When is this OC XOC BIOS getting an update? The XOC BIOS for the 3080 FTW3 Ultra still allowed for the GPU fans to go in to 0 RPM/stop mode if you had the fan curve set to do so at idle temps... the 3090 FTW3 Hybrid (OC switch) XOC BIOS isn't allowing the fan to go below 1199-1205RPM (~40%).
Is anyone using the NORMAL XOC BIOS on a 3090 FTW3 Hybrid, if so does that one allow for the 0 RPM mode to work? I like the GPU's on board fan being able to shut off when I'm just browsing the web/on desktop.
Edit to Update: can confirm, the "500W" (using quotes now cuz it doesn't actually hit 500W when it says PWR in PerfCap) NORMAL XOC BIOS for the 3090 FTW3 Hybrid DOES allow the fan on the GPU itself (for the VRMs etc) to go to 0 RPM/stop mode while at idle temps if your fan-curve is set that way.
You're talking about the normal VBIOS that has the 0dB fan mode. The OC VBIOS has a minimum 33% fan speed - should be the same 3080 or 3090, and if not, you don't have the right VBIOS loaded or they messed up at the factory.
Both the stock OC & the XOC OC BIOS on the 3080 FTW3 Ultra allowed me to set the fan to 0% at idle with a custom fan stepping curve & have the fans shut off. It's stupid that it's not something you can do on the 3090 (OC) XOC BIOS. Luckily the Normal XOC BIOS for the 3090 allows it and still has the "500W" power limit.
I do not understand why they would make it so that the fan CANNOT be turned down below 40% on the OC BIOS, if you want to have quiet idling with 0 RPM you should be allowed to. I understand the STOCK OC BIOS curve having a minimum speed, that makes perfect sense, but straight up blocking the ability to have the fan turn off if you set it to in your fan curve just... what? Why. Just why.
Other than that, good stuff so far, minor oversight they should 100% fix when/if they ever update these.
I would love to get a hold of the EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 ULTRA HYBRID Bios if you can upload them?
As someone else stated, it is on page 1 of this thread.
So this is the Hybrid Kit for the RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra?
Just a fan over the VRM's? and a slim copper plate for the mem, no heatsink? as they don't show inside the part were the fan is (the cover).
That "thin copper plate" has thermal paste that connects it to the GPU's cooling block, which then soaks some of that heat & cools it. The VRMs/etc do have additional black-colored heatsinks on them, or it would run a lot hotter than it does.
I wish someone would do an actually thorough view/install video of the kit so people could see the entire contents, because people not seeing the black heatsink portion that goes under the shroud is really freaking some people out thinking there's actually no heatsinks above the pads for the VRM etc, which is not the case - at least it better not be. lol I didn't look inside my card to check it out, I'll take a peep.
---- after inspection through the rear IO bracket holes, there are indeed black finned (though they're thick fins & spacing is a bit wide) heatsinks on the VRM areas indeed.