Just a quote about XC3 BIOS for Gaming...
I tried "Homefront The Revolution" Game, with ALL Settings at Very High and 1.25x Scale, 3440x1440 and it does look awesome, it's great to see how this beast of GPU moves games that were very difficult to run maxed before with other GPU's. I also tested "Quantum Break" and impressive how smooth it runs.
But back again to "Homefront The Revolution"
My room temp today is 27C no AC, Summer here and GPU is at 98% LOAD all the time, Temps 71C with ALL fans at 88%+ LOL, this game consumes more than Cyberpunk 2077 and Metro Exodus, the Clocks go down to 1925 to 1985....I cheched ALL ICX Sensors while gaming and they were ALL on 69C+, GPU at 71C and some PWR at 73C, that's a big reason for the jumps in clocks. ONLY if i put the Scale to Normal 1x then it goes back to 2055 to 2085 and GPU Load is 67% aprox. It's such a shame that this happens really, and this is BIOS XC3 first time I see this with this BIOS.
Hope that the Hybrid Cooler improves this, it will take time to arrive to my country but I will continue reporting all I can on Air for now.
Cheers to All, Sergio!