You know, 3080s have been unicorns for a loooooooooong time now, but when the 3060ti's launched, retailers (especially Newegg) had large numbers of skus from multiple AIBs. Some models they had
hundreds of on launch day, and it was being healthily restocked for some time. Even the EVGA queue for the 3060ti's had some good initial movement.
But then we discovered how good it mines. It mines as well as the 3070. So now we are getting 3070s for gamers. Today at microcenter, they gave out vouchers for
eighteen 3070s. One voucher for a 3080 (possibly two, as the third person in line only overheard the associate say "there are no more 3080s", so she got a 3070).
3080's don't necessarily mine the best per watt. But they do mine the best per $$ spent on your graphics card. The next best mining ability per dollar card is easily the 3060ti. It mines equivalently to the 3070. So the 3070 gets better binned and more powerful GA104 chip, but the same cheap GDDR6 (same amount of GB, even!). Surprising no one, the 3060ti mines the same, but games a little worse, but costs a LOT less.
So basically the two absolute best buys for
GAMERS are coincidentally the best buys for miners, and coincidentally now the least available cards. The 3080s have been for some time, but now we are seeing the same thing happen to the 3060ti. So now Nvidia is releasing the 3060 non-ti. It has
extra GDDR6 and an even cheaper and less powerful core chip, and it could be an absolute mining champ, freeing up the more powerful gaming cards like the 3060ti for gamers. Oh, but wait! Nvidia is going to cut performance in half at the BIOS level whenever mining activities are detected. So instead of taking some of the miner demand off 3060ti and 3080ti, gamers are going to be able to buy what feels a lot like intentionally and artificially "sloppy seconds" now.
It truly is a great time to be a gamer, and also a terrible time to be a gamer. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
Ok, I'm done now.