2020/10/05 19:37:58
Well, some questions:
I signed up on like, day one, but HOW DO I KNOW? I never once, ever, received an email for anything.
Secondly, would reentering to check reset the queue?

Same... Can't remember which cards I set up notification and I never got an Email from EVGA stating I set up a notification. GAHHHHH!!!!

I'm sure they know. 
2020/10/05 19:38:05
dude... its the 3rd sentence.
For everyone who already used the notify button previously, you are already entered.
2020/10/05 19:38:18
This is the best news I read today! Thanks a lot!
2020/10/05 19:38:34
regardless of whether I am selected (which I hope I am), this is a very fair way to handle this issue and will get the cards in the hands of gamers and not profiteers.  Way to go EVGA, you have earned my money once again!
2020/10/05 19:38:36
Thank you!,,
2020/10/05 19:38:56
We have made some changes to the checkout process for EVGA.com 30 Series orders. Now we are using a queue based notification system.
To sign up, use the notification button on the product you would like to be notified for. For everyone who already used the notify button previously, you are already entered. Once product is available (and it is your turn to purchase), you will receive a secure email that will allow you to purchase the product that you received a notification for. Please note that you have 5 hours to place your order, if your order is not complete within 5 hours, the product will be released back into queue system.
Also note that your email address that was used for the notify system MUST MATCH an email that has a registered EVGA account, if an account is not available with that email, you will need to create one before you can purchase.

Really smart idea!
Thanks EVGA!!! 
2020/10/05 19:39:15

I have a similar question to a couple above. I signed up for notifications initially and signed up again today, does it move me to the back?
I also have notifications out on multiple cards so how does that work?

2020/10/05 19:39:36
So, earliest Notify request, huh?
How about we fools to removed our notify request once we got depressed at the prospect of not getting a card till 2021? Does our original Notify request count or only an active one?
Nevermind. I realized that I was thinking about Newegg's Notify system. I'm not even sure that one can remove a notify request here.
Moderators, please feel free to delete this post entirely.  Thanks
2020/10/05 19:39:54
Anyway to know the total queue numbers? I mean I'm sure telling everyone what place they are in isn't pratical, but how many are on "the list" might be possible, least when the numbers start to level off. 100s, 1000s, 10,000s?
2020/10/05 19:40:00
thank god

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