I cannot Fold more because I need

I need a newer GPU to fold with (2)   8%
My GPU is older than a 30 series card (0)   0%
My GPU is older than a 20 seris card (0)   0%
My GPU is older than a 10 series card (1)   4%
The Cost of electricity is too high (12)   52%
Too much heat is generated when Folding (3)   13%
I would need a dedicated GPU to Fold more than I do (0)   0%
I would need another PC to Fold more than I do (3)   13%
If I had another GPU I would Fold more, the cost of electricity would not be an issue (2)   8%

Total Votes: 23

2024/04/30 14:45:12
Cool GTX
What stops you from folding more?
Please give thoughtful feedback by taking this pole
Multiple Choices are allowed
---> If you think something else should be added to the poll tell me in a PM or a Post
Post how you voted, in a Post in this thread --> if you feel comfortable with doing that
Thank you
2024/04/30 17:15:58
Most of my issues with increasing my folding is the cost of another PC/GPU.   I may be able to fit another GPU into my main folding rig but its a repurposed gaming machine and not really good for a multi gpu setup.   I rearranged my home office so I can fold on both PC's now but I'm only running a 3070 Light Hash Rate and a 3070 TI.   I can pull about 10 million PPD total but want to increase that if it was cost effective.  
2024/05/01 07:18:16
I would fold more but electricity cost is crazy these days, the breaker for my office cannot handle any more load, and I don't have central air HVAC.
Another issue is balancing time running GPU crunching projects with FAH.
For some reason I can see the poll results but can't vote.
2024/05/01 07:49:50
Cool GTX
I would fold more but electricity cost is crazy these days, the breaker for my office cannot handle any more load, and I don't have central air HVAC.
Another issue is balancing time running GPU crunching projects with FAH.
For some reason I can see the poll results but can't vote.

RE: not able to Vote
Do you see 3 buttons at the bottom of the list? "cast vote", "see results" & "view voters"  OR --> just the "back" button?

I think the issue is on EVGA's server side, as Voting is set to not expire, members only (must log into their EVGA account). 

However, I just added re-vote allowed after 2 min to see if that helps with the issue - though I believe that only allows members to edit/ change their vote/ not sure what exactly it allows.
2024/05/02 07:11:11
For whatever reason when I looked today I was able to vote.  I was logged in before...cleared my browser cache, not sure what the issue was.
2024/05/03 04:14:14
Going all out right now to get us over the hump to the 1 Trillion but the 1080ti and 2080ti are going to take a break after. Too warm and electricity is pretty expensive.

Also been playing with some efficient CPU folding setups. Zen 4 looks like it pulls pretty good numbers based on charts and I was able to eBay snipe some parts to give it a go.
2024/05/04 16:03:07
At home 43.93 cents per kilowatt-hour is my biggest draw back so to compromise with the lady its weekend
and maybe overnights on weekdays if I play nice. 
At work my problem is the data chews threw my hot spot. The second is it only has a 1080 gpu. 
2024/05/07 07:11:44
Cool GTX
At home 43.93 cents per kilowatt-hour is my biggest draw back so to compromise with the lady its weekend
and maybe overnights on weekdays if I play nice. 
At work my problem is the data chews threw my hot spot. The second is it only has a 1080 gpu. 

dang almost $0.44 / KWH
Guess I'm lucky my "winter electric rate" is only an effective cost (total bill/KWH consumed) of $0.123/KWH
2024/05/08 07:38:04
In CA peak hours for me are $0.60/KWH and off peak is $0.24
2024/05/08 08:48:08
Cool GTX
I do love being supplied electric by an Electric Co-Op & Not being forced to be supplied by a for Profit Corporation or a city owned distribution grid that also is pulling profits from the electric customers to subsidize the city's budget/ tax revenue

National Electric Co-op Facts & Figures

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