Someone said that increasing MSVDD and MVDDC voltages with the classified tool (I believe it was to 1.125v and 1.40v) helped raise the internal power limits that were triggering this throttling on Kingpin cards.
This won't help on your card as you don't have access to these voltages. The only thing that will address this is an eVGA Bios update or a shunt mod. Your card is drawing a lot from the PCIE slot, relative to the 8 pins, but it still isn't 100% clear if it's just the PCIE draw limiting you or if it's another power rail. I know that the Founder's Edition will throttle at 79.9W PCIE Slot (you would only reach this if you shunt modded WITHOUT shunt modding the PCIE slot), even though the vbios dump says the PCIE limit is 86.2W...
The "good" thing is that your TDP and TDP Normalized are very close to each other at least, so the rails "think" they are balanced.
I'd bet you're right on that. Annoys me to no end that it insists on chewing on the PCIE slot that hard when it has so much headroom on the three PCIE lines, especially when it both keeps its draw across those three even and its TDP and TDP Normalized about match up, so it's not even like any of the weird power distribution patterns a lot of people are stuck with is in play here tripping it up. It even politely respects the 75W cap at the stock PL, and only climbs to 80W with the limit kicked all the way up.
I've toyed with the idea of shunting it and sticking it under water, but there's a chance I'll end up having to RMA this one at some point -- it survived a black screen and screaming fans seizure a few weeks ago. Haven't had a repeat after switching to the XOC BIOS and setting a custom voltage curve, at least, but there's definitely a lot of weird stuff going on with these cards and power. Really hope we hear something from eVGA soon about all this.
If there's any other test scenarios on this BIOS you'd like me to run sometime, just let me know.
1980MHz at that low of voltage eh? I haven't really pushed the limits on undevolting yet, neat to see that should be possible though. I've found that 2040 @ 994mV is a pretty happy medium for me so far, haven't pushed to see if I can go lower than that on the voltage, pretty sure I could, but even just that results in several degrees lower load temps while being a nice increase in performance over "stock" boost speeds on the 3090 Hybrid.
Ayup, this chip hates voltage but still wants to fly, if I can keep it from smacking its head on the PL or getting too warm (I'm on air, but I'll admit I keep eyeing those Hybrid retrofit kits...). I've been playing with undervolting it for about 3 weeks now, and it consistently runs anything under 1995mhz *better* at under 0.993V, even when the temps are the same. It's so close to doing 1980 at .875, it'll pass Port Royal every time and play at least some games (not tested that too much), but will periodically bomb Timespy. I bet if I could keep it chilled or if there was a voltage step around .878 it would pass -- it'll do 1965/.875 decently. 1980 at .881 is looking like the sweet spot, benched for hours at that and hit it with an hour of Quake 2 RTX at 4K/120hz without issue -- only complains about being PLed, never voltage (it does step down the expected number of bins due to heat as it'll be around 70*C after an hour on the stock OC fan curve, but stays stable and also drops its voltage to .868-.875 as if to apologize). I still need to see if it will do this in VR, that's always touchy about stability.
2040 @ .994 is very sweet! You should definitely try exploring around the .875-.881 mark with the extra cooling power you have from the Hybrid kit, I bet you'll get some great results. Mine seems to have a barrier at 1995 I haven't been able to beat reliably, it PLs hard and then destabilizes, or gets warm and downclocks if I raise the voltage. I've at least managed some successful suicide runs of Port Royal at 2000-2040/.925 (not a typo!) on the high end for speed, and 1950-1965 at .862 on the low end for voltage, but neither were remotely stable. Still need to see how low it can go while still at or above 1800mhz sometime for laughs, I almost wonder if I could get it below 0.850 at this rate.
I dont know how many games you play but me if i undervolt my card and keeping some oc then i will have some crash in some games sometimes and i hate this. I do a long mission and my card crash near the end grrr, not really my taste. I more keep my voltage and dont have any crash in game.
Sounds like your card is the opposite of mine and loves volts -- that can also be quite good, especially if you can put it under water. I hate getting crashes in the middle of a game too, ruins the whole experience. Definitely still testing my OC/undervolt to make sure it'll hold up in regular, raytraced, and VR gaming, and get it dialed in perfectly so I don't have to constantly change settings.