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I was wondering if someone can help me clear this thing. I've got thermaltake PSU 875W and asus p9x79e- WS motherboard... yea yea mix of everything but here it is realy hard to get exactly what you are looking for so.. Anyway. There are 8 pin and 6 pin connectors on motherboard, together big 24pin ofc. Both EVGA Titans got their own power connectors. So what is 6 pin on motherboard for? On couple forums they are mentioning that it is needed for GPUs but right now everything works fine and I have only 8 pin and 24pin connected. Anyone can clear this up to, do I need to connect anything to 6pin maybe oooor, most important what is it for when to sue when not to use it. ALso this PSU doesn;t have 6pin so I would need to get adapter or something. Again everything works fine, EVGA Titan SC in SLI is monster build, just wondering :) Thanks
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 06:22:24
To give the PCI-E Slots more Power. See page 2.35 of your manual. "Both EVGA Titans got their own power connectors." on this same page it also tells you that your PSU should be a 1000 Watts. With your two Titans and a i7 3930K I would go with the EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 G2 Power Supply or EVGA SuperNOVA 1300 G2 Power Supply On my Dark Titan the X79 Dark and two Titans I went with the 1300 G2. "ALso this PSU doesn;t have 6pin so I would need to get adapter or something." your card came with two 2x4 Molex to 6/8 pin and most PSU's come with a combo cable of 6/8 Pin for Graphics cards. Added: Benching at 5.1GHz and Pushing Both Titans I pull 890 to 910 Watts while running 3DMark 11 or Fire Strike. Gaming at 4.6GHz I push 760 Watts and as high as 800 Watts while in Tomb Raider. At least that is what my APC UPS Unit is telling me. I am on Water on the CPU and Both Titans running Two Loops.
post edited by bcavnaugh - 2013/09/04 20:33:17
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 09:06:08
Agreed... That is a poor quality underpowered PSU for Titans in SLI on a x79 config. Replace that PSU and make -sure- you attach the 6pin PCIE power connector to the MB
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 09:25:08
poor and under powered? really? I mean I haven;t notice a single problem so far, both Titans are working at full speed and CPU is OCed to 4.5Ghz. I could be mistaken ofc but... also EVGA PSUs are a bit hard to find here. I had problems to get cards as well :) But will look into that... On the other side.. if you need 1300 for SLI what do you need for 4way SLI? I do plan to add two more of these later on, that is why I got this pwer with 4way x16 SLI possible but.. what then? :) THanks!
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 09:39:06
mirkoj poor and under powered? really? I mean I haven;t notice a single problem so far, both Titans are working at full speed and CPU is OCed to 4.5Ghz. I could be mistaken ofc but... also EVGA PSUs are a bit hard to find here. I had problems to get cards as well :) But will look into that... On the other side.. if you need 1300 for SLI what do you need for 4way SLI? I do plan to add two more of these later on, that is why I got this pwer with 4way x16 SLI possible but.. what then? :) THanks! Folks here get a little bit crazy with power specs. If you're running the TITAN at stock, your Thermaltake PSU should be fine. If it is the ToughPower XT model, you have a bit over 860 watts on the +12 rail Each TITAN is rated to draw 250 watts at full load leaving you with ~360 watts for the rest of the system. Unless you're running a lot of extra drives, water cooling and a massive amount of fans, you should be fine. Of course if you add more GPU's you're going to need a larger power supply.
post edited by HeavyHemi - 2013/09/03 09:43:27
EVGA X99 FTWK / i7 6850K @ 4.5ghz / RTX 3080Ti FTW Ultra / 32GB Corsair LPX 3600mhz / Samsung 850Pro 256GB / Be Quiet BN516 Straight Power 12-1000w 80 Plus Platinum / Window 10 Pro
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 09:47:22
well I do have h100i water cooling, bunch of noctua fans, 5x120PWM and 3140PWM, plus 4x HDDs adn 2 SSD. But then again titans are at stock and didn't had a single problem, freeze or any of the symptoms that system is under powered. so I also think that guys are overpowering their systems really but... who knows :) in case of more Titans then ofc would go for something stronger but as everything works really great so far... was mostly wondering to find purpose of that 6 pin connector on motherboard but also great to hear advice's for the rest of system as well ofc.
