Is there any way to check if we've already signed up for a notification? I'm pretty sure I did way back on 9/17, but it's been a quite the Rollercoaster and I'm not entirely sure if I did or if it was even for the card I wanted. It'd be nice to know for sure.
I think the notification/queue is per product. I might be wrong.
Fine, if it is. No complaints here. I'm logged. To my EVGA account and noticed that the auto notify button is available on every card right now, making me think I haven't signed up. If I click on a card and signup for a notification, nothing changes after or on a page refresh. No verification email and the auto notify remains click able and allows you to sign up again. *Shrugs* guess I'll just have to be pleasantly surprised if I get a purchase link email (and hopefully be awake and/or not working in the 5 hour window it provides.)