3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking/Undervolting & Performance Discussion

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2021/08/04 13:14:10 (permalink)
I thought I would make this topic as the other XC3 power limit topic will hopefully be resolved very soon. We might as well have a different topic for discussing overclocking, undervolting results.
I'll start with my timespy score I guess.
This is with a 1890MHz @ 850mv undervolt. That's the best I've been able to get so far with 100% fan speed. My ambient temperature is very high so that affects the average temperature a little. Stability was tested using realbench for a few hours which I've found to be extremely sensitive to unstable gpu/ram overclocks + Rainbow Six Siege.
post edited by speedysloth - 2021/08/05 22:31:08

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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/04 13:52:13 (permalink)
    That's pretty good, I am doing 1800 @ 812mv, giving me about a 19000 in timespy. Hopefully once Power Limit fix Bios comes out, I can do a bit more than that.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/04 14:06:52 (permalink)
    1890 is all I can really get out of my xc3 hybrid. It may start out at 1930-1950 but it quickly hits power limits and starts down locking. Gaming she stays around 1850-1870. The power limits on this card are horrendous. I just bought a FTW3 and I'm currently looking for a block to install. That FTW3 power limit will Fix that **** immediately. 2.1GHz no problem.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/04 15:44:09 (permalink)
    That's pretty good, I am doing 1800 @ 812mv, giving me about a 19000 in timespy. Hopefully once Power Limit fix Bios comes out, I can do a bit more than that.

    That should definitely help yeah, my power usage is around 340W throughout the timespy run and without having the fan speed at 100% I get around 19200 for graphics.
    1890 is all I can really get out of my xc3 hybrid. It may start out at 1930-1950 but it quickly hits power limits and starts down locking. Gaming she stays around 1850-1870. The power limits on this card are horrendous. I just bought a FTW3 and I'm currently looking for a block to install. That FTW3 power limit will Fix that **** immediately. 2.1GHz no problem.

    The hybrid/water cards definitely suffer from power limit not being enough. Temperature is the only thing that makes me want to get the hybrid kit for the XC3.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/04 15:46:52 (permalink)
    That's pretty good, I am doing 1800 @ 812mv, giving me about a 19000 in timespy. Hopefully once Power Limit fix Bios comes out, I can do a bit more than that.

    That should definitely help yeah, my power usage is around 340W throughout the timespy run and without having the fan speed at 100% I get around 19200 for graphics.
    1890 is all I can really get out of my xc3 hybrid. It may start out at 1930-1950 but it quickly hits power limits and starts down locking. Gaming she stays around 1850-1870. The power limits on this card are horrendous. I just bought a FTW3 and I'm currently looking for a block to install. That FTW3 power limit will Fix that **** immediately. 2.1GHz no problem.

    The hybrid/water cards definitely suffer from power limit not being enough. Temperature is the only thing that makes me want to get the hybrid kit for the XC3.

    On that case, you might not be able to get much more out of your card. 340ish already kinda close to the cap of 350. 😁 My card is capped at 304 watts so I am really looking forward to it, no more being locked down to sub .800 volts
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/04 19:13:28 (permalink)
    My card stock sustains around 345W. 3080ti XC3 Gaming
    Time Spy - Stock (sustains clock 1725-1750, ~345W) GPU 18649 www.3dmark.com/spy/21806417
    Port Royal - Stock (sustains clock 1725-1750, ~345W) GPU:12448 www.3dmark.com/pr/1147770
    Undervolt of 875mV and 1875Mhz. I didn't try to tweak it more upward than this.
    Time Spy - Undervolt (875mV, 1875Mhz, ~345W) GPU:19041 www.3dmark.com/spy/21806625
    Port Royal - Undervolt (875mV, 1875Mhz, ~342W) GPU:12773 www.3dmark.com/pr/1148782
    Of more interest to me, instead of squeezing out a few extra FPS for massive extra power, I want to undervolt to reduce power while keeping performance about stock.
    Time Spy - Undervolt (788mV, 1740MHz, ~295W) GPU: 18651 www.3dmark.com/spy/21942146
    Port Royal - Undervolt (788mV, 1740Mhz, ~295W) GPU: 12498 www.3dmark.com/pr/1148814
    Card also runs a good bit cooler 5-7C. Wattage usually runs around 240W while playing call of duty at 3440x1440. Stable for me, been running for days and many hours of games.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/05 07:04:32 (permalink)
    Haven't messed with settings yet, just getting a baseline. XC3 with the hybrid kit installed, hybrid bios, Precision X1, 471.41 driver. Fans set to 100% rad/75% VRM.

