2022/04/08 15:16:58
10G-P5-3898-KL 12/16/2020 8:40:46 PM PT  Got my notification email at 4:17 PM Central US Time on 4/8/2022.  Used your associate code enewt to cover the shipping cost.

Congratulations!  Thanks for reporting back and for using the Associate’s Code for your 3% discount at checkout; both are appreciated. 
Enjoy your new gaming goodness! 
Hi Guys, 
    I got this (US 08G-P5-3663-KL 6/16/2021 12:24:02 PM PT Yes True) last week (April 5th). I let it go since I have had to retire the computer it was for due to a failing onboard USB2 and sound system.  I hate to give up on my Gen 1 core i7 but It may be time to use it for wall art instead. 
Today I received (US 08G-P5-3553-KR 1/29/2022 10:48:49 AM PT Yes True) ... which I am debating picking up at this point since it was for an HTPC I was building, but I was able to get a 1030 at retail (thanks EVGA), which holds its own for that application and doesn't require PCIe power. That and I am not sure the power connector would work in the 3u case I have it in with out modding the angle of the connection :-) the case top is close to even with PCIe brackets. 
It looks like the logjam is breaking up and CPUs are finally flowing downstream! 
Thanks for keeping up with all this stuff guys (eNewt :-) ) 

Indeed. It feels like the tech supply chain issues are slowly starting to resolve. Note that NVIDIA has been getting some harsh words from Wall Street as some analysts think that they may have mostly burned through the gpu refresh cycle for the next little period (let's wait to see what happens when the 40 series is announced).  
Thanks also for the kind words.  Best of luck to you!
US 08G-P5-3553-KR 1/27/2022 6:05:39 AM PT Yes True 
Notification email was received at 14:00 Pacific.  With a signup EVGA Score of 6 and with a previous 30 series card purchase.  Another data point for deciphering the Queue 3.0 parameters.
It has a limit of one now, wasn't it a limit of two when it was released?

I believe it had a limit of one. I've only seen a bump to two units per household in the last few weeks as particular SKUs started to be regularly "in stock".
Congratulations! Thanks for reporting back. 
2022/04/08 15:58:36
US 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/17/2020 10:01:47 AM PT Yes
I forgot I was still in the queue so I will be passing on it but wanted to update anyone waiting in that queue. Good luck all!
2022/04/08 16:07:17
US 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/17/2020 10:01:47 AM PT Yes
I forgot I was still in the queue so I will be passing on it but wanted to update anyone waiting in that queue. Good luck all!

Thanks for reporting back to the community!
2022/04/08 16:13:23
US 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/17/2020 10:01:47 AM PT Yes
I forgot I was still in the queue so I will be passing on it but wanted to update anyone waiting in that queue. Good luck all!

Thanks for reporting back to the community!
2022/04/08 16:30:58
US 08G-P5-3553-KR 1/31/2022 1:57:15 PM PT
Email at 14:02 Pacific today.
Used Enewts code, thanks!
2022/04/08 16:32:28
US 08G-P5-3553-KR 1/31/2022 1:57:15 PM PT
Email at 14:02 Pacific today.
Used Enewts code, thanks!

Congratulations!  Thanks for reporting back and for using the Associate’s Code for your 3% discount at checkout; both are appreciated.
Enjoy your new gaming goodness!
2022/04/08 16:44:18
The Samsung G9 Neo is saweeeeet
2022/04/08 17:07:13
US 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/17/2020 8:11:24 AM PT Yes True

Congratulations!  Thanks for reporting back!  Enjoy!

Nice!  I had a spot for one on 12/19/2020 but ended up with a 3080ti So I canceled my notify ... congrats! ...that my be one of the best bang-for-the-buck cards from the 30xx series.
2022/04/08 18:34:58
Got my EVGA GEFORCE RTX 3070 TI FTW3 and I am off the Que. best of the best everyone. Got it today @ 4pm with new EVGA 1000 watt PSU give extra love kick.
2022/04/08 19:14:31
Got my EVGA GEFORCE RTX 3070 TI FTW3 and I am off the Que. best of the best everyone. Got it today @ 4pm with new EVGA 1000 watt PSU give extra love kick.

Awesome! When did you sign up according to your MyNotifies page?

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