2021/02/23 05:17:40
Good morning and Happy Tuesday!
2021/02/23 05:41:57
Hey hey peeps! Here’s hoping for some queue movement today! 👍
2021/02/23 06:31:51
I would hit the Shuffle but hit the 5600x instead of either of the CPUs someone wants me to get. LUL

Glad to hear people in here are hitting the shuffle on occasion. I was afraid it was all a facade.
2021/02/23 06:51:06
Happy Tuesday! Fingers crossed for good drops!
2021/02/23 07:12:21
Today feels like a hybrid day, let's go...  Ol' Drewski is getting wait-weary.
Good luck and fast queues to all!
2021/02/23 07:22:22
So... which skus are they not making any more? Seems like all the ones I'm waiting for :(
2021/02/23 07:37:28
i haz a good feeling about today.... 
Campfire is extra warm, stocked up on marshmallows and chocolates, and this time added Andes mints into the mix.... 
Goodl luck to everyone today!
2021/02/23 07:39:46
i haz a good feeling about today.... 
Campfire is extra warm, stocked up on marshmallows and chocolates, and this time added Andes mints into the mix.... 
Goodl luck to everyone today!

Andes mints???  Wow that sounds amazing.  A Reese's PB cup on a smore was close to life-changing for me personally.
2021/02/23 07:44:38
i haz a good feeling about today.... 
Campfire is extra warm, stocked up on marshmallows and chocolates, and this time added Andes mints into the mix.... 
Goodl luck to everyone today!

Andes mints???  Wow that sounds amazing.  A Reese's PB cup on a smore was close to live-changing for me personally.

i like options/variety, i'll grab Reese's PB cup's on my next trip to the store. 
2021/02/23 07:54:40
Keebler Fudge Stripes (or similar knock off cookies) are a serious upgrade to your smore game

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