    Port Royal - 12,995, Average clock - 1832MHz
    Timespy graphics - 19,551, average clock - 1810MHz

    15 minutes of Heaven - averages
    Board power - 341W
    Slot - 65.2W, Pin 1 - 146.7W, Pin 2 - 129.1W
    GPU voltage - 0.959V
    GPU - 55.5C, Hotspot - 63.6C, Memory - 79.5C

    Hits a peak power of 357.5W and 1.043V.

    Seems about as good as can expect out of the XC3. Curious to see how much is left in it. Was able to get 2025MHz @ 935mV on my XC3 3080, be pretty awesome if the Ti could do that too.
    post edited by 03whitegsr - 2021/08/05 10:29:38
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 01:06:55 (permalink)
    My card runs into the power cap around 850mV.
    Setting core frequency to +240 and then capping it at 1905@850mV was stable enough to run Timespy with the demo. This gave a graphics score of 20,134. This pulled about 345W peak.

    Overclocking in Port Royal, best results I got was starting at +255 and capping at 2010MHz@887mV. This with +300 memory did 13,726 in Port Royal. I couldn't get it above 887mV in Port Royal. Firestrike would likely be useable to find max clock vs voltage as the load is light enough in spots that voltage can spike up higher.

    The memory was interesting. Seems like +300 is the highest I can run. Changing the memory above that with 3Dmark open would crash 3Dmark. However, if I raised the memory above +600 and then opened 3D mark it was fine. Between +300 and+600 would crash it trying to launch 3Dmark. I ran it as high as +1200 but performance dropped above +300. At +1200 it was at 13, 712 in Port Royal. Marginal performance loss, but I'm pretty sure it would cause a lot of problems in game. Seems like the error correction helps out if you're well above the stability point, but if you're on the border of stability, it's probably not going to like it.

    Undervolting was also interesting. It didn't seem to want to run below 812mV, although I didn't pull clocks down super low. I could run Timespy with 812mV@1800MHz. At this setting, it's at 19,216 on Timespy graphics, about 300 points lower than stock. This setting ran just below 300W peak.

    Needless to say it, but the ~350W limit on this card really isn't high enough. It's running into the power limit right above where the minimum voltage it even wants to run at.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 03:11:53 (permalink)
    Undervolting in Afteburner with -260mhz coreclock and pushing at 875mV@1900Mhz, capped at 1905Mhz and then dropped around 1875Mhz at 68 degrees. TimeSpy gave me a Graphics score of 19497. 
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 03:42:51 (permalink)
    Can you guys run RTX heavy games (e.g. Cyberpunk, Metro) with these overclocks? I can pass Port Royal all day long with my 3090 XC3 Hybrid, but practically any overclock at all causes me problems in Cyberpunk.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 08:14:17 (permalink)
    Nah, I usually have to bump it up 12mV and drop two speed bins from what ever I can run in Timespy to get it stable in game. Time spy is usually a bin lower and a voltage bin higher then Port Royal too.

    The operating point doesn't really seem to be the issue. It's that clocks will spike above where you set them a bit. Even with it set two bins lower, I'll still see the same max clock speeds. The extra 12mV keeps it stable under heavy loads and during load transitions.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 16:13:46 (permalink)
    My card stock sustains around 345W. 3080ti XC3 Gaming
    Time Spy - Stock (sustains clock 1725-1750, ~345W) GPU 18649 www.3dmark.com/spy/21806417
    Port Royal - Stock (sustains clock 1725-1750, ~345W) GPU:12448 www.3dmark.com/pr/1147770
    Undervolt of 875mV and 1875Mhz. I didn't try to tweak it more upward than this.
    Time Spy - Undervolt (875mV, 1875Mhz, ~345W) GPU:19041 www.3dmark.com/spy/21806625
    Port Royal - Undervolt (875mV, 1875Mhz, ~342W) GPU:12773 www.3dmark.com/pr/1148782
    Of more interest to me, instead of squeezing out a few extra FPS for massive extra power, I want to undervolt to reduce power while keeping performance about stock.
    Time Spy - Undervolt (788mV, 1740MHz, ~295W) GPU: 18651 www.3dmark.com/spy/21942146
    Port Royal - Undervolt (788mV, 1740Mhz, ~295W) GPU: 12498 www.3dmark.com/pr/1148814
    Card also runs a good bit cooler 5-7C. Wattage usually runs around 240W while playing call of duty at 3440x1440. Stable for me, been running for days and many hours of games.

