The April cutoff is no longer an issue for me either. There is no way I will get a 3898 before then. I'm a little over 4 minutes away in a queue that isn't moving. The only thing that could save me is there not being very many time stamps in between me and my new card. The server bogged down pretty bad and a lot of people had trouble getting a time stamp inside of 9:10, so who knows. The queue moved a lot on 2/9. Either it was a big drop, or a lot of the people who got an early time stamp are on this forum and used the direct link that was posted.
There will be at least one more hybrid drop before the April cutoff. Maybe even two depending on what's on those container ships that are waiting to unload. If the 3898 queue moves as much as it did on 2/9 I might be able to catch the end of the next drop.... whenever that happens.