Got my hybrid kit in yesterday and put it together today. I read and reread the instructions until I understood the complete process of what goes where and who shot John. Went pretty smooth except the rad fan connection was tight and never seated completely. Anyway, idling @ 23c. Oh, I did remove thermal paste from the pump and put grizzly hydronaut on the gpu.
Made a couple of quick passes:
Time Spy: @ 800/160 19,455 average temp 49c 16667772 (end of url)
Port Royal: @ 800/175 14,311 average temp 49c 686329 (end of url)
Pretty pleased with it. Used conversion bios' (normal first, oc second).
Help, every time I copy a link to paste in my message it shows just fine in the message box but disappears when I post it. Any advice?