Helpful Reply3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers

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2023/07/04 02:05:40 (permalink)
New Computer:
  • Motherboard: ROG z790-i gaming
  • CPU: 13900k
  • RAM: G.Skill Trident Z5 64gb XMP
  • PSU: Silverstone SX1000
Old Computer:
  • Motherboard: MSI Z87I GAMING AC
  • CPU: 4790k
  • RAM: Corsair Vengeance Pro Series 16GB
  • PSU: Silverstone SX700-G
  • GPU: EVGA 780ti
I Built a pc january of 2023 being "new computer". New computer was working well with a second hand 3070, and I ran this system with no issues for a couple months. Gaming was rock solid and anything I would throw at it was no feat, that was until I started to install new nvidia drivers... This is when I started to experience the intermittent flashing. It would flash to black a couple time and for a few  seconds and then it would continue running as usual. I had noticed that this flashing was more common when I was playing a game like fornite, but it also occured when I would simply be browsing.

I tolerated the issue for a couple months as it happened intermittently and only lasted a few seconds so it was sorta bearable and everything worked fine besides the black flashing.
At some point, it was just happening more often and I had to find a fix. Because it wasn't happening on the older drivers I had originally started with, I decided to use those drivers. The older drivers did fix the intermittent flashing, but there was still some weird behavior with the screen flashing black. It was flashing horizontally for a split second on 1/6 of the upper part of the screen. I thought it was maybe just my monitor acting up so I just ignored it and continued as usual for a couple more weeks.

Anyways, at some point I decided to upgrade my drivers again thinking the newer drivers being released would fix my issue. But when I updated to the latest drivers the issue came back and once again intermittently flashing to black. At this point I was annoyed the flashing would now last up to 10 seconds in a game and it was starting to become a burden. Because all the issues I experienced seemed to be GPU/Image related, I started to believed it was a GPU issue. I contacted EVGA and asked them if they could RMA this card and they were very helpful and provided me an RMA 3070.

When I installed the RMA 3070 everything worked smooth for about 2 weeks, until one day it just started flashing again. This time however something new was happening, it was artifacting then flashing to black. I was really concerned with the new symptom, it made me believed that there was now a critical problem with my system.
Before I tried to trouble shoot any hardware, I first tried to do all the basic software troubleshooting I could possibly do. DDU, Install new drivers, reinstall drivers, update bios, fresh windows install, test on linux. But regardless of all the troubleshooting I did, the problem still persisted and began to get worse over time.

Since software troubleshooting did not solve my issue, I moved on to testing all my hardware. I wasn't sure were to start, but since all the issues were GPU related and this was a new RMA, I refused to believe there was an issue with the GPU. I instead attributed the issues to it being a bad PCIe slot on the motherboard or possibly even the riser card included in my case.

I RMA'd the Motherboard and purchased a new riser card. Once I had the RMA motherboard, I installed the motherboard as well as the new riser card, but to my surprise the issue was still there...
A New motherboard and a new riser card did not fix my issue. Since this didn't fix the issue all I had left was to replace the CPU and RAM. I RMA'd the CPU and bought ram to replace the current one I had. But even when I swapped the CPU and RAM the problem was still there...

My pc was almost all new at this point the only part I hadn't replaced was the PSU. In a last ditch effort I tried to troubleshoot my system again, this time doing stress test's, mem test, any possible test i could think of. I even thought it was maybe my monitor or the cables. I ended up purchasing new media cables and tested the system on monitors, but once again the issue persisted.

I Began to dig a bit deeper and started to use the Event Viewer to get a hint at what was going on. The logs on event viewer did give me some details as to what was possibly happening when the screens started to artifact and go black.
Event ID 14 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.The following information was included with the event: \Device\000000af0000(0000) 00000000 00000000The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table

The description for Event ID 0 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.The following information was included with the event: \Device\000000afUCodeReset TDR occurred on GPUID:100The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table

3.The description for Event ID 0 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.The following information was included with the event: \Device\000000afError occurred on GPUID: 100The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table

I would get hundreds of these errors in my event viewer. I had researched and googled these errors and found some posts with people experience similar issues and there were dozens of possible fixes and suggestions which i tried, powermanagement, pcie3 or 4, and many more that I can't remember at the momemnt.

