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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/02/17 06:56:17
Seems like that should have been a bit bigger increase. I found it takes about 25-30w for each 25mv increase. But that would be at best 30mhz probably. Then if temps go up it might step down 15.
No doubt adding power sees diminishing returns though.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/02/17 08:40:08
I also would have expected it to be better. Seems like it's not worth the risk in flashing a different bios. I followed an undervaluing guide (won't let me post link) and increased my TimeSpy scores from 19k to 20k. Basically I slid the power limit to max (104%) and also undervolted. The thought being that I'd get to my higher boosts before I ran out of power. Seemed to work ok.
post edited by jcafaro10 - 2021/02/17 10:22:13
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/02/17 15:47:41
Yah not sure this is worth it either.. using the stock bios and merely changing the clock up +150, and the memory up +200 with no changes to power/voltage, only changing those 2 things I was able to achieve a 13616 Port Royal score on a 10900k running at 5.2Ghz water cooled.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/03/22 22:27:24
Okay once resizable bar firmware update comes out, will we get an updated firmware power mod? Can you make a small YouTube video step by step also? I would appreciate that for a really novice.... Please spare me as I did read every single post
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/03/23 14:45:52
cdc-951 Okay once resizable bar firmware update comes out, will we get an updated firmware power mod? Can you make a small YouTube video step by step also? I would appreciate that for a really novice.... Please spare me as I did read every single post
She has the application and instructions on how to generate your own firmware in the first post. Just grab the firmware and use the software to generate the exe to flash your card.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/03/25 07:23:29
Hello, i opend GPU Z to look for the new device number, then i opend the editor in the programm folder changed the number and saved. Started the App, it runs but no LED. I copied the DLL file into the Libary folder and then the app didnt start anymore. Help? PS its only show me now 2 fans in X1 normal? Flashing was all good.
post edited by TMBM22 - 2021/03/25 08:00:41
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/03/30 18:32:48
Has anyone made a RezBar version of the 390w vbios for the XC3?
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/03/30 18:39:07
Doesn't look like it. Apparentlythe update gimps the power limit to 450w.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/03/30 21:29:04
The Galax 370W one works on XC3 cards. But resizable bar gains are 0% on 3090s from my testing. (well actually a loss since you end up with less power limit if you dont compare 370W vs 370W) 3090 has enough vram that it doesnt need to swap in and out textures after the initial loading of them since they all fit on the card already. So the only difference it makes is on that first inital loading. Where the driver can change the bar size to GBs instead of 256mb per transfere so you save like 1-2 sec on load time from fewer transferes.
3080 has some good gains tho since its always swapping in and out stuff with its undersized vram.
But if you want to make one you just use the tool I posted in the orignal post.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/06 01:47:35
Here is a new KFA2 bios with BAR support, is there any way to extract it? www . kfa2 . com/downloads/3090_update.rar
post edited by tonli - 2021/04/06 01:55:49
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/06 03:31:09
I noticed with my 3090 XC3 a slight increase, my +100Mhz overclock was completely unstable in AC Valhalla as the card was trying to run at 2080-2100Mhz, so I dropped it back it stock where I'd see a steady 1995Mhz the whole time playing the game. Benchmarks (Time Spy/Port Royal) are down due to the card using the lower end gpu clocks, but using the +100Mhz overclock put the score back to normal and it was stable during them. I saw a total power draw of 371w, with 112% power percent registered, even though the slider is at 104%. The biggest gains have been with Re-Bar supported games, with the gpu clock sitting at a steady 1995Mhz, never dropping under it, there are boosts of 2010Mhz, I never saw that with the previous Hybrid Kit BIOS. Temps with the same custom fan curve have gone from 55-58c to 60-61c, and it's cooler weather here now, it's like someone gave the Hybrid BIOS a nice tweak. AC Valhalla:
post edited by schoolofmonkey - 2021/04/06 03:33:39
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/06 03:47:14
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/06 08:10:26
bmgjet Ill start off by saying you should really just get a 3 plug card if your looking to buy. I was unlucky after having a STRIX ordered then the store canceling my order and giving my the option of a 3090 XC3 and $400 refund or wait 3-5 months so thats what I got. But anyway here is how I went about making this card not so terriable.
