2020/10/05 20:40:53
I signed up for the notification couple weeks ago but dont' remember which ones.  Is it ok to just redo all the ones I"m interested in or is there a penalty? 

Yes, he said re-setting it up won't change your position as long as you use the same email. Feel free to do it to give you peace of mind.
2020/10/05 20:42:25
Should be by account seniority 
But this is good too haha.

LOL! I'd love that, forum member since 2002.
2020/10/05 20:42:38
I hope this goes smoothly! 
2020/10/05 20:43:14
So, what if notification comes at 1am? 

Jacob said it will most likely be 9am-6pm Pacific Time for when the notifications come out
twitter . com/EVGA_JacobF/status/1313316682723520512
2020/10/05 20:43:26
I signed up for an auto notification for a card a while ago, but reading this post I re-submitted a notification request (prior to realizing that my original request saved a place in line). Did that reset my place in line, or is my original place in line intact from when I originally requested a stock notification?

It will go by your earliest entry.
2020/10/05 20:43:50
This is actually really awesome of you guys. If I can snag one of your EVGAs, I'll give you my money instead of MSI (pending Tiger Direct back order.)

So THANK YOU, this is quality customer service. This is basically how I got my Index during this whole pandemic crazyness in the world. Valve had me go in queue, they sent me an email, and I bought one within a specific time period. Very cool.
2020/10/05 20:45:04
Hello Jacob, I was wondering what email would we expect these notifications from. So I can add them as a contact and it does not go to my spam folder

Go about 3 pages back. It has been stated multiple times in this thread.
2020/10/05 20:45:18
This is great news, thank you EVGA! Favorite video card company :)
2020/10/05 20:45:35
This is great to hear Jacob, thanks to you and the EVGA team. Hope this goes smoothly.
2020/10/05 20:46:53
I bet that queue is so large that even if you signed up for auto notify on launch day, Sept 24th, that you won't get a notification to buy until Jan 2021. With Nvidia CEO saying there will be 3090 shortages until 2021, I'm not hopeful at all: 

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