Eventually I gave up, I couldn't figure out what was going on. I didn't want to accept that EVGA had possibly sent me a bad GPU, which could be possible. I contacted EVGA again,provided them with the logs and images and videos of the symptoms. I as well explained everything I had done to fix the issue. EVGA fortunately agreed to possibly being a GPU issue and sent me a third RMA GPU.

After some waiting the new RMA was here. I was so excited hoping that the new gpu would be an end to all my problems, but boy was I so wrong.

I installed the new RMA GPU and immediate artifacting and now BSOD crashing!(TDR error as the logs state). At this point I had not freaking clue what was going on I can't express how devastated I was. I had already gone through so much stress and sleepless nights trying to fix this issue only to have the 3rd RMA 3070 to fail on this system. I did not understand everything was basically new on this PC besides the PSU.

Since I was Running out of Ideas, I dug out my old pc out of storage. The specs on this old pc are listed above.
Since the only part I hadn't swapped out yet was the PSU I started with that. I swapped PSU's, but the problem was still there... However, now it was much much worse at this point the GPU was Artifacting on boot and stayed artifacting in the OS and also the OS stopped recognizing the card unable to open the nvidia settings saying there is no nvidia gpu plugged in and when i would launch a game it would say no compatible d11 card was detected.

Since I did an advance RMA I still had access to the first RMA, I took advantage and began testing both GPU's on my system and the problems were present on both dang cards.
I even tested the card on the old PC and it present really different issues. On the old pc on one card it would artifact for a split second and not boot. The other it would boot but the driver never initiated and would be in the lowest resolution but there was any artifacting. The old pc had an old 780ti so I thought let me try that on my new pc and it worked. It booted with no issues was recognized by the system with no issue I was able to installed the 780ti drivers with no issue and I was even able to boot into a game without an issue! Being in disbelief that an old 780 that was dusty and beat to hell, i say this because I accidentally dropped it years ago and put a dent on the pcb, it was still able to function and even play games with out an issue. I had to make sure the 780ti was going to hold out and survive so I left a game running for over 12 hours and I still have it installed on my system 48 hours late and there has not been a single issue arise.

At this point I don't know what else to do I've been through so much stress and gone sleepless night over this damn issue. There is only one theory i could think of, because I still hadn't swapped out the PSU I was thinking maybe the PSU was causing some sort of electrical issue causing damage to the GPU's but the 780ti has been running fine with same the PSU. Regardless I'm currently in the process of RMA'ing the PSU and currently waiting for a replacement. Because I'm paranoid and suspecting electrical issue I also bought a UPS with power conditioning to help maybe smooth out what every "dirty" electricity that is being supplied.

I'm extrememly depressed I wasn't able to find a solution to my problem and I'm just waiting on EVGA to respond to my tickets I sent about this issue. At this point I don't know what else to do other than to buy another card and different brand and model. I've already spent so much money trying to fix this issue though and coughing up $500+ for a new GPU really sucks.
That's my story with this issue. I'm willing to hear any opinions on as to what could've possible happened. Thank you for reading.


