I bet that queue is so large that even if you signed up for auto notify on launch day, Sept 24th, that you won't get a notification to buy until Jan 2021. With Nvidia CEO saying there will be 3090 shortages until 2021, I'm not hopeful at all:
You might as well be right, but this does get us in line where we can eventually get a card. THe way its setup now, only bots and tiny windows of opportunity when you can buy them. Beats f5ing, waiting for something that may never come.
This is true, and despite Nvidia's CEO having gone fully insane by saying it's not a supply issue, I'm banking on AMD's release, which leaks are suggest will be very strong and highly available, and the 3070s to cleaving demand and make scalpers give up (because now there's exhaust for all the frustration) and make it easier to grab 'em.