ABerbenGot my notification earlier today!!10G-P5-3897-KR 9/19/2020 2:19:48 PM PT.
mcarterstonerThank you kindly!!! Ok so I'm guessing I'm good having signed up for notifications for the specific card I'm looking for. Side note I just wanted to thank you both for saying that. That is the fastest response I've ever seen on a forum post and I work in IT for a living LOL
Justinforeman200Man. I give up. They just now getting around to September, Ive been on the list since Dec. I went ahead and bought a used 1. Taking a risk instead of waiting 5 more months.
Big ShanJust got my 3080 FTW Ultra notify and purchased 9/19/2020 3:22:08 PM PTYes