  1. GPU Intermittently Artifacting / black screening / or BSOD. 
  •   IMAGE 1
  • IMAGE 2
  • VIDEO 1
  • VIDEO 2
  1. Occurs when browsing firefox or playing game intermittently.
  2. Started occurring when I began updating Nvidia drivers.
  3. Produces various event error in "Event Viewer"
  1. GPU Intermittently Artifacting / black screening and BSOD on two computer with different hardware
Troubleshooting attempts:
  1. RMA GPU 2 times
  2. RMA mother board and replaced riser card
  3. RMA CPU
  4. Purchased new ram
  5. Updated all drivers and bios and anything that could be updated
  6. tested gpu on two different computers with the same results
  1. windows fresh install and tested with fedora linux with the same result
  2. trying older 780ti gpu on new build with out an issue. 
  1. tried different media cables, purchased differe display ports and HDMI cables.
  2. tried a variety of monitors and now even have an RMA on my monitor because I thought that was a cause as well but it literally happens on all of monitors, I have 6 different monitors.
I just want to use my computer in peace without the fear of an issue arising.
post edited by kmachappy - 2023/07/04 05:26:56
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/04 04:39:52 (permalink)
Yikes. Sounds like you got some bad gpu's from evga's rma department since the 780 worked fine. You'll most likely need to buy a new gpu like you said to resolve your issue, or maybe evga might be able to get you one that works if you continue to rma.
If you were out of warranty on the 3070 you could try baking the card to resolve your issue... https://www.overclockers.com/the-oven-trick-repairing-your-broken-video-card-with-an-oven/ (Make sure you bake it with the gpu die facing up instead of down)
Artifacting in two different systems with the artifacts following the card to each system means the card is bad.
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/04 04:44:12 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Cool GTX 2023/07/09 15:39:20
Hello kmachappy,
Let me say that i have read your whole post thoroughly and sorry to hear anyone have this much pain in the *ss.
However i wanted to comment because i have encountered this "nvlddmkm" problem before and it's software related (to my best knowledge and collected info from many other users).
I have commonly read from others dealing with that issue and it brings the same symptoms, artifacts and black screens.
I would completely forget all drivers after 532.xx for now, they all have an issue or another (not saying they are all bad, but they all have some problem that will show in one persons system or anothers).
I know of atleast two very stable versions i have used myself, and after thorough reading on forums others found them very stable and absent of the more apparent issues (allegedly including this nvlddmkm aswell).
528.49 and/or 531.29 
Now if you are down to try another procedure before you swap hardware (i personally beleive it's not a hardware issue) i have the following in mind:
Lets start with getting ready a new DisplayPort cable, but don't swap it out just yet. Now proceed to DDU your current driver in SAFE mode (choose the Clean and Reboot to system option).
While doing so, completely disconnect your Internet either by removing the cable, or disabling your Ethernet controller temporarly before DDU-ing (this will prevent Windows Update installing some garbage display driver without your consent).
Now we should be inside the OS without any display driver and internet disconnected, this is where you would want to install 528.49 or 531.29, now i would recommend the following program NVCleanstall which you can use to only install the necessary components of the NVIDIA drivers (because they come with alot of unnecessary bloat). Download that before you do the whole DDU process, as you won't have Internet for the time being while installing the new driver.
Just double click NVCleanstall, choose the option where you locally browse to your downloaded driver (528.49/531.29), on the next screen you only choose the core component (if you need Physx for any game, you can install that too, lastly if you are unsure you have the Microsoft Visual C 2017 runtimes, you can also tick that option, but leave everything else). After that on the following screens you can tick "Perform a Clean Installation" and "Disable Installer Telemetry and advertising" (optionally Disable Ansel if you never use that feature).
After that the program should have the installer ready and choose the "Install" option. While installing the driver itself, go to the "Manual" or "Custom" (i forgot how was it called) option, then Clean install and everything else should be already filled, you only need to click continue (this procedure is just to make sure it ticked those options and proceeds normall). After it finished, please do restart the OS/PC, and see if your issues are resolved.
If not, thats when i would try a new cable, and/or even new DisplayPort plugs on the card itself. The order is important because you are eliminating things before others. With the above you can exclude that it's drivers/software (atleast to our best knowledge), with new cable you can remove the element of the cable somehow being faulty or shorted, if problem persists, you can move the new cable to new ports on the card to eliminate just that port being the problem.
If the problem STILL persists after all that, that's when it's time to starting thinking about whats next.
PS: ohh yeah almost forgot, at the point you installed the new driver and restarted your system, you can re-enable your Internet connection, at that point Windows Update can't or is not expected to ever mess with Display Driver installs in the background.
post edited by Epsolike - 2023/07/04 04:47:20

EVGA X570 DARK (1.09) [manual SoC, AUTO high!]
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/06 13:54:17 (permalink)
Yikes. Sounds like you got some bad gpu's from evga's rma department since the 780 worked fine. You'll most likely need to buy a new gpu like you said to resolve your issue, or maybe evga might be able to get you one that works if you continue to rma.
If you were out of warranty on the 3070 you could try baking the card to resolve your issue...  (Make sure you bake it with the gpu die facing up instead of down)
Artifacting in two different systems with the artifacts following the card to each system means the card is bad.