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 09:47:37
mirkoj poor and under powered? really? I mean I haven;t notice a single problem so far, both Titans are working at full speed and CPU is OCed to 4.5Ghz. I could be mistaken ofc but... also EVGA PSUs are a bit hard to find here. I had problems to get cards as well :) But will look into that... On the other side.. if you need 1300 for SLI what do you need for 4way SLI? I do plan to add two more of these later on, that is why I got this pwer with 4way x16 SLI possible but.. what then? :) THanks! Check out http://www.evga.com/articles/00722/ 4x Titans needs at least 1300Watts as per EVGA's guide so down the road you will need an upgrade, now your fine. Also that 6Pin on the MoBo is only if you have OC issues with the PCI-E Bus + cards, otherwise it is NOT required.
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 09:58:37
which again means that 1300 is a bit overkill for 2 of them :) will check out thanks!! there are enough connectors for 4 titans with 1300 EVGA model right? just checking as will definitely be on lookout if I can get my hands on that one.Anyone can confirm if EVGA online shop can deliver to Europe with EU standard power cables as well or if there is online shop in Europe that delivers to Bosnia? Still not part of EU so yea there can be problem for delivery :(
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 10:01:26
mirkoj which again means that 1300 is a bit overkill for 2 of them :) will check out thanks!! there are enough connectors for 4 titans with 1300 EVGA model right? just checking as will definitely be on lookout if I can get my hands on that one.Anyone can confirm if EVGA online shop can deliver to Europe with EU standard power cables as well or if there is online shop in Europe that delivers to Bosnia? Still not part of EU so yea there can be problem for delivery :( The 1300 has 6x 6+2pin & 2x 6pin so yes, it also is 100-240V input rated so I'm sure it will work in the EU. One last thing its listed @ http://eu.evga.com/products/moreInfo.asp?pn=120-G2-1300-XR&family=Power%20Supplies&uc=EUR
post edited by Trelor - 2013/09/03 10:05:23
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 10:03:37
Thanks! Back on subject, would you suggest finding and plugging additional 6 pin connector from PSU to MBO? or it is needed for 3-4 way SLI or needed at all? Again everything works withouth single problem but would like to know :) Thanks
post edited by mirkoj - 2013/09/03 10:06:20
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 10:04:27
mirkoj well I do have h100i water cooling, bunch of noctua fans, 5x120PWM and 3140PWM, plus 4x HDDs adn 2 SSD. But then again titans are at stock and didn't had a single problem, freeze or any of the symptoms that system is under powered. so I also think that guys are overpowering their systems really but... who knows :) in case of more Titans then ofc would go for something stronger but as everything works really great so far... was mostly wondering to find purpose of that 6 pin connector on motherboard but also great to hear advice's for the rest of system as well ofc. When you run a lower quality PSU unit that close to its maximum rating.... --->Its efficiency goes down, voltage regulation is worse and its temps rise Its stressful and will shorten the life of your PSU --and-- can cause a catastrophic failure Running a x79 config with SLI Titans (and everything you posted above) on a Thermaltake 875w? I personally think that is nuts and just -asking- for trouble. Dont be surprised if your system and videocards are unstable at high loads, and dont even THINK about overclocking anything and getting good results. It might just go BANG with smoke and sparks Think about what a blown PSU might do to your config and--> how expensive the parts are that it might take with it  ------------------------------- X79 Motherboard with dual Titans in SLI h100i water cooling, bunch of noctua fans, 5x120PWM and 3140PWM, plus 4x HDDs and 2 SSD's Thats ALOT to risk on a $140 PSU
post edited by maniacvvv - 2013/09/03 10:11:38
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 10:08:13
maniacvvv mirkoj well I do have h100i water cooling, bunch of noctua fans, 5x120PWM and 3140PWM, plus 4x HDDs adn 2 SSD. But then again titans are at stock and didn't had a single problem, freeze or any of the symptoms that system is under powered. so I also think that guys are overpowering their systems really but... who knows :) in case of more Titans then ofc would go for something stronger but as everything works really great so far... was mostly wondering to find purpose of that 6 pin connector on motherboard but also great to hear advice's for the rest of system as well ofc. When you run a lower quality PSU unit that close to its maximum rating.... --->Its efficiency goes down, voltage regulation is worse and its temps rise Running a x79 config with SLI Titans (and everything you posted above) on a Thermaltake 875w? I personally think that is nuts and just -asking- for trouble. Dont be surprised if your system and videocards are unstable at high loads, and dont even THINK about overclocking anything and getting good results. Think about what a blown PSU might do to your config and--> how expensive the parts are that it might take with it But that also means that EVGA is advising people to do destructive behavior by saying that its OK to run 2 Titans with a 650Watt PSU. I think the BEST thing to do it get a UPS or a KilloWatt all plug that can see how much draw there is under load to see if its in a safe range. As a point of reference, my Setup is 90% similar + 3 monitors plugged into the UPS + a Logitech G19 and I hit 700Watts under FULL load on GTX 770s. So he has to be around 720 if he's with one screen. The truth is its way to hard to see until you have the raw numbers in front of you he could be OK or on the edge of blowing that PSU   !
