Well eth profits took a hit last night 11.7 cents dropped to 10.87 cents
Translation a 3080 earned $11.70 a day mining it now earns $10.87 pre power. Even in California at 45 cent a kwatt power cost to mine is $3.60 for a 3080. So it earned $8 a day yesterday and now earns 7 a day today. A few more good hits dropping it to 2 dollar profit will slow mining a lot.
Meanwhile waiting for 3060tis I am 2 hours off 2 of them.
Waiting for a king pin.
ETH mining is not going to slow down until it drops to less than a dollar a day. There were a lot of people mining it before the 30 series came out they were just using amd GPU's. Now with the 30 series being what it is they can make a lot more with the 30 series card. My boss does the mining thing and unlike some he has like the rest of us went thru queues and notify me's and has gotten a couple 3080's and 3090 and a couple of 3060 Ti's and his 3080's are making about 16 a day per card before the miniscule hit your talking about. And keep in mind unlike some people he is actually just like the rest of us going thru the long waits to get his cards. That little hit is not going slow the minors if anything they will want to add another card to their rig (depending on their setup). Keep in mind the big miners who have been snatching all the available cards they can have already paid for the investment so now its just profit. Besides its not just ETH mining helping the shortage issue, there are other things to mine out there besides ETH. I know because with my single 3060 TI (which I got from EVGA queue) I have been using to mine ETH while I am sleeping and during the day while at work and not gaming. I have been doing some CPU mining with my Ryzen 9 and have also looked at mining a couple other things with an old computer that I have.
Efficiency wise the cards to worry about for mining are the 3060 TI's. Hashrate to power usage they are the most efficient cards out there right now. They are more efficient then the 3080 and 3090's both. My 3060 ti if I left it running at its best hash to power rate could make almost 9 dollars a day and use about half the power (and I havent tuned it to be the most efficient it can be) compared to the 3080 or 3090. but obviously I do have to work so I turn it down during the day while working and off after work while I jump into my games. Sure you can get Higher hash rate out of a 3080 and a 3090 but at the cost of increase power usage.
I worked with my boss to get the most efficient power to hash on all his cards so far and the most efficient like I said is the 3060 TI.
So is the mining affecting the card availability sure it is, but only because the GPU manufacturers are making more on the 3060 GPU's that they are selling to the big distributors. Which of course is making it slower to get the big number cards because there is only so much silicone available for those chips.
Yes this is all frustrating, the whole last 12 months has been frustrating. Just goes to show how unprepared we are as a society to deal with something like Covid. And with the release of the new 3060 this week its going to get a lot worse. They need to stop releasing new cards and focus on stabilizing what they have now.
Besides ETH is basically back where it was before the brief "crash" this morning so at most they lost cents for about 10 minutes.
End of Rant.
For those that are still suffering the long wait for a card I am hoping they get off their rears and get you guys your cards soon. Good luck and lets hope for some decent drops this week. Not gonna say good drops because that wont happen till everyone here has their card. But decent is doable or should be anyways.