I don't know how I could have received two bad rma's. I want to keep thinking something on my system is causing harm to the GPUs like the PSU.
I am receiving a replacement PSU soon, the only part I have not replace. So before I try any new GPU I will be waiting for this replacement GPU
EVGA has been extremely helpful and offered another RMA.
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/07 23:24:00 (permalink)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my bad writing. and thank you for the detailed steps on how to install the drivers.
I think I found the issue to my problem.... I'm still not 100% sure, but I after receiving a new PSU the GPU worked with out flaws.

I have a lian li h20 case and there is very little room for the pcie cable and atx cable so when I put the bottom panel on i kinda need to forcefully bend the cabled to make it close.
Because of this fact I decided to only put the bottom panel and see how the computer would boot AND VIOLA Artifacting!!!!!!!!!!

I removed the bottom panels unstressed the cables and BOOM NO ARTIFACTING.
So now I'm sure This is a result of putting too much strain on the cables to the pcie and maybe atx.

So now the solution is to spend more MONEY! I purchased the Silverstone SUGO15.  I saw someone make a build on youtube and it seems like it has more than adequate about of space for the pcie and atx cables to not be compressed and stressed.

I really hope this new case helps my issue lol. I'm still gonna say it a because of the strain put on the cable or somehow the case is making a bad ground.
I'm so scared to even touch my computer now. I feel like it going to blow up lol.

I'm glad I've been able to get rid of the artifacting now though I really hope my system continue to work without artifact and I will be extremely careful to put any strain on my PSU cable.
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/07 23:30:14 (permalink)
Hey just wanted to update you it was not the GPU It seems to be a combination of my PC case a LIAN LI h20 and The delicate PSU cables.
Because there is very little space for the cables there is a ton of strain when I put back the bottom panel and screwing it back to the case caused my pc to artifact.

When I removed the botton panel and release the strain and tension the cables had, I worked again without artifacting.

God what a F'ing Pain in the A. I went through every single hardware piece of to finally figure out it was my case... Now that I think about it was also the PSU because even when there was no strain on the old psu it still had issue. I think the cables had been damaged to a point of no return and this new psu doesn't produce the same issue when the cables aren't strain.

anyways I bought silverstone sugo15 and saw on youtube someone build a pc and it seems to have adequate amount of space to let the PCIE and ATX cable to breath.

I really hope this new case can let me continue using my computer in peace.
post edited by kmachappy - 2023/07/07 23:33:43
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/08 02:14:27 (permalink)
Never mind it crapped out again...................
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/08 02:29:19 (permalink)
How is it that this damn abused 780ti that I dropped still works miles better than the 3070's
god give me an answer
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/08 02:33:21 (permalink)
Let us know how the new rma card works.
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/12 23:21:56 (permalink)
Received the new RMA today!

Seems good so far. My computer even posts and loads much quicker! Posting use to take a couple seconds now booting up is near immediate.

Crossing my fingers nothing happens will be updating a week from now.
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/12 23:36:27 (permalink)
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/19 02:49:31 (permalink)
In conclusion it was the GPU's...

so much headache... when it was the gpu's i'm pissed honestly made companies give me rma's for no reason.
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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/07/19 04:54:01 (permalink)

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Re: 3070 FTW3 intermittent Artifacting and black screen on different GPUs and computers 2023/12/08 12:39:27 (permalink)
PC Spec:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800x
GPU: EVGA Geforce RTX 3070ti ftw3
RAM: Corsair DDR4 16GB
Motherboard: ASUS Rog Strix B550-f
PSU: Corsair CX-M 750m
I read the issue you were having , I just built my pc a month ago and have only been playing minecraft and other small games. Today I tried playing TheFinals and noticed I was getting some flashing pixels. (Mind you I am new to this so I didn't know what it was at first.) Basically the game was unplayable. I googled it and i notice it was artifacting. Now I am only getting when I launch these games. I tried uninstalling the games and drivers even using DDU, still no fix. I contacted EVGA and put in a request for RMA, is there anyway I can troubleshoot if any other components on my PC are causing this issue while I wait for the RMA? I am just nervous because I spent a lot of money and don't want to keep spending if I can troubleshoot before. Thank you so much in advance. 
Sorry if I made any grammar errors. (first time writing in a forum) 

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