You didnt talk about ur overclocking procedure, but i can tell you, like actually i oc my ftw3 ultra at +115 and + 800 and if i apply +30 gpu core voltage, many games will run fine but others will crash sometimes for sure and if i apply +60 most of my game will run fine but 2 or 3 game will still crash after 10 or 30 minye, even hours after i start play and if i apply full +100 i have no crash with alllll games.
If you oc ur cpu ram it can be the issue, even it pass stupid stability test, if your cpu cash is oc this can be also an issue.
Try disable oc on cpu and memory if you still have this issue. Sometime it can be a bad cable, pci cable, power cpu cable and is your psu is plug direct in the wall socket or if you plug it on cheap power bar and while your pc running you touch the psu plug and it feel hot. So many thing can happen, sometime its weird and really hard to catch a problem. Did you try gaming hours on another card and all is fine ? Is this problem begun with ur new graphik card ?