He just replied to another tweet saying it's one per part number, so that seems to mean 1 model of card per person. Meaning, depending on how early you're in the queue, you could have the opportunity to buy all 5 3080s before someone who just joined can even buy one.
No. 100% wrong. He has stated MANY MANY times over the past weeks, it is 1 per line. One 3080 and one 3090. I have even a reply from him asking if I could buy myself a 3090 and a 3080 for a friend. He said yes, but then I can no longer get a 3080 for myself because I used up my 3080 purchase.
I dunno, he word for word said "it's one per part number" each card has its own part number. thats a weird mistake for him to make?
I am 100% certain it is per series. People make mistakes, but he has been VERY clear over the past few weeks, many many many many times. He even used the scenario of if you qualify for FTW queue and XC3 queue, make sure you pick the card you want, because you won't be able to get the other. That again, verifies it's one per series. There is no guessing on this if you have been reading his twitter and forum posts for the past weeks. 1 3080, 1 3090.