Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? (now going!)

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Sunday, December 19, 2010 3:33 AM (permalink)
I just got adsl2+ and syncs around 10Mbit, used to have adsl1 at 1.5Mbit. I live in a regional/rural area and my router is located in a good family friends house few Kms up the road. So basically I get my net via a 3.5Km wifi link. Why? well its australia and this is the only way I can haz (cheezeburger) anything faster than 31.2k dialup lol.
So here is the problem. I have great line of sight and 24dB grid antennas with excellent signal. But my radios are hacked linksys WAP54G's with hyperWAP fm. real life throughput is only 3.5Mbit, which was adequate for adsl1 but now a bottle neck for adsl2+
So it time to upgrade to something that was designed for outdoor long distance links. I am on a budget so the ubiquiti bullet 2 suits nicely. A guy on ebay who is a distributor of the ubiquiti products is pushing my to go for the m2hp which I recon is over kill as it 1W and 100Mbit throughput over 30Km easy and btw I can't afford at 100 buks each( unemployed ) and I have to replace the 30m of cat5 with some outdoor graded stuff as the blue cable is stuffed being outside for over 4 years, so thats another 80 buks
So my question is given that I have other wise a great setup can the basic bullet 2 do the job? has anyone used this model before and can comment on the performance?
post edited by vlad01 - Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:18 AM

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, December 19, 2010 5:19 AM (permalink)
    wow...nice connection type.


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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, December 19, 2010 6:57 AM (permalink)
    yeah not bad considering I was only 17 or 18 and was completely new to wifi technology. lol I just realized the central filter/splitter I installed then is only adsl1 compatible I think? I just bought 10 min ago a c10100e central splitter seems very popular on the whirlpool forum. some people even doubled their connection with these. I am surprised I got 9-10Mbit at 3.8Km copper line at 38dB attenuation. according to the old modem way back when I install the whole setup i was getting 25dB attenuation.  I was living away from home for 3 year while I studied and the guys house where the connection is was renovated and all the phone lines and splitter got moved to a completely different part of the house. So after I re do the wiring with the new uprated  splitter i should get a better connection still.
    but even the current 38dB is way better than what it should be at 3.8Km copper check this chart. it the most accurate made so far based on oz lines.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:34 AM (permalink)
    This is above my pay grade. I've never employed such a setup. Nor do I have the necessary electrical engineering skills to help with the choice. Still, I would have to say, in your current economic situation you will have to decide on your own. Sounds like the recommended 2hp is what you need, considering for the future, but if you can't rectify your current financial situation, the money is probably best saved. I can understand needing to keep busy in a state of unemployment, so I recommend baby steps. Fix the Cat5 first.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:55 AM (permalink)
    As far as i have read the bullet 2 is cabiable of over 50Km link
    and over easily obtains full 54G (54Mbit) speeds over vast distances. But that translates to real life TCP/IP transfer speeds of around 25Mbit. I have done tests on my wifi link. The real file transfer speeds of 3.5Mbit (file sharing/ internet downloads) are showing up as 9-12Mbit transfer on the network.
    So TCP/IP does not = network connection speed.
    so internet = 10Mbit
    My current radios = 3.5Mbit real transfer (802.11b) wont G mode
    bullet 2 = 25Mbit real transfer (802.11b,g)
    bullet m2hp = 100Mbit real transfer ( 802.11b,g,n)
    oh btw the ubiquiti is all ISP and carrier grade equipment the WAP54G's are only indoor AP's capable and designed for 50m lol 
    back then in 06 the bullets were unheard of in oz and when they started to appear even the bullet 1 was like 250 buks each. Even start of last year no one on ebay sold them and they still cost 180 each here, now basic model bullet 2 is like 45 buks plus 20 buks postage to oz .

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:17 AM (permalink)
    Just from my looking up the bullet2 and your reconings, I would agree that the regular bullet2 is what you should get. Just make sure the dingos, croks, and wankas w/boomarangs can't get at your gear.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, December 19, 2010 10:21 AM (permalink)
    lol what? only thing will be getting my gear is the sun and rats.
    dam rats they chew on everything.
    As for other happenings, I just bought a 100m roll of poly jacketed outdoor cat5. Only search result on ebay AU! phew! that was lucky. I have always kept an eye out for a role of this stuff and this is the first time one has come up in AU, otherwise I would of do it properly the first time.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:05 AM (permalink)
    Sweet as. took me a while but I completely re built the network infrastructure. Everything is cat6, cat6 terminated wall pates, out door poly jacketed cat5E for the radios.
    Some before photos

    Just sold these on flebay as they are the old radios and no longer needed.

