2020/12/11 15:08:12
I did. No mention of bios.
2020/12/11 16:06:02
I did. No mention of bios.

Well we asked in chat several times. Got missed. Ah well. Hopefully we'll get an answer soonish. 
2020/12/11 16:14:26
I did. No mention of bios.

Well we asked in chat several times. Got missed. Ah well. Hopefully we'll get an answer soonish. 

If you're waiting on support (or EVGA's Jacob) to comment here, you're likely going to be waiting a very, very long time.
Call or email EVGA and ask them directly: https://www.evga.com/about/contactus/ 
2020/12/11 16:21:39
With regards to bios and Hybrid kits. Jacob stated via twitter that you don’t need to change bios.
Seems a little odd though. Why the different XOC bios?
I thought the FTW3 + hybrid kit was the same as a factory installed FTW3 Hybrid .... at the end of the day, they should both be the same board with the same aio cooler. Therefore, it should make sense to use the new unique hybrid bios for a FTW3 + kit. Unless the FTW3 board with the factory installed hybrid cooler is slightly different? Once again, why the different bios if not needed for a FTW3 + kit?
2020/12/11 16:27:35
How are the noise levels on this card? 

Pretty good. To be honest, I'm probably not the best test case for noise as I have in the order of 13 Gentle Typhoon fans running and so I can't hear the card until it hits around 80% fan speed (Which it never does under normal load, I have to force that speed).
I'm waiting on my water block to arrive to integrate it into my custom loop. Loaded the 500W BIOS last night and while it still says power limited, it's hitting around 480W with spikes up into the 490W range. Interestingly enough, the power draw was higher when I left the fan speed on auto, consistently in the 490W range but then forcing 100% fan speed it dropped by around 10W. Unsure if the fans are counted in total board power draw or if temp reductions were playing some part.
2020/12/11 16:31:04
Doesn't work.  Says I don't have the appropriate display adapter installed.  Yes... yes I do (Hybrid FTW3, switch in the OC position).
2020/12/11 18:29:42
It's SO sad to read EVGA replying to others about that they know the issue but they are too bussy selling other cards but NOT paying attention to solve this problems with the ones we have the FTW3 Ultra Gaming, even the Hybrid XOC has the same issues so honestly I don't understand them and RMA don't solve anything.
I've been a EVGA user for years and this is very SAD.
2020/12/11 18:38:38
That seems odd to me to keep the regular ftw3 ultra xoc beta bios given to that the lighting is different. Hmm I guess I'll see. I may just flash it to check. If not I'll just flash back to the ftw3 ultra xoc beta bios. There is no pump speed control on the Kingpin so it's a safe bet not on the hybrid either. Also I know for certain that other bios out there can overcome the load balancing issue and give it more power. Hopefully since this is beta they can improve power draw later. Power is my limiter every time. With this running cooler with an aio id sure like it to draw a lot more power.
2020/12/11 18:40:37
The fans are counted in total board power. At 100 percent fans it's about 11 watts. Also lighting.
2020/12/11 19:22:08
Will the default BIOS for FTW3 Hybrid be uploaded as well?

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