Hello all,
I have a somewhat strange issue that doesn't exactly align with any of the other issues I've seen on this thread, I've spent about an hour and a half searching for someone with a similar issue to save me asking what may have been asked before so my apologies if I have missed it.
Here goes:
I have 3090 FTW3 Ultra | SN:2012... | black "lips" | Purchased Dec 2020 | Custom loop cooled
I have installed the OC bios for my card (With switch in the OC position) and it is showing as BIOS version
Within Afterburner / PX1 I am able to set my power limit to 119%. So far so good I assume?
However it is very rare I get above 104% of my power target resulting in approx. 420W or so.
In regards to balancing Pins 1/2/3 are about 115W / 120W / 110W respectively with the PCI slot however at 74W approx. These are around about the average values I see when testing with all 3 pins looking ok balancing-wise going off other peoples posts. I understand the PCI slot may be a little over spec?
What I don't understand is that it seems to be ignoring any setting above 105-107% (stock limits) as GPU-Z is reporting "PerfCap Reason" as "power", as if I still had it set at the lower limit. Surely with the setting of 119% I would still have headroom and I wouldn't see this PerfCap Reason?
I have tried to flash multiple times and also via nvflash64 with no luck in getting past 420W.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.