    Those are some amazing results. What kind of in game performance difference are you getting at 788mv @ 1740MHZ? Is it just a few percent points?
    My card runs into the power cap around 850mV.
    Setting core frequency to +240 and then capping it at 1905@850mV was stable enough to run Timespy with the demo. This gave a graphics score of 20,134. This pulled about 345W peak.

    Overclocking in Port Royal, best results I got was starting at +255 and capping at 2010MHz@887mV. This with +300 memory did 13,726 in Port Royal. I couldn't get it above 887mV in Port Royal. Firestrike would likely be useable to find max clock vs voltage as the load is light enough in spots that voltage can spike up higher.

    The memory was interesting. Seems like +300 is the highest I can run. Changing the memory above that with 3Dmark open would crash 3Dmark. However, if I raised the memory above +600 and then opened 3D mark it was fine. Between +300 and+600 would crash it trying to launch 3Dmark. I ran it as high as +1200 but performance dropped above +300. At +1200 it was at 13, 712 in Port Royal. Marginal performance loss, but I'm pretty sure it would cause a lot of problems in game. Seems like the error correction helps out if you're well above the stability point, but if you're on the border of stability, it's probably not going to like it.

    Undervolting was also interesting. It didn't seem to want to run below 812mV, although I didn't pull clocks down super low. I could run Timespy with 812mV@1800MHz. At this setting, it's at 19,216 on Timespy graphics, about 300 points lower than stock. This setting ran just below 300W peak.

    Needless to say it, but the ~350W limit on this card really isn't high enough. It's running into the power limit right above where the minimum voltage it even wants to run at.

    All XC3 variants are definitely starving for power. I wish Nvidia would've just released a 3-8pin design for all cards but I guess that's asking too much from them. Your results are very interesting nonetheless. I feel I'm personally more thermal limited than power limited as my card sits around 80'C with the default fan profile in gaming and benchmarks. I've set a custom fan curve that lowers that by a few degrees but the Ambient temperature in my room doesn't help the situation.
    My memory is stable at +850 but anything above that slowly reduces performance. +1000 performs exactly the same as +850 for me.
    Would it be possible for you to post a link to your best timespy and portroyal run?
    Undervolting in Afteburner with -260mhz coreclock and pushing at 875mV@1900Mhz, capped at 1905Mhz and then dropped around 1875Mhz at 68 degrees. TimeSpy gave me a Graphics score of 19497. 

    Pretty much what I'm getting as well. 850mv - 875mv might be the sweet spot for the XC3. I'm thinking of getting a hybrid kit to control my thermals but winter is coming so my Ambient will be significantly less in a few months.
    Can you guys run RTX heavy games (e.g. Cyberpunk, Metro) with these overclocks? I can pass Port Royal all day long with my 3090 XC3 Hybrid, but practically any overclock at all causes me problems in Cyberpunk.

    I'm thinking of downloading minecraft RTX as its a free demo I think but I don't have metro or cyberpunk. I do have Plague Tale Innocence which can hammer the power limit @ 4k/Ultra. The power limit stays at 350-366W in that game for me and seems to be stable at my undervolt. Although the card averages 1690MHz clocks in that game (mostly due to thermal limitations on my end I think).
    I've also tested for multiple hours with realbench which is extremely sensitive to GPU overclocks I've found.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 18:15:25 (permalink)
    3080 ti xc3 
    Timespy  - Graphics Score  19658     https://www.3dmark.com/spy/21984587
    Overclocks : 1454/1213
    Max Temp 67.3 @ 100% fan speeds
    Max Memory temp 78c @ 100% fan speeds
    368w maximum board power draw
    Pin 1 Power Max -151 w
    Pin 2 Power Max -152.3 w
    Bios V.
    Driver 471.41
    Currently testing with some under volts ... will post back later with default and under volts benchmarks. 
    This is currently my maximum benchmark using the X1 OVERCLOCK SCANNER which gives me +200 /89.
    post edited by glenn37216 - 2021/08/06 18:23:34

