2020/12/02 12:02:53
On the oc stream Jacob said the classified controller would be available on the forums, but didn’t say anything about the 2000w xoc vbios.
2020/12/02 12:08:27

Looks like that is the updated classified tool, but it's pointless unless you have the 2000w xoc vbios to go along with it.
2020/12/03 06:47:56
It doesnt work anyways, except for the kingpin
Definitely not going to work on a ftw3 as it will fail the i2c checks. It has all analog controllers so its a very quick test to fail.
It's possible to use with the Strix though but your skill level will need to be 10/10
Its lot easier to control through i2c with afterburner, as long as the i2c is supported. MP2888A present on strix is supported however u still need to scan i2c addresses to find voltage loops
Regardless, it will be pointless. Kingpin users will get this with their cards and other cards cant use it
2020/12/06 12:32:52
I take back what I said about the xoc tool. It definitely helps even though you don't have the xoc vbios. =)
2020/12/06 14:30:39
I take back what I said about the xoc tool. It definitely helps even though you don't have the xoc vbios. =)

That is good to know.
2020/12/06 16:16:54
Subscribed (Is there not a subscribe button here? I can't seem to find it...)
Edit: Duh, just found it. Burn my failing nearsightedness....
2021/01/07 09:54:33
So the XOC bios is out in the wild, and the Classified tool has been released.  Any news on an EVBOT bios?
2021/01/07 14:39:00
2021/01/07 15:37:01

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