2021/02/20 00:39:07
How about 2 pieces?
2021/02/20 01:00:26
damn has the 3070 XC3 Black  not moved at all for a while gee.

At least that card actually exists, unlike:
3090 XC3 Gaming               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming             3895                       09/16/2020 00:00:00
3090 XC3 Black                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 

Those, which, as far as the queue is concerned, do not exist. lol
2021/02/20 01:41:56
damn has the   not moved at all for a while gee.

At least that card actually exists, unlike:
               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
             3895                       09/16/2020 00:00:00
                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 

Those, which, as far as the queue is concerned, do not exist. lol

Nobody reported in, however, Jacob indicated just yesterday that emails for 10G-P5-3895-KR were going out. Page 110, post #24278.
2021/02/20 05:22:46
damn has the 3070 XC3 Black  not moved at all for a while gee.

At least that card actually exists, unlike:
3090 XC3 Gaming               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming             3895                       09/16/2020 00:00:00
3090 XC3 Black                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 

Those, which, as far as the queue is concerned, do not exist. lol

3883 and 3881 may as well not exist, and 3885 once existed but not in 2021
2021/02/20 07:16:33
Here is some interesting information about gold.
What doe this mean for a gamer and gpu cards?
  I have a partnership with a solar installer he mostly ties the system to the grid because lithium batteries last 5-10 years. His solar setups work 20-30 years so If you go with battery setup off the grid you need 3 sets of expensive batteries . If you go with lead/glass mat you will replac e then 5 time in 30 years.
Many of us know  batteries are but but they don't last. Most of us don't know Gold would be the best battery material it would last 200-300 years before it fails.
 Who makes electric cars? Musk
 Who explores space ? Musk
 Who invested billions in crypto coins ? Musk
If his plan is bring gold back to earth to make batteries for cars while gold has value as battery material it would be fairly common material.  So you need a way to store long term wealth.
Can we say crypto coins.
BTW ford has promised to go fully electric by 2030
So we are in the years 1880-1910 if oil/gas was going to fuel cars/planes
Electric is going to fuel cars/trucks power plants etc.
The Texas gas Line freezing will not happen.
So if you game go out buy a rip off card mine while you sleep it makes up for the rip off.  Sell your gold and buy crypto coins.
Or side with the dinosaurs that died to make that oil/coal/gas.
All of the above is a prediction of the future. I am not  
 I am just a guy that sees a silver lining (gold lining)
In the gpu shortages.
2021/02/20 07:25:33
One day away on the time stamps from either of the 3060ti dated at 12-1-20 . Seems like the 60tis have slowed down in production. Would the new 3060s be the reason for this? 
2021/02/20 07:41:21
I am at 930 for both 3060ti around 2 hours for either one.   they are not being released most likely because of the new 3060s'
designed to hurt mining and help gamers.
Seems like if the just made the 3060ti's we could be on day 2 or 3 for the 3060ti's
2021/02/20 08:03:58
I am at 930 for both 3060ti around 2 hours for either one.   they are not being released most likely because of the new 3060s'
designed to hurt mining and help gamers.
Seems like if the just made the 3060ti's we could be on day 2 or 3 for the 3060ti's

I share your concern. I was getting excited about the 3060ti, too, and then they just .... stopped. Rather suddenly! I don't know why they'd repurpose 3060ti's for 3060 non-ti's that bring in less money, but I can certainly imagine them going to miners, or an unfair proportion of the chips going to MSI if my theory is correct about them paying more proportionally to how they are charging more. Nvidia, of course, likes to make money too! (yes, yes, thanks captain obvious)
Edit: calling myself captain obvious, not you, just want to make that clear!
2021/02/20 08:04:58
This is probably stupid, but I don't suppose anyone might know when a person would get their 10G-P5-3883-KR RTX 3080 put in the queue on January 3, 2021?  I won't pay $1000 for a $740 card I believe it is. I'm just looking for a time frame. This month, 3 months, 6+? I'm not gonna wait that long, but is Nvidia going to release a 4000 series btw, because if they are, uh, I'll just wait for that. Already waited 3 months to get a card.
2021/02/20 08:10:48
This is probably stupid, but I don't suppose anyone might know when a person would get their 10G-P5-3883-KR RTX 3080 put in the queue on January 3, 2021?  I won't pay $1000 for a $740 card I believe it is. I'm just looking for a time frame. This month, 3 months, 6+? I'm not gonna wait that long, but is Nvidia going to release a 4000 series btw, because if they are, uh, I'll just wait for that. Already waited 3 months to get a card.

Been in the same boat for 5+ months myself. 3885, 3883, and 3881 have virtually stopped dropping in 2021

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