@evga_jacob I have to ask. I work nights, 10:30 PM to 6:30 AM. So I sleep during the day. What if I'm asleep while my email comes? Is it 5 hours once you click the link or once you get the email? It could be a pain for me if it comes at like 12 PM and I wake up at 6:30 PM.
5 hours is very fair. They have looked at how long it will take to work through the queue and want to make a certain progress in units per day. 5 hours gives people who can't check email except before and after work and at lunch a chance while still making acceptable progress and not letting people waste the time of customers who are ready to buy. If your sleep schedule doesn't match up because of time zone or whatever else, that is just how it goes in this scheme unfortunately. It's hard to come up with a perfect system and at this point is just a matter of staying a half step ahead of the bots.
Find some sort of email alarm. There are probably apps for that sort of thing.