2021/01/09 04:05:01
XOC beta bios thread about a problem that seems to impact a huge number of people and we've got these guys measuring e-dicks. cmon, get a grip.
2021/01/09 05:12:31
XOC beta bios thread about a problem that seems to impact a huge number of people and we've got these guys measuring e-dicks. cmon, get a grip.

LOL, yea.
I'm not really seeing a problem like others are having with not being able to hit 500w power usage
My GPU can hit and hold sustained power draw of very close to 500w while benchmarking or gaming, problem is the GPU hits high temps (mid 70s @ 100% fan speed) while the user evgablee says he is using the 500w bios and hits 60c temps on auto fan speed. I can't even sustain 60C on 100 PL, my caseflow Is good I have (3_ 140mm fans pulling air in from the front (unobstructed) (2) 140mm fans pulling air out on top thru the CPU 240 rad, (1) 140mm fan pulling air out the back, and (1) 140mm fan pulling air out from the side right next to the GPU. I'm hitting temps 5c over ambient.
@evgablee, are you certain you are hitting sustained 500w or close power draw while getting 60c temps.
not sure If I should pull the cooler and re-apply the TIM, I just can't see how I could hit below ambient temps on air cooling...
See attached screnshots for power draw (right click on image and open in new tab for the bigger picture)
this is while playing BL3 @ 500w, OC 669mem/120core can't even break 2000mhz in this game due to temp. lowering the core clock and power draw to around 430w allows me to hold temps @ around 69-70c @ custom fan curve (of 10% more fan speed than temp, 70c +80% fan speed) and sustain in game clocks 2000mhz +

Attached Image(s)

2021/01/09 05:57:12
post approved
2021/01/09 08:48:32
i have the same ViewSonic Elite , and yes in Warzone it is truly capable to run at over 200fps, even though , i cap the frame rate to match the monitors 165hz, truly a smooth experience. and thats on STOCK OC bios with +90mhz core +250 mem. If it ain't broken don't fix it they say. 
2021/01/09 09:45:08
200 FPS is possible on Warzone and Modern Warfare at max settings, yes.  NOT in Cold War.  And this is at 1080p.
CW runs much worse than MW/WZ (WZ uses the MW engine), despite being a much older, uglier engine (the only thing that looks nice about CW are the 4k textures).
2021/01/09 09:49:42
So I did some Overclocking using the voltage curve and have had excellent results.
by Under Volting the GPU to use a max of 975mv at 2100mhz I can OC the memory +669 (1000 GB/s bandwidth) I can hold a stable 2100mhz clock in game while only using around 400w, I set the PL to 119% just to eliminate to possibility to hit a power wall, also temps stay below 70c.
If I lower the core clock to 2055mhz I can use a constant 950mv and use around 380w of power and keep temps at around 65c
If I lower the core clock to 2010mhz I can use a constant 925mv and use around 360w of power and keep temps at low 60s
Amazing! and If the core clock does drop it's for a split second before it goes back up and only drops by like 15mhz.  If just gaming on Air cooling give voltage curve overclocking a shot you will hit higher overclocks at a considerably lower power draw and temperatures. IMO for gaming you don't even really need the 500w bios unless you're trying to hit insane overclocks.
see screenshot for result. I had a few small blips of 2085mhz drops, maybe need a small nudge of voltage for 2100mhz constant.

Attached Image(s)

2021/01/09 10:16:22
Your wrong dude - I am getting 200fps in cod Cold War at 4K 21:9. I don’t think I have seen anyone getting that many frames in that game at 4K

You can look on any online benchmark and see that this is not possible, unless you use ultra performance dlss that just lowers the resolution anyways. Obvious that you don't own the card.
2021/01/09 10:19:54
Your wrong dude - I am getting 200fps in cod Cold War at 4K 21:9. I don’t think I have seen anyone getting that many frames in that game at 4K

I get 240+ in cod my bro... Whats ur 3dmark score with 1300+ mem in Port Royal?

You do not get 200fps. I get under 200 fps at 1440p with everything maxed out.

Oh I dont? 
This is before I put on the Hybrid water cooler lol
Sorry that your computer just isnt up to pair and gets under 200 fps in 1440p with everything maxed out lol

This is warzone not cold war. Much easier to run.

2021/01/09 10:45:14
I just want to know if they're working on an update to this BIOS Some people have said EVGA is working on one but I can't find anything myself to support that.
2021/01/09 11:38:47
I just want to know if they're working on an update to this BIOS Some people have said EVGA is working on one but I can't find anything myself to support that.

what is wrong with the bios?
I think the issues some people are having is with the hardware. Some GPUs are pulling too much watts at the PCIe and with the load balancing the GPU can't pull any more power even with the 500w Bios, you can try doing a PCIe shunt mod, all you need is a resistor and a 2.5mm thermal pad, and all that is necessary is taking off the back plate and placing the resistor down and clamping it down with the bakcplate, no soldering required.
My GPU is not having any of these issues, and I can pull 500w continuously without the shunt mod.

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