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 10:16:18
3 monitors as well actually, but monitors are on their own power, comp alone is connected to UPS.
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 10:47:31
EVGA or Nvidia for that matter are not saying you need a 650 watt power supply to run two Titans. What they mean is that you need a minimum of 650 watts available from your power supply to run the cards correctly. I don't know how many times we see posts here from people who spend thousands of dollars on video cards, high end CPUs and M/Bs, 500 hard drives and fans in their system and then they cheap out on a cheap (not saying yours is cheap) and under powered power supply. The power supply is the base for your system hardware, whatever you think you might need in power from a power supply, add 25-50% to that and that is what you should be getting. Power supplies are only rated to give you a specific output at a certain operating temp. Once the power supply is put under heavy load, temp in the PS goes up and efficiency goes down. Running power supplies under heavy load for extended periods of time will wear out the power supply and cause it to fail before it should. Power supply failures can be pretty catastrophic sometimes taking out other hardware like your MB, CPU or video card with it..............
post edited by jonkrmr - 2013/09/03 10:50:45
Intel i9-10850K @ 5.1 GHz MSI MEG Z490 Unify Corsair Vengeance RGB RT 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 @ 3800MHz ASUS Strix RTX 3080 OC 12GB Gaming @ 2175MHz core - peak \ 20004 MHz mem Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB NVMe M.2 SSD 2x Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB NVMe M.2 SSD RAID 0 SoundBlasterX AE-5 EVGA SuperNova 1000 P2 Corsair Obsidian 500D SE Custom water cooling on CPU & GPU HP X32 32" 2k 165Hz
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 11:08:03
Fully understand what can happen that is why I'm asking for second opinion here :) Ofc I'm gonna grab better one as soon as possible if it is needed BUT as everything is running perfectly fine AND it was working fine with a similar setup and two hd7970 for year and a bit more so... But was under impression that a lot of people are over killing with their PSUs as well so looking for good opinions as well.
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 11:15:54
Not a bad thing to overkill the power supply on a system. It is the heart of a system. Plus when you have a bigger power supply than needed, the power supply will run cooler, last longer and gives more stable power to the system. When we spend thousands of dollars on CPU, MB, video cards, etc. a couple of hundred dollars spent on a quality more than enough power power supply is a wise investment :)
Intel i9-10850K @ 5.1 GHz MSI MEG Z490 Unify Corsair Vengeance RGB RT 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 @ 3800MHz ASUS Strix RTX 3080 OC 12GB Gaming @ 2175MHz core - peak \ 20004 MHz mem Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB NVMe M.2 SSD 2x Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB NVMe M.2 SSD RAID 0 SoundBlasterX AE-5 EVGA SuperNova 1000 P2 Corsair Obsidian 500D SE Custom water cooling on CPU & GPU HP X32 32" 2k 165Hz
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 11:43:41
I will either find a way, or make one. ٩(๏̯͡๏)۶
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 11:49:18
maniacvvv mirkoj well I do have h100i water cooling, bunch of noctua fans, 5x120PWM and 3140PWM, plus 4x HDDs adn 2 SSD. But then again titans are at stock and didn't had a single problem, freeze or any of the symptoms that system is under powered. so I also think that guys are overpowering their systems really but... who knows :) in case of more Titans then ofc would go for something stronger but as everything works really great so far... was mostly wondering to find purpose of that 6 pin connector on motherboard but also great to hear advice's for the rest of system as well ofc. When you run a lower quality PSU unit that close to its maximum rating.... --->Its efficiency goes down, voltage regulation is worse and its temps rise Its stressful and will shorten the life of your PSU --and-- can cause a catastrophic failure Running a x79 config with SLI Titans (and everything you posted above) on a Thermaltake 875w? I personally think that is nuts and just -asking- for trouble. Dont be surprised if your system and videocards are unstable at high loads, and dont even THINK about overclocking anything and getting good results. It might just go BANG with smoke and sparks Think about what a blown PSU might do to your config and--> how expensive the parts are that it might take with it ------------------------------- X79 Motherboard with dual Titans in SLI h100i water cooling, bunch of noctua fans, 5x120PWM and 3140PWM, plus 4x HDDs and 2 SSD's Thats ALOT to risk on a $140 PSU It's a decent power supply and he's unlikely to draw over 650 watts from it. A moderate concern is with age, a PSU loses some of it's output capacity. Generally I recommend a PSU sized so that under your maximum load, you will not exceed 80% of the rated continuous output. Currently he meets that criteria.
