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Welcome all warriors to out humble little Martial arts Dojo leave your footwear by the door and prepare for a workout can't leave the ladies out ...we need them too we have a lot of work to do to accomplish are goal of defeating those unworthy scallions pretending to be the defuncto master of folding we all must work as one to bring defeat to all who seek to upsurpt our goal of being masters of F@H kingfu we will fight , bring all our chi , and training to bear - even some ninja magic and defeat them all to the other teams i wish you well but defeat is all you will ever see submit now and we will be mercifull as your masters to the team put the earplugs in so you don't hear the groan-garian chants from the prophets Blecch- who want to listen to them all day put some shades on to keep from being blinded by pimp bling at least they have a better sense of music you unforgiven type - well you can mosey around looking for trouble like you usually do - you may have clint eastwood but he's a geriatric now and the DC strike force - may the farce(ahem force) not be with you - - - aka - you don't strike back to the teammates that haven't got up to speed...when your able start putting those WU's out if your having issues contact us if you don't have a passkey get one mood music
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2021/02/18 18:06:25
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 10:21:06
we have one man down doomed83 at current time im assuming due to the weather if anyone wants to co-capt - pm me
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 10:51:27
That's a nice little dojo you have there.....Would be a shame if ___ ____ ___.  Carry on.
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 11:06:56
Just the place to practice my panda style Kung fu!
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 16:38:41
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 16:42:09
Xavier Zepherious Fragility is Co-Capt
Sure thing
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Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 16:48:43
What??? no time to swap the wallpaper to contest page for us to the dojo??? something like this
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2021/02/18 16:52:29
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 16:59:58
all set
ASSOCIATE CODE : N3OP4FX27BEO113 (3-10% off EVGA.com purchases) | AFFILIATE/REWARDS CODE: K2LS6QIN0Y (EVGA product registration)
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 17:03:52
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 17:07:18
to everyone you can watch Lady bloodfight on Vimeo
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 18:24:17
more mood music Lets get FU-nky
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 19:09:27
picked up a older WU - mmmm... 9.9M PPD on a 3090 if I can get those wu 14561
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2021/02/18 19:10:44
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 19:17:53
*walks in*
*looks around*
*thinks, hmmm what do all these switches and cables do?”
*unplugs all the cables and turns the switches off.
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/18 19:31:27
*walks back in* hey? who unplugged all the combat simulators at the dojo (it's a high tech dojo)? Well at least the folding machines are still OK.
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 00:11:18
Xavier Zepherious What??? no time to swap the wallpaper to contest page for us to the dojo??? something like this

Sure does look like the lower combatant is waving their white pimp stick in defeat...
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 08:57:47
Strike Force is closing that gap, time to turn the ninja magic up to 11!
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 10:23:31
lets pick up some slack warriors if you can find some more PPD do so
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 14:21:25
Swapped back over to the XOC bois on my 3080 with the higher power target, and upped the OC a touch. Not sure if it'll impact ppd much, but it might a bit.
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 14:30:00
I also fired up the 2060 I used with my work laptop. Not much, but pulling out the stops. May need to fire up the 780 Tis next. Or maybe blow a fuse.
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 20:51:32
Strike force is on top of us! only 50k points behind us now, don't let them strike us down! (and if they do, recover!)
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 20:55:40
We need to be like water.
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 21:07:12
if doomed83 can bring up his numbers we can overcome i can add maybe 700k late tomorrow - two 780's and a cpu after i get a wireless nic card i still have three 670's in a box - that need a mb,cpu,wireless nic and psu basically we need those underperforming to meet targets if they can
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2021/02/19 21:09:55
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/19 21:55:58
And the balance of power has shifted.... Just fired up a rig with two 780 Tis. Will have to lay off the fiddling around with memory settings on the main rig.
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/20 03:38:08
Got lucky to not be hit by the Texas blackouts so I've had my rig running. I need a 3080 to melt all this damn snow that's still outside, though... (Live on the same block as the local well pumps for this zip code, so they couldn't black me out without killing off the water. Plenty of brownouts this week though...)
post edited by kougar - 2021/02/20 03:40:27
Have water, will cool.
Cool GTX
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/20 11:39:05
kougar Got lucky to not be hit by the Texas blackouts so I've had my rig running. I need a 3080 to melt all this damn snow that's still outside, though...  (Live on the same block as the local well pumps for this zip code, so they couldn't black me out without killing off the water. Plenty of brownouts this week though...)
Glad you are safe & unlike may, have heat & water You better cut back the folding from Full to Medium & set the Power Limit to 50% until those brownouts are done, about 01 March
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Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/20 14:28:25
got the nic card and installed it need to add the ram it got pulled out testing another rig for someone pause the 2080ti rig while i configure it - im limited with my power curcuits - - so i have to manage power for like 1/2 hr or so then i can move it and put the 2080ti running again if it works out another 700k ppd
Xavier Zepherious
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/20 16:58:05
up and running totally worth the downtime
post edited by Xavier Zepherious - 2021/02/20 17:01:11
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/20 17:11:02
Well, not what I wanted to come home to. One folding rigs power supply's fan was screaming so loud, I could hear it as I came in the backdoor of the house. It was three rooms away with the door closed. Luckily I had another EVGA power supply I could barrow from my plex server. It was only down 27 minutes, so hopefully it won't hurry the points to bad. To Victory!! and A Cure!!!
My Affiliate Code: LR3I6SS70W
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/20 17:24:29
sounds similar to the rig i just put in had one fan on the radiator that started screaming like the worst case of fan scream ive ever heard as a tech that says a lot seems the metal screen(dust screen) i put on that side is slightly warbled(dented) - i just had to let the fans scrap off enough blade material til the screech stop real Bee itch if i want to fix it so that was the best scenerio
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Re: 2021 F@Holding contest CT/FD's Ninja Dojo
2021/02/20 17:43:01
This power supply has been running 24/7 for the last 9 years. So I think I got my moneys worth out of it.
My Affiliate Code: LR3I6SS70W