I cannot Fold more because I need

I need a newer GPU to fold with (2)   8%
My GPU is older than a 30 series card (0)   0%
My GPU is older than a 20 seris card (0)   0%
My GPU is older than a 10 series card (1)   4%
The Cost of electricity is too high (12)   52%
Too much heat is generated when Folding (3)   13%
I would need a dedicated GPU to Fold more than I do (0)   0%
I would need another PC to Fold more than I do (3)   13%
If I had another GPU I would Fold more, the cost of electricity would not be an issue (2)   8%

Total Votes: 23

2024/05/21 02:39:48
I still try and do a wu now and then . Even though I got a old gpu . Still a little stung from the end of big but getting over it slowly . I can no longer get the best card . LOL will never be back in top 100 of evga folding . But will never give up to help others just like EVGA has and all that fold for EVGA has . I thank you all past and maybe new folders . Thank you Cool GTX for your prize .
2024/05/21 20:05:34
I don't see the point.
The world is crooked and unfair, evil is succeeding, every day is a struggle just to slowly chug towards my goals, and the last thing I can focus on is some points earned from wasting electricity on something where the majority of contributions will almost certainly help no one.  I have much better and more important things to focus on.
Where is that option?  You can call it simply disillusioned.
2024/05/26 09:36:07
Heat is an issue but electricity cost prevents me from running all my equipment.
Just broke $1000 for two months on the last bill.
Newer gpu would help reduce electricity costs by allowing me to shutdown more equipment.
Not able to sell equipment for a good price... could have been another vote option...
2024/05/26 12:09:13
Heat is an issue but electricity cost prevents me from running all my equipment.
Just broke $1000 for two months on the last bill.
Newer gpu would help reduce electricity costs by allowing me to shutdown more equipment.
Not able to sell equipment for a good price... could have been another vote option...

I sold my 2x 2080ti and bought an open box 4070 super. Was close to a one to one price swap but will save close to $100/year on electricity for similar ppd.
2024/05/26 12:25:24
Heat is an issue but electricity cost prevents me from running all my equipment.
Just broke $1000 for two months on the last bill.
Newer gpu would help reduce electricity costs by allowing me to shutdown more equipment.
Not able to sell equipment for a good price... could have been another vote option...

I sold my 2x 2080ti and bought an open box 4070 super. Was close to a one to one price swap but will save close to $100/year on electricity for similar ppd.

Good for you
Don't know the ppd difference but the 4070's are allot cheaper than the 4090's I like.
I did sell all my 2060's about $175cdn/ea on average.
Just been lazy...
Haven't tried to list my 3080's yet...
My equipment has been very stable for awhile...kinda boring...
Allot of things, in my life, are distracting me. Many are on pause waiting for responses by others...
Need to get motivated.
Foldon bro
2024/05/27 07:16:21
The 4070 super appears to be the sweet spot right now. Two of them get similar PPD as a 4090 with similar power draw at less cost. Only drawback being if you don’t have the slots for additional cards.
2024/05/27 17:49:14
The 4070 super appears to be the sweet spot right now. Two of them get similar PPD as a 4090 with similar power draw at less cost. Only drawback being if you don’t have the slots for additional cards.

My 4090's draw less than 400 watts and average over 20mppd.(each)
What is your power draw on your 4070? and ppd?
For the record, these are Ball park figures of the computer.

2024/05/27 19:23:16
My 4070 super is doing about 13 million PPD(varies with WU but I see ranges from 11.5 to 14 million). The power draw is right around 165W.
2024/05/27 20:27:03
My 4070 super is doing about 13 million PPD(varies with WU but I see ranges from 11.5 to 14 million). The power draw is right around 165W.

Thanks for sharin
2024/06/24 19:21:54
Two power outages in two weeks. That will slow ya down

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