EVGA X99 FTWK / i7 6850K @ 4.5ghz / RTX 3080Ti FTW Ultra / 32GB Corsair LPX 3600mhz / Samsung 850Pro 256GB / Be Quiet BN516 Straight Power 12-1000w 80 Plus Platinum / Window 10 Pro
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 11:58:12
thanks HeavyHemi! so in nany case it should last long enough till I get something new. I do have in plan two more of EVGA gtx TItan SC to add, these devils renders like crazy! (3d aniamtion GPU rendering). Replacing an small render farm really. Also board supports 4 way SLI with all cards at full x16 so it is planed for upgrades and new PSU will come in play but good to know that I"m ok at least for the time being. Btw once I get there it is recomended/needed to plug in additional 6pin to motherboard as well? That is kinda first and most important question of this thread after all :)
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 12:06:55
Ever since my 580 SLI I've been using the power boost from EVGA or the 6 pin pci / 4 pin molex that appears on boards for power to the PCI slots. It's just an added measure of safety as there have been people who've melted their 24 pin connection because the slots were not getting enough power. I'm not sure how demanding 3D rendering can be but for a few bucks extra when you have 2 or more cards it's probably best.
I will either find a way, or make one. ٩(๏̯͡๏)۶
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/03 16:34:49
mirkoj thanks HeavyHemi! so in nany case it should last long enough till I get something new. I do have in plan two more of EVGA gtx TItan SC to add, these devils renders like crazy! (3d aniamtion GPU rendering). Replacing an small render farm really. Also board supports 4 way SLI with all cards at full x16 so it is planed for upgrades and new PSU will come in play but good to know that I"m ok at least for the time being. Btw once I get there it is recomended/needed to plug in additional 6pin to motherboard as well? That is kinda first and most important question of this thread after all :) It won't hurt. Do you have any of those dual 4 pin molex to 6 pin PCIe power plug adapters? That should work if you're short of PCIe plugs.
EVGA X99 FTWK / i7 6850K @ 4.5ghz / RTX 3080Ti FTW Ultra / 32GB Corsair LPX 3600mhz / Samsung 850Pro 256GB / Be Quiet BN516 Straight Power 12-1000w 80 Plus Platinum / Window 10 Pro
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/04 10:38:00
You don't need to plug in the 6 pin on the motherboard unless your running 4 cards sli it says it in your manual. I have a rampage iv extreme and it says that in my manual as far as psu goes there right you should grab a bigger one the 3930k for example at 4.8ghz oc can pull 500 watts not including your gpus. I would recommend going ahead and grabbing say a 1200 watt for cushion that is 80 plus gold certified so you have cushion to oc and not destroy your psu. I blew a 1250 watt seasonic with 3 gpus with modded vbios and 3930k at 5.0 during a bench now I have 2 1250 watt psu just to be safe. 650 watt working under load considering your gpus and cpu. Its worth the extra cash. Everyone I talked to with similar watts thought it was overkill to but after using a kill o watt saw themselves actually approaching the limits with everything under load
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/04 10:47:46
Thanks for all insight. I do plan to add 2 more Titan SC in the next coupl emonths so will be adding EVGA 1500 PSU too, better to be on safe side. ALso found where to get it. It will take some time but..... In the mean time I lowered CPU OC from 4.5 to just standard asus MBO 4.1Ghz and cards are SC edition so not OCing on top of that so it should hold for couple months I guess :) Thanks again!
