When is this OC XOC BIOS getting an update? The XOC BIOS for the 3080 FTW3 Ultra still allowed for the GPU fans to go in to 0 RPM/stop mode if you had the fan curve set to do so at idle temps... the 3090 FTW3 Hybrid (OC switch) XOC BIOS isn't allowing the fan to go below 1199-1205RPM (~40%).
Is anyone using the NORMAL XOC BIOS on a 3090 FTW3 Hybrid, if so does that one allow for the 0 RPM mode to work? I like the GPU's on board fan being able to shut off when I'm just browsing the web/on desktop.
Edit to Update: can confirm, the "500W" (using quotes now cuz it doesn't actually hit 500W when it says PWR in PerfCap) NORMAL XOC BIOS for the 3090 FTW3 Hybrid DOES allow the fan on the GPU itself (for the VRMs etc) to go to 0 RPM/stop mode while at idle temps if your fan-curve is set that way.