, HOF, is VRM configuration, thermal sensors, better after market cooler, but the chip [besides EVGAs prebinned high ASiC chips] is nada?

So all in all, FE + fullbody waterblock + small handmade AiO [120/140mm rad [30-40mm], waterpump with reservoir on the top of it and mentioned waterblock] makes more sense, than all the others?

To my current understanding, 6+2 vs 14+2 and more extreme, 16+3 etc. VRM configured graphics card should/could have higher memory/gpu clocks. But they don't, like for the past 3 generations they don't [from my own experience, not the reviews/forums]. Is there at least a some active principle of getting a better chip prebinned with high end 1080Ti, compared to FE? Or is it all just a lottery?

It is hard for me to really give you a bottom line answer here. It really depends on what you want out of your card. How do YOU measure performance? Is it clock speed? Is it benchmark score and if so which bench? Or is it FPS while gaming, and at what resolutions? There are just so many variables to take into consideration. The one thing I have noticed though through a years worth of forum reading about 1080 Pascal is though that all types, regardless of maker or model generally clock following the same pattern. And the most important factor in any of their performance, no matter how it is being measured, is keeping them cool. Which means putting them under water at the very least and using a chiller if you can, or for the KPE LN2. But essentially clock speed still boils down to the lottery.
Additionally you must balance it out according to your budget. What are you willing to pay for any modest increase in performance between say a Lightning Z or FTW 3 Ti or KPE?
Best advice is to do your research and look at what others are reporting for their models. Check OC sites and read the posted results.
Then get what is going to make you happy. You are the one that is going to have to live with it on a daily basis.

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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 9:03 PM (permalink)
Hmm, wont the Maxwell 2 history repeat itself? :/. Not sure, but by 980Ti's were all graphic cards bottlenecked by the chip. And since I had already 4 GTX 1080 Ti, all of them "high end" [Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080 Ti, Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti WaterForce Xtreme, MSi GTX 1080 Ti Lightning Z and now I'm on EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3], and all were +- same way overclockable, is there a real "real" possibility of achieving e.g. 2150 - 2200 MHz on chip, and 12500 - 13000 MHz on memory? With full body waterblock of course. I wasn't able to get past 2100 MHz stable on any of the 1080Ti + didn't get memory beyond 12500 MHz. That's why I ask.

[my actual baby is running on 2050 - 2080 MHz, depending on a game title and mem is 12 000 MHz].

It is "possible" if you win the lottery.
Is it probable? No.
2150-2200 on 1080 Pascal is way above average. 2200+ is golden chip territory, I have seen maybe 4-5 reported cases of that and only 2 of those were 2300.

Thank You for Your reply @DSP1. So if I understand this correctly, the general difference between Founders Edition vs. Lightning X, K1NGP1N, Matrix, HOF, is VRM configuration, thermal sensors, better after market cooler, but the chip [besides EVGAs prebinned high ASiC chips] is nada?

So all in all, FE + fullbody waterblock + small handmade AiO [120/140mm rad [30-40mm], waterpump with reservoir on the top of it and mentioned waterblock] makes more sense, than all the others?

To my current understanding, 6+2 vs 14+2 and more extreme, 16+3 etc. VRM configured graphics card should/could have higher memory/gpu clocks. But they don't, like for the past 3 generations they don't [from my own experience, not the reviews/forums]. Is there at least a some active principle of getting a better chip prebinned with high end 1080Ti, compared to FE? Or is it all just a lottery?

It is hard for me to really give you a bottom line answer here. It really depends on what you want out of your card. How do YOU measure performance? Is it clock speed? Is it benchmark score and if so which bench? Or is it FPS while gaming, and at what resolutions? There are just so many variables to take into consideration. The one thing I have noticed though through a years worth of forum reading about 1080 Pascal is though that all types, regardless of maker or model generally clock following the same pattern. And the most important factor in any of their performance, no matter how it is being measured, is keeping them cool. Which means putting them under water at the very least and using a chiller if you can, or for the KPE LN2. But essentially clock speed still boils down to the lottery.
Additionally you must balance it out according to your budget. What are you willing to pay for any modest increase in performance between say a Lightning Z or FTW 3 Ti or KPE?
Best advice is to do your research and look at what others are reporting for their models. Check OC sites and read the posted results.
Then get what is going to make you happy. You are the one that is going to have to live with it on a daily basis.

