2020/10/05 19:34:26
Great news, thanks!
2020/10/05 19:34:27
Awesome! This is a great method to purchase. Thank you for making this happen. Real excited.
2020/10/05 19:34:30
I had signed up a week or two ago (for the notifications) but then did so again based on your tweet a few hours ago.. did I reset my position?

Same question, does it track our first signup or our latest?
2020/10/05 19:34:43
This is great, but will we know our queue number or is there some way to confirm? I signed up for auto-notify on the 3080 FTW3 Ultra and never receieved an email when they were in stock. I just signed up again just to make sure, but will this also re-start my position in the queue?
2020/10/05 19:34:54
And is queue position determined randomly based on those who have notify requests or are they based on when or some cases standing (such as elite membership)?
2020/10/05 19:35:09
And this is why evga will continue to get my money. Thanks for your updates!
750 ti ftw3 to 2070 super ftw3 to 3080 ftw3(hopefully).
2020/10/05 19:35:10
Question: What is the email address that we will receive the notifications from? I want to make sure it doesn't end up in SPAM folder.
2020/10/05 19:35:10
Awesome work 
2020/10/05 19:35:20
Great news!!

Will we need to do the auto notify each “restock” or once is enough and we’ll stay in the queue for next go around?
2020/10/05 19:35:31
10 people have already asked, and ill ask again.
What happens if we already signed up to get notified? Do we get pushed back or do we keep our position?

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