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/04 12:01:06
Edit: can't post links yet; there is a thread in OCN about titans 2/3/4 SLI ways in the PSU section. Throw an eye in there. take a look at that thread. Pretty informative. There is also a Thread where the OP gives quite detailed information why some psu's are good and why some are a waste of money; name of OP is shilka. You also can take a look at the FAQ which is always a good idea. cheers
post edited by zeomebuch - 2013/09/04 12:03:36
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/04 12:03:06
which thread exactly, did I miss link? would love to check it out. thanks
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/04 12:29:51
I will either find a way, or make one. ٩(๏̯͡๏)۶
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/06 23:51:32
According to the parts you listed and taking into 10% capcitor aging (1 year of life) you would need 886 watts of power with just with what you were listing not including anything else that is connectec to the pc ie USB devices. Use this calculatator to figure out how much power you will need, you will be surprised at the results. Also allways use atleast 10% aging otherwise you will get lower results but in a year your power supply will go out because it cannot put out the power anymore. If link is removed google PSU calculator and it is the second result My 2cents Envirotech
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/07 00:03:30
Interesting.... I seen molex plugs on motherboards for extra PCI-E power, but never seen a 6 pin PCI-E plugs mentioned before on a motherboard. with all 7 slots being PCiE 16x I can see why though If you were running quad SLI (8 PCI-E plugs) and needed one for the board (9 PCI-E plugs) good luck with that, I don't know of any PSU's that have that many
post edited by _Nite_ - 2013/09/07 00:10:27
Gaming Rig: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.25Ghz - Asrock B450 Pro 4 - 16GB Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 - 240GB SSD (OS), 1TB ADATA SU800 SSD and 2TB ADATA SX8200 Pro M2 NVME (Games) - 8GB RTX 3070 XC3 Ultra - Sound Blaster Audigy 5 RX - EVGA Supernova 750w G2 - Antec 302 - 24" Asus VG248QE
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/07 00:05:36
I will soon get thermaltake toughpower 1500w, that is only one in surrounding area that I can get my hands on in some decent time. trying to find anything else with that size would take at least a month even more... but after looking at bunch of reviews this one seems that it will be able to do the work. One thing I noticed after checking bunch of these it that non of them have that 6pin for motherboard? for example here is list for TT 1500W: 12V Rails Distribution 24 PIN Main Connector 12V1 Peripheral & Floppy Connector 12V1 S-ATA Connector 12V1 4+4PIN +12V CPU Connector 12V2 8 PIN +12V CPU Connector 12V2 Two 6+2pin Straight PCI-E Connectors 12V3 Two 6+2pin Straight PCI-E Connectors 12V3 6+2pin Modular PCI-E Connector 12V4 6+2pin Modular PCI-E Connector 12V4 6+2pin Modular PCI-E Connector 12V4 6+2pin Modular PCI-E Connector 12V4 Now either I'm tired or with all these reviews getting messy in head but this should be more than nenough to cover total of 4 Titan cards with all connection needed... is one of these 6+2 for MBO as well?
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Re:6 pin power connector on motherboard
2013/09/23 05:11:22
Finally confirmed, 2 more Titans are coming in later tonight to along with thermaltake 1500W PSU. Now just to confirm, I can plug in any of these 6+2 pins into additional motherboard plug? ofc using 6 only :) PCI-E (6+2PIN) ModelConnector TypeConnectors & Cable length1500W24pin1 x 24pin Main connector(600mm) EPS 12V 8pin1 x EPS 12V 8pin connector(600mm)ATX 12V 4+4pin1 x ATX 12V 4+4pin connector(600mm)PCI-E 6+2pin & PCI-E 6+2pin2 x PCI-E 6+2pin & PCI-E 6+2pin connectors (550mm + 150mm) 2 x PCI-E 6+2pin & PCI-E 6+2pin connectors (550mm + 150mm)PCI-E 6+2pin1 x PCI-E 6+2pin connector (550mm) 1 x PCI-E 6+2pin connector (550mm) 1 x PCI-E 6+2pin connector (550mm) 1 x PCI-E 6+2pin connector (550mm)Molex4 x Peripheral connectors (550mm + 150mm + 150mm +150mm) 4 x Peripheral connectors (550mm + 150mm + 150mm +150mm)SATA4 x S-ATA connectors (550mm + 150mm + 150mm + 150mm) 4 x S-ATA connectors (550mm + 150mm + 150mm + 150mm) 4 x S-ATA connectors (550mm + 150mm + 150mm + 150mm)PATA to FDD adapter1 x PATA to FDD adapter (100mm) Thanks