GameArkI got the notification today "10G-P5-3897-KR 9/19/2020 3:09:36 PM PT" Yes. The main issue is I already have a EVGA 3090, one of my friend asking for 3080 or even 3090.Or should I just let the notification expires so someone from here will get it.
eviebach4.5 months and still waiting I guess 3090s must be going to miners
Christophermaag08G-P5-3755-KR 11/6/2020 11:04:45 AM PT Yes Ordered this morning. Enewt, I used your code and I want to especially thank for everything you do here, it is much appreciated. Also thanks to EVGA in general, I really did not want to hunt around for a GPU or pay out to scalpers, and thanks to this queue I didn't have to.
nice_chickenI received notification for 08G-P5-3755-KR this morning. My entry date was 11/5/2020 11:31:19 PM PT.
NandredHas there ever been a week where 3897's and 3898's both dropped?