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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 18:25:08 (permalink)
    3080 ti xc3 
    Timespy  - Graphics Score  19658     https://www.3dmark.com/spy/21984587
    Overclocks : 1454/1213
    Max Temp 67.3 @ 100% fan speeds
    Max Memory temp 78c @ 100% fan speeds
    368w maximum board power draw
    Pin 1 Power Max -151 w
    Pin 2 Power Max -152.3 w
    Bios V.
    Driver 471.41
    Currently testing with some under volts ... will post back later with default and under volts benchmarks. 
    This is currently my maximum benchmark using the X1 OVERCLOCK SCANNER which gives me +200 /89.

    +200 is very impressive. How does that work in games?
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/06 18:40:13 (permalink)
    3080 ti xc3 
    Timespy  - Graphics Score  19658     https://www.3dmark.com/spy/21984587
    Overclocks : 1454/1213
    Max Temp 67.3 @ 100% fan speeds
    Max Memory temp 78c @ 100% fan speeds
    368w maximum board power draw
    Pin 1 Power Max -151 w
    Pin 2 Power Max -152.3 w
    Bios V.
    Driver 471.41
    Currently testing with some under volts ... will post back later with default and under volts benchmarks. 
    This is currently my maximum benchmark using the X1 OVERCLOCK SCANNER which gives me +200 /89.

    +200 is very impressive. How does that work in games?

    I've got about 20+ hours in testing in gaming. Fans at 100% on gpu but can be brought down to 90% and its still stable with not much difference in temps. . Currently playing through Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition about 5 hrs in with no issues. Played about 3 hr of Cyberpunk  , couple of hours of Shadow of the Tomb Raider  , Project Cars 2 and  3 hrs into Spongebob Squarepants battle for bikini bottom...No real issues yet. -Will try to undervolt in a day or so if clocks stay stable andI have no crashes...  

    G.SKILL Flare X5 Series AMD EXPO 64GB 6000
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/07 10:38:06 (permalink)
    timespy graphics score 20 324 www.3dmark.com/spy/21686445
    1905mhz @ 868mv
    +420 mem
    fans @ 85%
    max board power draw 364w
    post edited by blizz93 - 2021/08/07 10:40:34
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/07 19:38:22 (permalink)
    Playing Witcher 3, the +300 on the memory was causing stuttering. Put it back to zero and it stopped the stuttering. The memory I got seems to be complete crap.

    Frame time is kind of all over the place and it feels odd playing. I'd have to double check, but I think this was at 800mV@1760Mhz. FWIW, my 3080 hybrid at like 825mV@1825MHz ran super smooth with very stable frame rates. The 3080 could easily lock 60Hz@4k ultra on this game so life should be even easier on the Ti.

    I am running a newer driver. Maybe I'll revert back to the old driver and see if it runs any better. Probably try default settings too and see how that goes.

    Not very impressed with the 3080Ti so far. Maybe I'll try to unload it for an FTW3.
    post edited by 03whitegsr - 2021/08/07 19:44:25
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/07 20:37:00 (permalink)
    IMHO you want to just get the cooling as good as possible (very good case fan config and fast) and then throw a fat OC at it, like +210 core.  If it crashes in Timespy just let the PC cool down and try again.  If it crashes again back it off in 15mhz increments until it passes.  Since it is so power limited, it shouldn't get that high up the voltage curve anyway.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/08 12:03:40 (permalink)

    I need some overclocking help. I installed precision X1 software and ANY overclock would result in a system crash. The most I could do is power limit/temp limit at full. Fans at 100%

    As soon as I would click "boost lock" or any increase in frequency. It would crash.

    Also had other weird issues with precision. I tried uninstalling it, and it was somehow still on my system. I deleted all the files and did a clean uninstall and went with MSI afterburner.

