Hey all,
So I have 2 3090 FTW3 that have gone through special program. First is an Air Cooled version that I just put an Optimus Block with XL heatsink on. 2nd is the HC version, just got new one yesterday, still haven't opened yet.
Both were .1 rev with high PCIe power draw. Both are now 1.0 version.
Also just swapped out my MOBO to the new Asus x570 Extreme, and fresh install of W11 Pro.
For the Optimus block one, in the OC bios switch it was getting no more that about 475-479w total draw running TimeSpy Extreme. Power set to 119, Voltage set to 100. Didn't touch clock and maxed out and stayed at 2010.
Just flashed the bios, and ran the test again, with same setup (119% pwr, 100 voltage, +0 on clock). What I noticed though is yes my Board now hits 505 power draw, but the max boost clock it did was still just 2010, and avg was a little down from C0 02 bios (2005 vs 1995).
Curious why its auto boost wouldn't go any higher with the additional 20% watts? PerfCap reason was still Power. Will need to play with manual overclock, but was bummed that auto boost took more power, yet didn't improve anything. Thoughts?