2020/10/05 19:35:32
2020/10/05 19:35:39
Is there a way to know if the notifications hasn't been tripped as I am pretty sure I put in multiple requests because ADHD and forgetfulness
2020/10/05 19:35:51
So if we sign up for the notifications again...does that reset our place? 
2020/10/05 19:36:21
When does this go into effect, and do we have any word on when we could start seeing emails sent out?
2020/10/05 19:36:28
Well, some questions:
I signed up on like, day one, but HOW DO I KNOW? I never once, ever, received an email for anything.
Secondly, would reentering to check reset the queue?

Same... Can't remember which cards I set up notification and I never got an Email from EVGA stating I set up a notification. GAHHHHH!!!!
2020/10/05 19:36:38
10 people have already asked, and ill ask again.
What happens if we already signed up to get notified? Do we get pushed back or do we keep our position?

Earliest entry.

2020/10/05 19:36:40
Still keeping my back-order, hopefully, I will cancel it in the future because of this.
2020/10/05 19:36:50
Sweet! I hopefully signed up early with the matching E-mail. Hopefully resigning won't screw my spot up. Thanks Jacob! 
2020/10/05 19:36:56
Thanks, a much better system then the previous insanity.  Here's hoping stock comes in soon :)  
Also, 8 hours would be better...I'm east coast, and if you drop this at 10:30 PST, and I don't wake up until 7 est, I'd be grumpy.   8 hours would give a better window while still defeating bots/scalpers. 
2020/10/05 19:37:17
I wasn't sure if I used the correct email address so I resubmitted my auto-notify request.  Please don't reset my place as I submitted my original auto-notify over 14 days ago.  

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