    I haven't got photos at the other end yet, but its rather impressive for what a 18yr old kid can do with only a few weeks of learning about wifi. Prior to that I knew nothing
    nearly 6 years latter and i still amaze myself.
    Here is the link finally running, Signal blazing in at -36dBm where it only needs -74dBm to achieve full 54Mbit.

    So yeah the Bullet2 even was overkill for the now stable maxed out 10Mbit ADSL2+
    Speed test? major peak time at moment and I will retest latter on when traffic slows down. Syncs at 10.5Mbit/0.99Mbit up not bad at all for 4,000m copper at 38.5dB attenuation. 

    Took this pic 5 min ago to show the completed job. Note I placed a PVC? pipe and end cap over the whole radio and sealed the top cable entry with sikaflex (polyurethane sealant)  to stop direct sun and rain. Just to over kill a bit, just in case

    post edited by vlad01 - Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:14 AM

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:26 AM (permalink)


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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:27 AM (permalink)
    I'm glad it worked out for you. 
    Did you see any of the flooding? I hope you and your friends and family can make it through the coming weeks.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:28 AM (permalink)
    Wow, man. That is sad and cool at the same time.  Sad that you can't just plug a box into the wall, and cool since, well, you're using carrier grade equipment to connect to a station 3.5 kms away!

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, January 30, 2011 10:46 AM (permalink)
    yes internet technology is rather sad in Australia.
    And to answer the question about the floods, yes we did get them even though we are 3 states away at 2000km from Brisbane. Damaged the ceiling in 3 rooms, insurance is looking at it and we will have someone repair it. 
    Oh and the cloudy sky in that pic is the day the floods came. Same gutters that overflowed and cause the damage.
    post edited by vlad01 - Sunday, January 30, 2011 10:47 AM

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Sunday, January 30, 2011 11:48 PM (permalink)
    its rather difficultly to do a speed test due to the fact servers are in high demand during the day and main trunk noise in low because people are not home and at work. 
    But at night server traffic is lower and truck noise is highest because everyone on the road/street is home and using the net
    So the best time i guess is early morning?
    well I got this result before lunch.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Monday, January 31, 2011 0:00 PM (permalink)

    its rather difficultly to do a speed test due to the fact servers are in high demand during the day and main trunk noise in low because people are not home and at work. 

    But at night server traffic is lower and truck noise is highest because everyone on the road/street is home and using the net

    So the best time i guess is early morning?

    well I got this result before lunch.

    Still a very good result for what you are doing. You get better connection that I do, and I connect directly to a land connection lol.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Monday, January 31, 2011 0:30 PM (permalink)
    so far my net has evolved from:
    2000-2006  31.2k dial up
    2006-2010  1.5Mbit/256K ADSL1 via wifi back haul (linksys)
    2011- ??      10.xxMbit/990K ADSL2+ via wifi back haul (ubiquiti)
    As is stands now, adsl is available at my house via the phone line but I can't imagine how you would even get 1Mbit reliably with 70dB+ attenuation? My niece has adsl next door which she lives only 500m closer to the exchange from me. She has 1.5Mbit but its true speed jumps up and down from 300Kbit-750Kbit at best with constant stalling and CRC errors being logged on the router. She has 63dB attenuation 

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Monday, January 31, 2011 1:21 AM (permalink)
    better than my "Fios" connection

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Monday, January 31, 2011 3:51 AM (permalink)
    Those pics looks insane XD

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Monday, January 31, 2011 10:33 AM (permalink)
    Are you saying you have fiber optic internet and its slower than my connection?
    wth man!
    Internode, same ISP I am using are first in Australia to offer a trial fiber service.
    speeds are:
    all built up areas who would ever want to live in a town/city anyway.

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    Re:Anyone used Ubiquiti bullet 2? Monday, January 31, 2011 10:49 AM (permalink)
    The problem with a lot of Australia internet is they charge for it metered access with crazy pricing. Their fiber infrastructure is only as good as the pricing plan you have and the pipe in and out of their fiber network.
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