    I cannot see voltage control in MSI afterburner. I see "core voltage" as a % slider, but nothing to up the voltage.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I'm getting only 165fps in warzone on a 240hz monitor with 3080ti and Asus ROG maximus hero viii. Playing on all low settings too. Quite underwhelming!
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/08 22:13:37 (permalink)
    3080 ti xc3 
    Timespy  - Graphics Score  19658     https://www.3dmark.com/spy/21984587
    Overclocks : 1454/1213
    Max Temp 67.3 @ 100% fan speeds
    Max Memory temp 78c @ 100% fan speeds
    368w maximum board power draw
    Pin 1 Power Max -151 w
    Pin 2 Power Max -152.3 w
    Bios V.
    Driver 471.41
    Currently testing with some under volts ... will post back later with default and under volts benchmarks. 
    This is currently my maximum benchmark using the X1 OVERCLOCK SCANNER which gives me +200 /89.

    +200 is very impressive. How does that work in games?

    I've got about 20+ hours in testing in gaming. Fans at 100% on gpu but can be brought down to 90% and its still stable with not much difference in temps. . Currently playing through Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition about 5 hrs in with no issues. Played about 3 hr of Cyberpunk  , couple of hours of Shadow of the Tomb Raider  , Project Cars 2 and  3 hrs into Spongebob Squarepants battle for bikini bottom...No real issues yet. -Will try to undervolt in a day or so if clocks stay stable andI have no crashes...  

    Those are definitely great results. I can't seem to get anything above +105 stable. Although a large part of that could be my temperatures as well. With the stock curve I can get up to 82 degrees, 80 average.
    timespy graphics score 20 324 www.3dmark.com/spy/21686445
    1905mhz @ 868mv
    +420 mem
    fans @ 85%
    max board power draw 364w

    Nice results. Fairly close to what I managed to get. I feel a better cpu could push my score above 20k as well. I'm looking into getting a 5900x as well. I'm guessing memory above 420 isn't as performant?

    I need some overclocking help. I installed precision X1 software and ANY overclock would result in a system crash. The most I could do is power limit/temp limit at full. Fans at 100%

    As soon as I would click "boost lock" or any increase in frequency. It would crash.

    Also had other weird issues with precision. I tried uninstalling it, and it was somehow still on my system. I deleted all the files and did a clean uninstall and went with MSI afterburner.

    I cannot see voltage control in MSI afterburner. I see "core voltage" as a % slider, but nothing to up the voltage.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I'm getting only 165fps in warzone on a 240hz monitor with 3080ti and Asus ROG maximus hero viii. Playing on all low settings too. Quite underwhelming!

    You have to unlock voltage control in Afterburner. You can do that by going to settings

    Regarding your GPU's overclock, is it completely stable at stock settings? Try running 1 hour of realbench to see if it detects any instability. Maybe something else entirely is affecting the GPU's stability?
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/08 23:01:56 (permalink)
    You have to unlock voltage control in Afterburner. You can do that by going to settings

    Regarding your GPU's overclock, is it completely stable at stock settings? Try running 1 hour of realbench to see if it detects any instability. Maybe something else entirely is affecting the GPU's stability?

    I've done that in Afterburner as well as editing the config file. Maybe I'm confused, does voltage control ONLY give me the voltage % slider? Or am I supposed to get a voltage slider that I can up the actual voltage by mV?
    Either way, I've unlocked those two options and only see a voltage % slider, which I assume isn't actually controlling the voltage much. 
    I kept getting clock_watchdog_timeout and WhoCrashed was telling me I'm getting intelppm.sys and ntfs.sys crashed (its about 50/50). I did SFC and CHKDSK. SFC had some errors that were repaired CHKDSK was fine. After that I:
    Fresh windows install by the way with minimal programs installed
    I uninstalled afterburner and went back to precision x1
    Updated MOBO bios (rog xiii hero)
    Updated a bunch of intel drivers 
    I ran 1 hour of warzone and it was fine until I tried exiting. It froze and clock_watchdog_time out BSOD is back with ntfs.sys crashing. 
    I know this is an overclock thread and I'll leave it at this, but if anybody has some ideas that would be great. I'm running out of options to try here...
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/09 06:01:51 (permalink)
    I've done that in Afterburner as well as editing the config file. Maybe I'm confused, does voltage control ONLY give me the voltage % slider? Or am I supposed to get a voltage slider that I can up the actual voltage by mV?
    Either way, I've unlocked those two options and only see a voltage % slider, which I assume isn't actually controlling the voltage much. 

