2022/04/08 10:27:27
08G-P5-3663-KL 9/24/2021 6:41:07 AM PT

Thanks for reporting! Enjoy your 3060 Ti!

Also, since that's just 3 days before signups closed (Sep/27/2021) AND that report jumped almost a month from the last one, I can reasonably believe 3663 will be in stock next week!
2022/04/08 12:04:29
08G-P5-3663-KL 9/24/2021 6:41:07 AM PT

To think I signed up 6 months earlier than you and I'm still waiting ...
2022/04/08 12:22:03
08G-P5-3663-KL 9/24/2021 6:41:07 AM PT

To think I signed up 6 months earlier than you and I'm still waiting ...

Sorry to hear that, it feels more like a lottery than an actual queue. What other models did you signed up for? I had the 3060ti (08G-P5-3663-KL) and 3060 (12G-P5-3655-KR).
I hope you get your card soon, the whole thing doesn't makes sense.
2022/04/08 13:00:46
Sorry to hear that, it feels more like a lottery than an actual queue.

Not exactly a lottery.  There are non-random (if unfair) elements, such as:
  • Every RTX 30 series SKU has its own queue.
  • Europe getting way fewer cards, to the point where no one tracks the EU queues like we track the NA queues.
  • "Highest" SKUs in queue 2.0 are more likely to move (3090 before 3080, Ultra SKUs first, FTW before XC)
  • "Lowest" SKUs in queue 2.0 are also more likely to move (3060 before 3060 Ti, Gaming SKUs first, XC before FTW).
  • If a 2.0 queue reaches September 27, 2021 (the day the signups closed), it completes all its signups.  All queue 2.0 cards available outside the queue in 2022 did it.
However, none of them are told ahead of time.  Closest thing was EVGA telling people to aim for air cooled cards (as opposed to water cooled) when they told us to reduce our number of active queues to 2.  They said they will be able to make more air cooled ones.  I believe it's because Nvidia (or maybe the semiconductor manufacturer) decides how many GPUs of each model it wants to make, possibly even where they're shipped (EU or NA), and EVGA can't do much about it.
What other models did [SirOutlander] sign up for? I had the 3060ti (08G-P5-3663-KL) and 3060 (12G-P5-3655-KR).

They're in SirOutlander's signature.  But since they're not visible on mobile, here they are:
EU 08G-P5-3663-KL 3/28/2021 No
EU 12G-P5-3657-KR 3/28/2021 Removed by User
EU 10G-P5-3881-KL 3/28/2021 No
US 12G-P5-3655-KR 2/27/2021 Yes WARNING:Notify from this EVGA store cannot be shipped to your country.
US 10G-P5-3881-KL 2/26/2021 Removed by User WARNING:Notify from this EVGA store cannot be shipped to your country.
Also, I maintain a spreadsheet with historical weekly data on queues, and can make linear estimates on 2.0 SKUs (2020 and 2021 models) based on past performance.
2022/04/08 14:38:58
US 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/17/2020 8:11:24 AM PT Yes True
2022/04/08 14:40:50
US 10G-P5-3898-KL 12/17/2020 8:11:24 AM PT Yes True

Congratulations!  Thanks for reporting back!  Enjoy!
2022/04/08 15:06:34
10G-P5-3898-KL 12/16/2020 8:40:46 PM PT  Got my notification email at 4:17 PM Central US Time on 4/8/2022.  Used your associate code enewt to cover the shipping cost.
2022/04/08 15:08:35
Hi Guys, 
    I got this (US 08G-P5-3663-KL 6/16/2021 12:24:02 PM PT Yes True) last week (April 5th). I let it go since I have had to retire the computer it was for due to a failing onboard USB2 and sound system.  I hate to give up on my Gen 1 core i7 but It may be time to use it for wall art instead. 
Today I received (US 08G-P5-3553-KR 1/29/2022 10:48:49 AM PT Yes True) ... which I am debating picking up at this point since it was for an HTPC I was building, but I was able to get a 1030 at retail (thanks EVGA), which holds its own for that application and doesn't require PCIe power. That and I am not sure the power connector would work in the 3u case I have it in with out modding the angle of the connection :-) the case top is close to even with PCIe brackets. 
It looks like the logjam is breaking up and CPUs are finally flowing downstream! 
Thanks for keeping up with all this stuff guys (eNewt :-) ) 
PS my score was 18 and I have one 30 series registered (as well as a bunch of 10xx and audio stuff)  
and just in case anyone is feeling like showing some EVGA love my Associate Code: AI3AUG09VALSKTZ

2022/04/08 15:09:37
10G-P5-3898-KL 12/16/2020 8:40:46 PM PT  Got my notification email at 4:17 PM Central US Time on 4/8/2022.  Used your associate code enewt to cover the shipping cost.

Thanks for reporting!  Enjoy your 3080 FTW3 Hybrid!
2022/04/08 15:09:40
US 08G-P5-3553-KR 1/27/2022 6:05:39 AM PT Yes True 
Notification email was received at 14:00 Pacific.  With a signup EVGA Score of 6 and with a previous 30 series card purchase.  Another data point for deciphering the Queue 3.0 parameters.
It has a limit of one now, wasn't it a limit of two when it was released?

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