In general, what I want is the best card out on the market, but not pay +500e just for the looks. I like the looks, yes. I'm super happy with FTW3, it's the most gorgeous of them all. MSi Light. Z was too fat, I needed that PCi-e port, Asus was also too fat, GA was ideal, but had them ugly orange accents, which I could do some fast work with black spray on them, but the pump was like HYPER noisy. Tbh. I'm waiting for the GTX 1080Ti Hybrid FTW3, but I have to see her first in action.

My TOP priority is sub 55°C temps on every part of the VGA [VRM/FETs, GPU and VRAM], silence, as massive as possible. This one pretty much rules out all Hybrid/prebuild water AiO solutions, because besides one MSi I've had in the past [SeaHawk X], all were noisy. Never had EVGA though, on Hybrid, so will give it a shot. A the last but not least, mid to high rim performance. I'd like to have the 2100-2150 MHz piece [who wouldn't], but I didn't, even on GA pseudo-full body waterblock.

So yeah, I can pay up to 1k let's say, but the problem remains still the same, I want too many features all at once. Silence, as little heat as possible and high performance. So I'm not really sure whether there'll be a card that'll pack em all.

If EK MLC [ex Predator] will bring some competitive solution for 120/140 "AiO", with pump and res. stuck together, I think I just might have a shot with QDC and waterblock versions of cards [HydroCopper, SeaHawk X EK, WaterForce WB, Poseidon [I really like Poseidon, but I don't like Asus anymore, like for a long time], Arctic Storm and other brands. Personally, I'd like to have as much as possible from EVGA, but. The EVGA AiOs are so cheap, both by design, quality and heat dissipation capability. Thus I use BeQuiet! and used EK XLC Predator 360 b4. Though, I'm gonna go after X299 FTW K, for almost 100%. Maybe some classified if/when it comes out. And I totally love the FTW design on EVGA VGAs + the dealbreaker for me is You. Not You literally, but forums, support, etc. It works, not like by other companies.

So that's my requirements, in short [long].

mobo: EVGA Z690 DARK K|NGP|N, 121-AL-E699-KR | bios: 1.14 | cpu: Intel® Core™ i9-12900T Processor | vga:  Nvidia GeForce RTX™ 3090 Ti Founders Edition | ram:  DOMINATOR® PLATINUM RGB 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5 DRAM 6600MHz C32 Memory Kit — Black [SKU CMT32GX5M2X6600C32] | nvme ssd: Samsung 980 PRO NVMe™ M.2 SSD 1 TB & Samsung 980 PRO NVMe™ M.2 SSD 2 TB  | psu:  Asus ROG THOR 1000P2 GAMING cooler: Asus ROG RYUJIN II 360  | monitor #1: 31.5'' 4K OLED Display with Pixel Dimming and 1M : 1 Contrast Ratio [32EP950-B] | monitor #2: LG Ergo 27UN880 | mouse: Logitech Master 3S | keyboard: Logitech MX Mechanical + MX Palm Rest
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Re: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti K|NGP|N! Saturday, July 29, 2017 9:25 PM (permalink)
Hmm, wont the Maxwell 2 history repeat itself? :/. Not sure, but by 980Ti's were all graphic cards bottlenecked by the chip. And since I had already 4 GTX 1080 Ti, all of them "high end" [Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080 Ti, Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti WaterForce Xtreme, MSi GTX 1080 Ti Lightning Z and now I'm on EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3], and all were +- same way overclockable, is there a real "real" possibility of achieving e.g. 2150 - 2200 MHz on chip, and 12500 - 13000 MHz on memory? With full body waterblock of course. I wasn't able to get past 2100 MHz stable on any of the 1080Ti + didn't get memory beyond 12500 MHz. That's why I ask.

[my actual baby is running on 2050 - 2080 MHz, depending on a game title and mem is 12 000 MHz].

It is "possible" if you win the lottery.
Is it probable? No.
2150-2200 on 1080 Pascal is way above average. 2200+ is golden chip territory, I have seen maybe 4-5 reported cases of that and only 2 of those were 2300.

Thank You for Your reply @DSP1. So if I understand this correctly, the general difference between Founders Edition vs. Lightning X, K1NGP1N, Matrix, HOF, is VRM configuration, thermal sensors, better after market cooler, but the chip [besides EVGAs prebinned high ASiC chips] is nada?

So all in all, FE + fullbody waterblock + small handmade AiO [120/140mm rad [30-40mm], waterpump with reservoir on the top of it and mentioned waterblock] makes more sense, than all the others?

