Quad5NyIf I were to disable the LED Logo on a founders edition card (1080ti) using Nvidia's little tool does it stay disabled permanently? For example if I was to boot into another OS or the UEFI will it still be off even after a power cycle?
demon09Hmm so EVGA xoc sticks but led visualizer doesn't?As I have set a color on my current card led with xoc. Right now I don't even have xoc installed but it's still on that color.
Sajindemon09Hmm so EVGA xoc sticks but led visualizer doesn't?As I have set a color on my current card led with xoc. Right now I don't even have xoc installed but it's still on that color.The founders edition cards work differently than the cards that allow color change. Software isn't the deciding factor.
ipaineWell if you follow Gamers Nexus, you will see they did exactly that. http://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/2841-gtx-1080-ti-hybrid-benchmarks-remove-thermal-limit So yes it does mean that you don't have to wait for the proper 1080ti hybrid kit.