    The slider increases the max possible core voltage, iirc it's 1.075V at the minimum and 1.1V at the maximum.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/09 06:26:30 (permalink)
    CRTL + F opens the voltage/frequency editor in MSI Afterburner on Pascal (10x0 series) and later GPU's.

    "It was I who helped the Prime Evils mastermind their own exile to your world. The plan we set in motion so long ago cannot be stopped by any mortal agency. Hell, itself, is poised to spill forth into your world like a tidal wave of blood and nightmares. You and all your kind... are doomed."
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/09 06:49:20 (permalink)
    All XC3 variants are definitely starving for power. I wish Nvidia would've just released a 3-8pin design for all cards but I guess that's asking too much from them. Your results are very interesting nonetheless. I feel I'm personally more thermal limited than power limited as my card sits around 80'C with the default fan profile in gaming and benchmarks. I've set a custom fan curve that lowers that by a few degrees but the Ambient temperature in my room doesn't help the situation.
    My memory is stable at +850 but anything above that slowly reduces performance. +1000 performs exactly the same as +850 for me.
    Would it be possible for you to post a link to your best timespy and portroyal run?

    Sure, although I'm not looking at my test log so I'm just guessing what runs these were. Also, I guess I had the frame limiter on at some point, although I doubt it affected much as this is actually the best score I got and the only one with the warning about the limiter being on.

    These were most likely where I had done +255 on the core and then capped the FV curve at ~2010Mz. In effect, it's like running a +255 overclock without getting the high frequency spikes when load drops. Seems to help a lot with stability. Fans at 100%.

    Timespy - 20,355 graphics score
    No memory overclock

    Port Royal - 13,716
    +300 memory over clock.

    Firestrike - 47,764 graphics

    I could be wrong about the exact settings, but I did for sure notice that even setting higher peak allowed frequency, it never actually got to the peak setting. Basically there was no point in using a frequency setting above ~1980MHz because the card (under load) would never get that high anyway. Using a base curve of +270 would crash at any peak frequency cap so I feel +255 is the limit on my card.

    Reran Timespy with +255 capped at 2010MHz, +300 memory, 100% fans
    Pretty sure I could break top 100 for 5600X/3080Ti with my CPU overclock settings as it does just shy of 9500 on the CPU. I guess the card isn't doing terribly bad considering the hard power cap.

    Edit 2 - used Firestrike to find the max FV curve.
    Highest frequency I could get was 2175@1068mV (+180 offset). Best score I got was at a higher offset but capping the peak frequency. #22 for 5600x/3080Ti. I wanted to break 50k graphics but couldn't do it. This was +0 on the memory, anything higher lost points. Almost wondering if going lower would pick up points. It would crash above +200 on the memory as well. Peak memory temperature was 60C.
    post edited by 03whitegsr - 2021/08/09 17:40:52
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/11 11:28:23 (permalink)
    All XC3 variants are definitely starving for power. I wish Nvidia would've just released a 3-8pin design for all cards but I guess that's asking too much from them. Your results are very interesting nonetheless. I feel I'm personally more thermal limited than power limited as my card sits around 80'C with the default fan profile in gaming and benchmarks. I've set a custom fan curve that lowers that by a few degrees but the Ambient temperature in my room doesn't help the situation.
    My memory is stable at +850 but anything above that slowly reduces performance. +1000 performs exactly the same as +850 for me.
    Would it be possible for you to post a link to your best timespy and portroyal run?

    Sure, although I'm not looking at my test log so I'm just guessing what runs these were. Also, I guess I had the frame limiter on at some point, although I doubt it affected much as this is actually the best score I got and the only one with the warning about the limiter being on.

    These were most likely where I had done +255 on the core and then capped the FV curve at ~2010Mz. In effect, it's like running a +255 overclock without getting the high frequency spikes when load drops. Seems to help a lot with stability. Fans at 100%.

    Timespy - 20,355 graphics score
    No memory overclock

    Port Royal - 13,716
    +300 memory over clock.

    Firestrike - 47,764 graphics

    I could be wrong about the exact settings, but I did for sure notice that even setting higher peak allowed frequency, it never actually got to the peak setting. Basically there was no point in using a frequency setting above ~1980MHz because the card (under load) would never get that high anyway. Using a base curve of +270 would crash at any peak frequency cap so I feel +255 is the limit on my card.

