EVGA 1070 Ti SC Gaming, Loud (Default) Fan Curve

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2018/10/16 12:58:00 (permalink)
-Start Venting-
 For Search Engines: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti SC GAMING, 08G-P4-5671-KR/KB, 8GB GDDR5, ACX 3.0 & Black Edition P/N: 08G-P4-5671-KR 08G-P4-5671-KB
*Note everything below is me running 2x Unigine Heaven 1080p Maxed, but should apply to MOST other games/benchmarks... maybe.*
  • For some reason the fan curve on the 08G-5671-KB is extremely aggressive.  Hitting 2,550 RPM (69%) at only 72c.
  • The card is capable of maintaining flat line boost clocks (2,025MHz @ the dragon) running at 80c in the same bench with the fan locked to 1,700 RPM (47%).
  • Secondly the fans produce interference with each other.  I'm assuming the fans are running asynchronously and cause warbling sounds because of the differing pressure (sound) waves interfering with each other above 2,200 RPM.  Quite frankly this is a minor annoyance but still.
I know the adjustment to the curve is not hard, it would be amazing if someone on break or at the end of the day could adjust the vBIOS and have it signed.
Watch what happens in the attached screenshot when I unlock the 47% PWM and set it to Auto:

Seriously?  The die and other components only need to survive 3-5 years.  Personally I would run the card hot, NVIDIA and you are is Ok with it (given the 83c temp limit), OR at least give the user a non-software option (or maybe a software 'Set Once and Forget It' option?  Meaning nothing running in the background).
It just feels like fans are a hit or miss with every-other EVGA product.  I love you guys but .
Sigh, maybe I am insane.
-End venting-
*Edited: Changed Title*
post edited by Quad5Ny - 2018/10/16 20:47:52

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    iCX Member
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    Re: Dear EVGA, About your 1070 Ti SC Gaming Fan Curve... 2018/10/16 18:29:37 (permalink)
    Finished my OC (god I hate finding a 99% stable OC) and ran Rise of The Tomb Raider almost Maxed @ 3072x1728 (got around 66FPS) for awhile with a space heater going in the room.
    Results below (IMO the fan curve is overkill):

    Note: Forgot to open NV Inspector until half-way through which is why the graph for that is so short.
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    Re: Dear EVGA, About your 1070 Ti SC Gaming Fan Curve... 2018/10/16 20:40:28 (permalink)
    Here is what it sounds like from 1 foot away with the mic pointed at the side panel:
    The mic was in the same position and had the same gain for all 3.
    Please note I boosted each by 20 dB so they're retaliative to each other (but more importantly so you can hear them, the mic gain was way too low).
    Edit: The dB(A) Slow SPL's, Spectrogram and FFT Spectrum Analyzer below go with the recordings
            Please take the graphs with a grain of salt as they were done with a calibration mic which-
           -expects very hot levels.
    The dB SPL readings and wav files were done with a different meter & microphone, and are accurate.



    post edited by Quad5Ny - 2018/10/16 21:04:33
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    Re: Dear EVGA, About your 1070 Ti SC Gaming Fan Curve... 2018/10/16 21:40:28 (permalink)
    Seems like 47dba is pretty loud for a video card. Was the side off for the testing or was that with the side on?

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    Re: Dear EVGA, About your 1070 Ti SC Gaming Fan Curve... 2018/10/17 10:07:37 (permalink)
    On w/ Fan, Fan Filter & Finger Guard in the 140mm mount; the fan is blowing in.  All that should provide some noise isolation over a open mesh hole. - The case is a Define R4.
    To be clear the card is 'Not Loud' if the fans are set Manually, the Auto Curve is what's loud.  I would gladly accept 2,000 RPM under load (which is about 72-75c).
    I know everyone likes <60c temps but the difference between 1,600 RPM and 2,600 RPM is night and day.  I would rather take the hotter card considering it is not changing my boost clocks.
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    Re: Dear EVGA, About your 1070 Ti SC Gaming Fan Curve... 2019/03/30 10:17:57 (permalink)
    I agree i just got one from B-stock, it's loud and it rattles
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