First off getting a base line for this card. Benchmarks put it about 1-2% better then a high end 3080. (Which you dont want to see when you just spent 1K more then one of those cards and you see the high end 3090 doing 10-15% better) It was unable to hold its advertised 1725mhz clock since it was just always slamming against 350W power limit.
Theres currently 4 threads on here from others complaining about the same thing, "Low XC3 scores". The powerlimit is 100% the issue, The only way to fix this is to flash a higher power limited bios. From my testing the KFA2 390W bios is the best one for the card since its VRM and Fan design matches EVGAs and you dont lose a DP like the Gigabyte Gaming OC 390W bios. There is also the 1KW EVGA XOC bios. Its a 3 plug bios so the readings you get in software will be wrong by 33%. (This is why using a 3 plug bios results in less power making the 480 and 520W bios useless)
Here is the data from testing.
 Notes: Make sure you set a lower power limit if you decide to go the XOC bios you will also want to set a custom lower power profile to switch to at idle since there is no idle clocks for the vram. If using the KFA2 bios on 390W youll want to set a custom fan profile. The stock profile has the fans only getting to 75% at 80C if you set a custom profile with them ramping to 100% at 80C then youll end up around 72C. I was unable to test the XOC bios in competely stock cooling layout since I had already removed the cooler and re-pasted by the time that bios was released.
What you can see from the graphs is performance is tied to power usage and scales very well with more power. Realisticlly we cant expect any offical bios higher then 390W since thats already pushing out of the ATX spec limits, (Even tho Nvidia does 400W with 2X 8pins). Also the stock cooler isnt as bad as people make out. The fan profile just needs to be a bit more agressive. There are also gains to be had by repasting the card but be aware this will destroy the thermal putty on the inductors and likely rip the thermal pads on the vrm and vram so make sure you have some new ones to go on just incase.
So on to flashing. IMO this will void your warranty but Forum Mod Sajin has said in other posts as long as you flash back the orignal bios before sending the card back it will still have warranty. If the card is unable to boot to windows to flash it you can use a external programer like ch341a with 1.8V and SOP-8 clip adapter. The bios chip can be found between the pci-slot and die and its part number is MX25U8033E.

I have made a tool that lets you extract/embed your own bios into to EVGA update.exe bios flasher so no need to mess with nvflash and command line. This tool can be found here. https://github.com/bmgjet/EVGA-Bios-Unpacker
Alternativly here is a 390W update.exe already modded. https://mega.nz/file/OLhR...LpkO7KiXybdLA7ul6nGJrM I wont provide the 1KW XOC already modded since that is really a risk to your card if your not careful.
Simply run the exe. It will tell you your going to update your bios and press Y. Then it will say the boards miss match and do you want to continue press Y again then restart your computer.
Since this is not a bios from EVGA the LED control will stop registering in PercisionX1. Here is the fix for that. https://github.com/bmgjet/EVGA-GPUINFO-Editor
You need to edit the GpuInfo.bin file to add the different device id of this bios in place of what you want the card to identify as. Theres a video sort of showing how this is done here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HgMYBYE3RQ Then you need to replace the Library.dll file since it has a lock out for any cards not matching EVGA device ID. You can find info and download link for that on the same github as the GPUINFO Editor. And thats it.
How is this being cooled? Do you have the fans at 100%? My 3080 XC3 fans were basically at full throttle while gaming with stock settings so I don't know how a 3090 XC3 with extra watts could possibly stay cool.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/06 17:34:09
I was successfully able to repatch the new KFA2 rom using your extraction tool. I now have RBAR with the 390W power limit on my xc3. Everything seems to be working well, many thanks!
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/06 19:53:05
Enigma_One I was successfully able to repatch the new KFA2 rom using your extraction tool. I now have RBAR with the 390W power limit on my xc3. Everything seems to be working well, many thanks!
Curious to see some benchmark results, I didn't find much difference in the previous BIOS versions.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/06 22:22:32
undecided65 How is this being cooled? Do you have the fans at 100%? My 3080 XC3 fans were basically at full throttle while gaming with stock settings so I don't know how a 3090 XC3 with extra watts could possibly stay cool.