    Reran Timespy with +255 capped at 2010MHz, +300 memory, 100% fans
    Pretty sure I could break top 100 for 5600X/3080Ti with my CPU overclock settings as it does just shy of 9500 on the CPU. I guess the card isn't doing terribly bad considering the hard power cap.

    Edit 2 - used Firestrike to find the max FV curve.
    Highest frequency I could get was 2175@1068mV (+180 offset). Best score I got was at a higher offset but capping the peak frequency. #22 for 5600x/3080Ti. I wanted to break 50k graphics but couldn't do it. This was +0 on the memory, anything higher lost points. Almost wondering if going lower would pick up points. It would crash above +200 on the memory as well. Peak memory temperature was 60C.

    Those are some very promising results. My card does not boost well without an underclock. Any overclock causes it to average around 1750MHz. Underclocking seems to do a lot better for some reason. I managed to break 20k using the new 3080ti XC3 vBIOS.
    1890MHz/850mv/100% Fan Speed/+750 Memory
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/11 11:49:17 (permalink)
    All XC3 variants are definitely starving for power. I wish Nvidia would've just released a 3-8pin design for all cards but I guess that's asking too much from them. Your results are very interesting nonetheless. I feel I'm personally more thermal limited than power limited as my card sits around 80'C with the default fan profile in gaming and benchmarks. I've set a custom fan curve that lowers that by a few degrees but the Ambient temperature in my room doesn't help the situation.

    You're not going to see Nvidia releasing any cards beyond 300-350w until their customers learn how to cool the existing cards properly.  Can you imagine if the 3080 Ti FE was released with 400w PL and 500w max?  Half of them would be melted into slag by now.
    In fact, I'd expect the next gen's top sku to be under 300w.
    post edited by kevinc313 - 2021/08/11 11:50:28
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/11 15:59:05 (permalink)
    All XC3 variants are definitely starving for power. I wish Nvidia would've just released a 3-8pin design for all cards but I guess that's asking too much from them. Your results are very interesting nonetheless. I feel I'm personally more thermal limited than power limited as my card sits around 80'C with the default fan profile in gaming and benchmarks. I've set a custom fan curve that lowers that by a few degrees but the Ambient temperature in my room doesn't help the situation.

    You're not going to see Nvidia releasing any cards beyond 300-350w until their customers learn how to cool the existing cards properly.  Can you imagine if the 3080 Ti FE was released with 400w PL and 500w max?  Half of them would be melted into slag by now.
    In fact, I'd expect the next gen's top sku to be under 300w.

    I agree. A lot of people won't be able to deal with that much heat and create more problems for Nvidia than they would want to deal with. Especially considering most people prefer glass sandwich cases instead of airflow ones. Although things are changing regarding that in the last few years.
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/11 17:14:11 (permalink)
    My best 3080HY was 831mv 1875mhz +1110mem -110w, 98.7% performance 45C GPU - 67 C mem 70C hot spot 
    My Current is KPE 925mv 1980mhz +1100mem -77w , 101.6% performance 46-54C GPU 65C mem 70C hot spot
    post edited by kraade - 2021/08/11 17:18:06
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/11 19:47:42 (permalink)
    My best 3080HY was 831mv 1875mhz +1110mem -110w, 98.7% performance 45C GPU - 67 C mem 70C hot spot 
    My Current is KPE 925mv 1980mhz +1100mem -77w , 101.6% performance 46-54C GPU 65C mem 70C hot spot

    Those are some interesting results. Would you mind posting a timespy run result if you get the chance? How much power draw are you seeing on average with those two undervolts?
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    Re: 3080 Ti XC3 Overclocking-Undervolting Discussion 2021/08/11 20:39:32 (permalink)
    You're not going to see Nvidia releasing any cards beyond 300-350w until their customers learn how to cool the existing cards properly.  Can you imagine if the 3080 Ti FE was released with 400w PL and 500w max?  Half of them would be melted into slag by now.
    In fact, I'd expect the next gen's top sku to be under 300w.

    You'd just see a lot of people getting heavily throttled on clock speeds with poor performance...
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