Right. I’ve been killing it with a 650ti for years. Sounds like a C-130 taking off when it heats up. Started building a new pc in Aug...and here I sit with no new GPU. I’m not complaining, it’s just the state of the market right now.
Not going to spam...though 80% of the posts on this board have zero to do with “notification checkout process.”
Nobody seems to have the will to do anything about it. I don't post in forums very much, but I have noticed that the level of moderation can vary greatly. The topic around here seems to be "computers", and as long as it stays more or less between those lines it doesn't get removed. I come here less now than I did last fall because of the spam. I don't read what's between when I posted last and when I logon again because it's mostly spam. I don't want to hear every minute detail about another stupid computer build, not here at least. I don't want to hear scalpers brag about how they auctioned used 3000-series cards and made money, not here and not anywhere else for that matter. These days I tend to scan for posts that mention SKU's and/or time stamps, along with enewts updates. Looking at it through another lens though...... Some folks are isolated right now. Some were probably a little isolated even before COVID, and are now in uncharted territory. I'm not about to bury the moderators with flagged posts that have zero to do with the queues. Let 'em ramble about their next build, or whatever staves off boredom for them. I will just scroll on by and count the days until I have no reason to come back to what has become a place for people to vent about their first world problems more than anything else.
That said, I hope the 3898's move this week. None moved last week so the odds are high based on what has happened so far. Below are that dates that 3898 emails have gone out.
December 1, 2, 10, 16, 17
January 15, 22, 26, 27, 29
February 9
You can see the Xmas gap, and you can also see that February has been really quiet. If another week goes by without a drop it can only mean that production has stopped and that is never good. The lunar new year won't work as an excuse until we get into mid-March and beyond, and even then it might not amount to a big delay in card shipments. Has Nvidia said anything official about stopping production because of the new year celebrations? I haven't heard anything. Is the shipping port in Tawian idle? I doubt it.