Something wrong with the heat sink mount and thermal compound on your 3080 then.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/07 00:28:21
bmgjet Heres a 390W version bios with RBAR support.
Its got higher base boost tho.
It's only 370W max, techpowerup info is wrong Wonder where this 390W is coming from and where to get a RBAR version
post edited by tonli - 2021/04/07 01:08:56
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/07 01:59:35
bmgjet Heres a 390W version bios with RBAR support.
Its got higher base boost tho.
It's only 370W max, techpowerup info is wrong Wonder where this 390W is coming from and where to get a RBAR version
I've seen this comment before, but I had the Galax bios flashed to my Zotac 3090 for a while and it definitely was 390w. It's just base 370w, so max PL of 105% (390w). I logged it running CP2077 and saw peaks of 401w.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/07 02:51:47

talon951 I've seen this comment before, but I had the Galax bios flashed to my Zotac 3090 for a while and it definitely was 390w. It's just base 370w, so max PL of 105% (390w). I logged it running CP2077 and saw peaks of 401w.
Ok my bad, didn't hit apply with 105% Thanks for confirming! %)
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/04/07 05:27:12
undecided65 How is this being cooled? Do you have the fans at 100%? My 3080 XC3 fans were basically at full throttle while gaming with stock settings so I don't know how a 3090 XC3 with extra watts could possibly stay cool.
Something wrong with the heat sink mount and thermal compound on your 3080 then.
Oh well, too late for that, I sold the card, I wasn't about to mess around with the heatsink on a brand new card.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/06 19:41:00
Hey man, I really appriciate you posting this stuff. Looking forward to finally getting my 3090 and its the xc3. I actually WANTED this model cause I figured thered be bios mods out there and it has the waterblock I want to use, and looks like I was right. I've flashed vbios's onto gpus before, my 2080ti gained a good bit from them. My gpu will finally get here next week and so I started looking and ended up here!
unnecissary details aside, I am trying to figure out exactly how to go about this. I would like to use the 1000w bios but: how, if at all, do I need to modify the hardware in order to do this? is it possible for me to edit the bios so that it is instead limited to 500w recieved? (would be 750 or something according to the bios cause 3 plug bios 2 pin gpu) Is there a 1000w bios that has the new update for re-bar?
I know you've answered a few of these but I am just looking for clarification and a little guidance with the latest info. I know that I can just turn the PL down in afterburner, but I would like it to be baked into the modified vbios if possible that way I can not have to really worry about it, but I dont know if its possible to edit them like that. (signatures on the bios?) Thanks in advance!
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/07 03:10:10
Not OP, but I've run the XOC on my Zotac 3090 quite a bit. - No hardware mods necessary
- AFAIK, there is no ability to edit Nvidia's encrypted bios in the wild
- Really don't need to limit to 500w with the PL. It will hit the default voltage limit at 500w or less in most games. (some exceptions maybe be Quake2 RTX, etc... with full ray tracing)
- No reBar XOC in the wild. EVGA is trying to keep a lid on it this time from what I've read.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/19 23:19:05
Would it be possible for you to share that file? I'd like to run it and test that bios
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/19 23:22:04
Enigma_One I was successfully able to repatch the new KFA2 rom using your extraction tool. I now have RBAR with the 390W power limit on my xc3. Everything seems to be working well, many thanks!
Would it be possible for you to share that file? I'd like to run it and test that bios
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/19 23:29:10
Wow! Good job! Will defntly save this info for my future card! Still on the row thou
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/20 05:34:25
When I replace the Library.dll file, X1 Precision won't launch. Is this a known issue? if so, how do I go around it?
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/20 05:39:06
Why not just flash it with NVFlash rather than risking using something else? https://www.overclock.net...0-owners-club.1753930/It's really as simple as, 1) Disable vid card in device manager 2) Back up original bios 3) Disable protection using NVFlash 4) Flash new bios 5) Reboot I've done it a couple dozen times on my card.
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/05/23 11:23:34
Thanks OP for this. However, when I replace the library.dll file, like many others, X1 Precision won't launch. Do you know what I can do to fix this?
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Re: 3090 XC3 - [HowtoFix] Zero to Hero
2021/06/20 04:39:44
Thanks for sharing this info