2020/12/22 02:31:40
Generally speaking if something is getting "too much voltage" it will get too hot & you'll notice it quickly - only continuous amounts of "somewhat too high voltage" would slowly degrade something without it being obvious it's happening - and keep in mind, these GPUs have failsafes in place to prevent you from actually giving the GPU Core or vRAM "too much voltage" - those failsafes are still in place on the XC3 BIOS, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for that BIOS to run "fine" on the card it's meant for.
2020/12/22 02:59:12
Quick recap of what i have seen, XC3 Bios on my FTW3 Ultra is a current fix? 
2020/12/22 04:53:09
Thats a super impressive clock speed and average!!!!
I have a few questions if you dont mind. Monitoring such a small amount of voltage worries me that I wouldnt know exactly if the card is using to much power even with my powerbar reading. Could anything get damaged using this bios even if the temps were under control? Do you use any of the voltage slider in afterburner?
Even if the card will have warranty using this I still dont think im knowledge enough yet to use it. Any useful links for me to read up on would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again for all the info.

The voltage readings don't go above 1.1V, which is stock. I've been using the XC3 VBIOS for benchmarking for over a month, and have used it for a daily driver for a week straight. I waited to make it a daily driver due to the increased heat that my hybrid kit keeps down at 64C instead of 78C.

The voltage slider doesn't really do anything other than let the card use "up to" 1.1V., which is stock.

No other links for it because this is a user found "fix" for whatever hardware / balancing problem that many EVGA 3090 FTW3 cards have that power limit them even as low as 390W on a 500W VBIOS.

Quick recap of what i have seen, XC3 Bios on my FTW3 Ultra is a current fix? 

No? It's a power limit fix, not current limit fix from what I've seen. Unless you make that reference to point out that voltage is also not stepped down so heavily.
2020/12/22 07:48:20
Just a quick reply - I’ve got both the FTW3 Ultra OC 500 watt bios as well as the Kingpin bios installed on my 3090 FTW3 Ultra.

This being my first EVGA GPU I don’t use PrecisionX as I’ve found it to be quite buggy and WAY more difficult to fine tune than Afterburner 4.3.6 beta 4.

My card is still otherwise stock - meaning stock cooling with 3 fans maxed at 3000 rpm.

I was able to max out at 505watts total board power draw on my heaviest benchmark, according to GPUz - USING the 500 watt bios.

The Kingpin bios will only spin fan #1 up to 2000 rpm, but I’m unable to get more power out of KP bios than I can the official 500 watt bios for my card.

I’m currently #45 on TimeSpy for my cpu and this gpu on air, with 500 watt bios (in a Lian Li 011 Dynamic that has 3 X 120 QLs pumping up into it. (i7-10700k at 5.2 all core, 5.0 bus) with a score of 20134.

For a daily oc, I’ve found 2100 and 9951 to be perfect with a bit of fine tuning around the 77c Mark, which it only hits if my PC room ambient is around 80F.

Typically in stable gaming loads I see 490 to 495 watts.

I just bought an EK Vector full block, a EK 360mm PE rad, 3x 3000 RPM Noctua fir the back, 3x120 QLs for the front and a Koolance 400watt cooper liquid chiller - just for the gpu. (CPU is already on it’s on modded 360 x73 aio with 6 fan push/pull.)

I have room for another internal 360 in 3 fan as well if needed.

Time to see what I can really get, EVGA.

/edit - at Jacob - The 500 watt bios was installed on the OC bios, and the Kingpin bios was installed on my “Normal” jumper setting.

I assume that doesnt limit the 520 bios power draw since you supplied us two versions of the bios, correct?

There is no difference between jumper settings other than the bios settings that are flashed onto them, correct?
2020/12/22 08:23:22
1000w kingpin! Gunna try this when I get home. If someone can try immediately, please post results!
EDIT: Exercise caution
2020/12/22 13:59:08
1000w kingpin! Gunna try this when I get home. If someone can try immediately, please post results!
EDIT: Exercise caution

Someone with a power limited (edit: water cooled) FTW3 shared their results with me (no I won't disclose who). The XC3 VBIOS was better for their card for benchmarking even though the 1000W VBIOS was indeed pulling ~520W. Lower average clock speed attained, and it was about 4C hotter with very short tests vs their normal max temperature. Oh, and over 90W(!!!!) sustained, not spikes, PCIE slot power draw.
Granted, this may not be true for every card that is power limited - or true for non-power limited cards. However, with those results in hand, I'll be sticking with the XC3 VBIOS.
2020/12/22 14:12:41
 If you want avoid problem i recommand you use ur head, this is not really a bios for air cooling. You have hard way to cool ur card with a bios of 500w and think ur card is underperforming but over 50c ur card start downclock verry fast.
 So with a 1000 bios ur thermal will go high faster then you can read the temp and after dont cry after comback to normal bios ur card have loose performance vs before do this. You can demage really fast the silicon of ur chip. This is what i think but you can do what you want and also iam not a pro...good luck.
2020/12/22 14:32:57
1000w kingpin! Gunna try this when I get home. If someone can try immediately, please post results!
EDIT: Exercise caution

Someone with a power limited (edit: water cooled) FTW3 shared their results with me (no I won't disclose who). The XC3 VBIOS was better for their card for benchmarking even though the 1000W VBIOS was indeed pulling ~520W. Lower average clock speed attained, and it was about 4C hotter with very short tests vs their normal max temperature. Oh, and over 90W(!!!!) sustained, not spikes, PCIE slot power draw.
Granted, this may not be true for every card that is power limited - or true for non-power limited cards. However, with those results in hand, I'll be sticking with the XC3 VBIOS.

See this is exactly i was curious about. 90 watts pcie draw to reach over 500 watts board power. The load balance on a bunch of these cards are messed up and this is enough proof for me. I'm giving up on this power limit issue. I'll come back to it if I ever have to RMA my current card and see if the replacement does any better. Appreciate all the info on this arestavo, thank you
2020/12/22 20:46:22
I'm assuming, just like everyone else, I'm are having an issue getting 500 watts on the 500 watt bios. In Call of Duty Cold War, I am consistently pulling 450 watts but it does spike up to 470. gpu-z says I'm power limited, but PX1 says I'm pulling 112% power on spikes and hover around 107-108% most of the time. Frustrating because I know this card has more in it. Now I just need to get a waterblock for this thing to really get it going. I'm pretty happy I can get 2100mhz on air, excited to see if I can get more under water. Hopefully they do something soon.
2020/12/23 02:14:47
 This can help some of you for install the hybrid cooling :

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