To my current understanding, 6+2 vs 14+2 and more extreme, 16+3 etc. VRM configured graphics card should/could have higher memory/gpu clocks. But they don't, like for the past 3 generations they don't [from my own experience, not the reviews/forums]. Is there at least a some active principle of getting a better chip prebinned with high end 1080Ti, compared to FE? Or is it all just a lottery?

It is hard for me to really give you a bottom line answer here. It really depends on what you want out of your card. How do YOU measure performance? Is it clock speed? Is it benchmark score and if so which bench? Or is it FPS while gaming, and at what resolutions? There are just so many variables to take into consideration. The one thing I have noticed though through a years worth of forum reading about 1080 Pascal is though that all types, regardless of maker or model generally clock following the same pattern. And the most important factor in any of their performance, no matter how it is being measured, is keeping them cool. Which means putting them under water at the very least and using a chiller if you can, or for the KPE LN2. But essentially clock speed still boils down to the lottery.
Additionally you must balance it out according to your budget. What are you willing to pay for any modest increase in performance between say a Lightning Z or FTW 3 Ti or KPE?
Best advice is to do your research and look at what others are reporting for their models. Check OC sites and read the posted results.
Then get what is going to make you happy. You are the one that is going to have to live with it on a daily basis.

In general, what I want is the best card out on the market, but not pay +500e just for the looks. I like the looks, yes. I'm super happy with FTW3, it's the most gorgeous of them all. MSi Light. Z was too fat, I needed that PCi-e port, Asus was also too fat, GA was ideal, but had them ugly orange accents, which I could do some fast work with black spray on them, but the pump was like HYPER noisy. Tbh. I'm waiting for the GTX 1080Ti Hybrid FTW3, but I have to see her first in action.

My TOP priority is sub 55°C temps on every part of the VGA [VRM/FETs, GPU and VRAM], silence, as massive as possible. This one pretty much rules out all Hybrid/prebuild water AiO solutions, because besides one MSi I've had in the past [SeaHawk X], all were noisy. Never had EVGA though, on Hybrid, so will give it a shot. A the last but not least, mid to high rim performance. I'd like to have the 2100-2150 MHz piece [who wouldn't], but I didn't, even on GA pseudo-full body waterblock.

So yeah, I can pay up to 1k let's say, but the problem remains still the same, I want too many features all at once. Silence, as little heat as possible and high performance. So I'm not really sure whether there'll be a card that'll pack em all.

If EK MLC [ex Predator] will bring some competitive solution for 120/140 "AiO", with pump and res. stuck together, I think I just might have a shot with QDC and waterblock versions of cards [HydroCopper, SeaHawk X EK, WaterForce WB, Poseidon [I really like Poseidon, but I don't like Asus anymore, like for a long time], Arctic Storm and other brands. Personally, I'd like to have as much as possible from EVGA, but. The EVGA AiOs are so cheap, both by design, quality and heat dissipation capability. Thus I use BeQuiet! and used EK XLC Predator 360 b4. Though, I'm gonna go after X299 FTW K, for almost 100%. Maybe some classified if/when it comes out. And I totally love the FTW design on EVGA VGAs + the dealbreaker for me is You. Not You literally, but forums, support, etc. It works, not like by other companies.

So that's my requirements, in short [long].

Ok, for ME, if I had the choice right now, and the $, I would get a Titan Xp and put a full block on it. 
However in my situation, I got 2 FTW Hybrids (not Ti) about 9 months old, and wasn't prepared to wait for  the Ti and at this point in the game, I will pass Ti and wait to see what Volta does. 
If Titan Xp still outperforms Volta then I will go there next.
As far as your concerns about noise I can't help you cos I have 10 fans in my case and when I am gaming or benching I got them custom curved to pretty high rpms (whether that is really needed or not I haven't bothered to check, meaning I might be able to get away running them at lower rpm and less db but I use headphones so it doesn't bother me lol)  and that might be too loud for you. But I always recommend the Hybrids to anyone. I have never had an issue with pump noise or what have you and they run a 24/7 2152 OC under 50C. That being said, I would rather have full blocks on the cards and a custom loop. It just looks so much better. lol
ETA I wanted to also mention that you really should not get hung up on clock speed. It does not mean that much when measuring performance with Pascal cards. As some have posted elsewhere and here in these forums, while they can get their cards to 2200 they score higher in benches and FPS at lower clocks and keeping the temps as low as possible.
post edited by DSP1 - Saturday, July 29, 2017 9:29 PM

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