It's been 8 years since I've built a new PC. This is also the first time I've purchased an entire PC and built it myself. In the past I always built for myself but always used old parts as well. Then would from time to time upgrade the video card. A lot has changed, also a lot has stayed the same.
All I remember is using HDMI to get into bios and windows, and then installing drivers and updating the vbios. Now for some reason this isn't working for me.
I believe this is the correct vbios. I used OC bios switch first time around and updated the OC vbios. This fixed being able to see BIOS and Windows on Display Port.
This time I'm attempting to just use the normal vbios but unable to install drivers so I can't update the vbvios.
Device Manager isn't detecting the card. GPUZ only shows integrated graphics. The GPU so far isn't being detected at all.
Also I don't have fast boot enabled as far as I know. I still see the normal text startup listing all hardware connected before Windows starts up.