2021/02/22 16:57:43
Guys, I'm gonna snap I swear to god. I thought it was bad having made an auto-notify in late Nov and mid Dec, but reading how y'all in Sept. orders haven't gotten cards.
2021/02/22 17:15:39
Guys, I'm gonna snap I swear to god. I thought it was bad having made an auto-notify in late Nov and mid Dec, but reading how y'all in Sept. orders haven't gotten cards.

How do you think we all feel. I am one of those, signed up 48 hours too late, still waiting on a 3080 notice. As of today 0/11 in Newegg shuffles, this new mining world is so depressing.
2021/02/22 17:22:38
This week and next week might be the last "big" drops we get for a while, and next month once the Lunar New Year lull kicks in in terms of the shut downs meaning no cards arriving to port (since they take about a month to get from where they're made to where they can be sent out to us) - I would expect that effect in late March/Early April, at which point we may see no drops at all for a month straight, or only very small ones. 
Hopefully once things kick back in NVidia will actually get full capacity going.  I just hope those idiots don't ever make the mistake again of only ramping production up a month before launch... having insufficient supply for a launch of this magnitude is almost excusable once... but lest we forget, this happened to a lesser extent with the 20-series cards too (less scalping then so the effects only lasted weeks), and it got far worse with the 30-series, because demand was higher never minding scalping increasing, and supply was lower & effected by both COVID & supply issues for the Dies & RAM chiplets, which got worse not better in the last 6 months for the most part.
Let us hope AMD pushes forward with RT performance and closes the gap in that aspect, so that NVidia actually have something to worry about in the overall market by the time the 40-series cards come out... otherwise, do they really have any motivation to actually get "better" at dealing with launches, if there's no competition?  They know people want their cards & will wait to get them, that's a real part of this problem - and again we circle back to "as long as NVidia makes their money they do not care where it comes from". 
The companies that are suffering from this the most are companies like eVGA that only make NVidia products, are having to survive on less supply, while still trying to be profitable, which is why SKUs that would normally be "fine" despite being less profitable, have likely been thrown to the way-side, because they are trying to keep profits high enough to "survive" until supply stabilizes.  Those getting mad at eVGA for not making certain SKUs need to understand that aspect, they're doing what they need to do to survive, NVidia has been making real strides to try & negate the AIB market in the past few generations, making their Founders Edition cards "better" while selling them at MSRP - that is a direct shot & competition directed at companies like eVGA. 
Then you add to that the news that NVidia is selling GPUs directly to mining companies, thus increasing their direct profits, while further negatively impacting supply to AIBs (and gamers)... 

Conclusion, let us hope AMD closes the gap further so NVidia has some real competition, not just for the sake of it might kick NVidia in the pants & make them handle launches better, but also so that we actually HAVE another option if NVidia boggles the next launch again, to go with AMD instead.
/end sort of rant but more just recycling information that I think some might not be thinking about
2021/02/22 18:12:08
I guess I'm waiting for the 40 series, I up-grade my gaming rig between, 5 and 10 years, and only go through EVGA on the GPU, and Asus with the Mobo. Just personal, preference. I hope nividias next moves frees up the graphics cards.

Or maybe the 30 Super series.  I hope that Nivida does the same thing to all the SKUS that they are doing to the 3060 and it works.

Lol Ya it might work for all of a day. Then it will interfere with games and they will have to release a fix for that which will just make it like they didnt try to prevent it for use in miners. Or it will work for a day before some miner out there figures out how to get around it and then throws that out on the web.  Nvidia has not done one thing right with the 30 series GPU's they will mess this up as well somehow.

"Nvidia has not done one thing right with the 30 series GPU's they will mess this up as well somehow." ?????
I disagree.
Nvidia did make the 30 series cards good enough that Nvidia and its partners can't come close to keeping up with the demand for the cards. That's a pretty BIG thing Nvidia did right.
You might be happier if Nvidia and its retailer customers were drowning in unsold cards. Nvidia's shareholders and customers would not.
2021/02/22 18:53:58
Nvidia did make the 30 series cards good enough that Nvidia and its partners can't come close to keeping up with the demand for the cards. That's a pretty BIG thing Nvidia did right.

I agree they did this one thing right (releasing a really good product), but to be fair the fact that they cannot keep up with the demand has at this point nothing to do with how good these cards are. If that was the case my 1080Ti would not be going locally almost at it's initial MSRP.
It is all mining induced at this point. The demand for GPU hashing power on ethereum and other coins skyrocketed along with their prices.
Ethereum had a total hashing power added between some day in December and some day in February of the equivalent of 1.100.000 RTX 3080's.
Do not recall exact dates but it was a time span of 47 days. Some of this is gamers mining with their game rig when its out of use, but let's face it - a big chunk of this number is going to be racks of cards in a mining operation. This demand is not dying as long as the cards are as profitable as they are right now.
On the other hand if this crashes spectacularly I am hoping for good deals on used cards.
2021/02/22 19:10:08
Good deals on used cards that have had their VRAM running at over 100C in a lot of cases for months on end - we're going to have another situation like we did with R9 290/290Xs when mining crashed during their being relatively new, hundreds & hundreds of cards flooding the EBay & used markets, and a fair bit of them being "damaged" goods, making the used market a minefield of "buyer beware" yuckyness.
2021/02/22 19:51:58
This is a fair point.
Personally I would still risk it with 3070 if it crashes soon (and deal is good I suppose). 3080 not so much, VRAMs cooling on those is a disaster. Those will be timebombs.
2021/02/22 20:00:13
So I now have confirmation that my 5800x chip is now in FedEx hands and is on the way, arriving this Friday
As a result of lack of Asus Hero wifi/dark hero boards at proper prices I bought a formula board for 600 :/
Atleast I will be getting a real upgrade from my intel 8600k in preparation for that sweet sweet 3080 coming sometime or another :P
2021/02/22 20:27:27
So I now have confirmation that my 5800x chip is now in FedEx hands and is on the way, arriving this Friday
As a result of lack of Asus Hero wifi/dark hero boards at proper prices I bought a formula board for 600 :/
Atleast I will be getting a real upgrade from my intel 8600k in preparation for that sweet sweet 3080 coming sometime or another :P

Darks are ridiculously scalped.  I cancelled my 5950x order because I wouldn't buy a dark from scalpers.  Thought about an Asus formula, but for the 5950, only the dark makes sense.
For the 5800x, you should do well with that build.
2021/02/22 20:50:13
I just finished a build with the dark hero and the 5800x this past weekend for a friend.  It went really nice.  Like the board, the only issue I have is that I don't care for the asus mobo software and monitoring.  I wish it had more info in a presentable manner.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I built mines and now that dark hero and I still like my son's MSI interface better.  Love the board and performance though which is why I would buy the formula for a open loop system upgrade or the dark hero for my next build or upgrade.  The only thing I would recommend with the dark hero is that you purchase cable extenders for the CPU.  The space in the upper left corner gets tight depending on your psu cables, fan setup, and case.  I have the corsair power supply and in the Lian Li Lancool II Mesh and the cables that came with the power supply were about 6 inches too short for my liking.  It fit, but it didn't have the slack I would have wanted.  In the dark hero, the combination of the heat sinks and the larger IO shield area made it even worse as they are much larger.  I had ordered cable extensions prior the build but they got stuck in Texas during the freeze.  They arrived the day of the build after I had left my house so I had to make a run back to pick them up. Once I had those, there was great flexibility in the cable and now length to route the cable how I would want to.  

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