2021/02/19 18:47:28
I hope your opinion on how things benefit the world is a little more intuitive than "How does this help cure disease?".

I know I probably shouldn't reply any more to this, but being that it is directly towards me, I'll give you one last response.
That was one example I provided. Another would be trying to detect life on other planets. Others study how the human brain works, find more accurate models to define the universe, study the physical properties of asteroids, improve climate prediction models, simulate particle acceleration physics, and more.
What you've posted there indicates various ways that economies can be expanded and improved. Yes, those can help people. That said, these are all for financial gain (often by the rich, but also yes for anybody else too). They help people make money. Sure, you could argue that money will be spent for good things, and I'm sure some of it will, but it's still primarily about money.
Further, even if large farms are using renewable energy (which I'm not convinced that "most" of it is anyway as the only reports I've seen are directly from crypto-coin companies), the resources required to make all the energy production equipment and the computer hardware is expensive. Not just financially expensive, but we're talking non-renewable resources here. There's only so much of some of these materials to go around. We're looking at major copper shortages in the next few years. Not 50 years, not 20 years, but we're looking at major problems in the next 5-10 years, and that's only looking at copper.
On top of that, you are so focused on telling me I'm wrong than understanding I'm not even suggesting that you don't continue with cryptocurrency or that it be destroyed. I'm suggesting that all that compute power also (read: in addition...i.e. do one while doing the other) go towards fundamental research that is commonly done through distributed computing. I'm not suggesting that what you've posted there is wrong or bad. I'm suggesting it should be better. There's no good reason it can't be better.

The biggest aspect I think you're missing here is this: If cryptocurrency actually continues and ends up well-established form of financial transactions, it has WAY more potential than just enriching the rich or slightly enriching the poor. If we all have some ownership of cryptocurrency in our "wallets", it's a fantastic backup for an economy gone awry. Remember when we have had people jumping off buildings when they're money and assets were suddenly worthless, basically overnight? When I was in Ecuador many years ago, I knew people who wiped their rear ends with sucres (old Ecuadorian currency no longer used) because it was cheaper to wipe their butts with their money than use it to buy toilet paper. Their government money-printed their country into financial oblivion, and it was a disaster. 
An established cryptocurrency could literally feed your family some day if our economy crashes and the US dollar somehow becomes worthless. If brought to full potential and further expanded, the decentralized nature of bitcoin (and other coins) could end up saving lives and bolstering a failing or mismanaged economy somewhere. The potential is incredible, not to mention it's a safe haven for some to have financial holdings that their government cannot corrupt or destroy. The very decentralized nature of the blockchain itself lends a measure of security and invincibility that could very well rival the strength and trust of the good ol' federal reserve some day. Sure, these are all "maybes" and "hypotheticals", but go back in time far enough and anti-psychotic drugs, corrective lenses, and life-saving surgeries were "maybes" and "hypotheticals" long before they became well-practiced medicine. 
You are very much poo-pooing something that has incredible potential to do good for every socioeconomic class, not just the rich. Of course the rich will benefit the most from any kind of financial advancements, just like the rich usually benefit the most from sweeping tax cuts (as they are already usually paying the most taxes). But blockchain growth can benefit everyone with a solid current or last-gen GPU. As many have posted here, they have a single 3000-series GPU in their computer. When not using it, they are generating a little bit of side money. Did you notice the EVGA member that said it helps pay for gas expenses? 
The cryptocurrency that you are quick to criticize here is already benefiting folks in a tangible way, and I, for one, hope it continues to grow and bless the lives of rich, poor, and middle alike. 
Edit: Aaaaaand, now we have water again! Rejoice!!! I can finally take a shower!!!! 
2021/02/19 19:09:56
I hope your opinion on how things benefit the world is a little more intuitive than "How does this help cure disease?".

I know I probably shouldn't reply any more to this, but being that it is directly towards me, I'll give you one last response.
That was one example I provided. Another would be trying to detect life on other planets. Others study how the human brain works, find more accurate models to define the universe, study the physical properties of asteroids, improve climate prediction models, simulate particle acceleration physics, and more.
What you've posted there indicates various ways that economies can be expanded and improved. Yes, those can help people. That said, these are all for financial gain (often by the rich, but also yes for anybody else too). They help people make money. Sure, you could argue that money will be spent for good things, and I'm sure some of it will, but it's still primarily about money.
Further, even if large farms are using renewable energy (which I'm not convinced that "most" of it is anyway as the only reports I've seen are directly from crypto-coin companies), the resources required to make all the energy production equipment and the computer hardware is expensive. Not just financially expensive, but we're talking non-renewable resources here. There's only so much of some of these materials to go around. We're looking at major copper shortages in the next few years. Not 50 years, not 20 years, but we're looking at major problems in the next 5-10 years, and that's only looking at copper.
On top of that, you are so focused on telling me I'm wrong than understanding I'm not even suggesting that you don't continue with cryptocurrency or that it be destroyed. I'm suggesting that all that compute power also (read: in addition...i.e. do one while doing the other) go towards fundamental research that is commonly done through distributed computing. I'm not suggesting that what you've posted there is wrong or bad. I'm suggesting it should be better. There's no good reason it can't be better.

The biggest aspect I think you're missing here is this: If cryptocurrency actually continues and ends up well-established form of financial transactions, it has WAY more potential than just enriching the rich or slightly enriching the poor. If we all have some ownership of cryptocurrency in our "wallets", it's a fantastic backup for an economy gone awry. Remember when we have had people jumping off buildings when they're money and assets were suddenly worthless, basically overnight? When I was in Ecuador many years ago, I knew people who wiped their rear ends with sucres (old Ecuadorian currency no longer used) because it was cheaper to wipe their butts with their money than use it to buy toilet paper. Their government money-printed their country into financial oblivion, and it was a disaster. 
An established cryptocurrency could literally feed your family some day if our economy crashes and the US dollar somehow becomes worthless. If brought to full potential and further expanded, the decentralized nature of bitcoin (and other coins) could end up saving lives and bolstering a failing or mismanaged economy somewhere. The potential is incredible, not to mention it's a safe haven for some to have financial holdings that their government cannot corrupt or destroy. The very decentralized nature of the blockchain itself lends a measure of security and invincibility that could very well rival the strength and trust of the good ol' federal reserve some day. Sure, these are all "maybes" and "hypotheticals", but go back in time far enough and anti-psychotic drugs, corrective lenses, and life-saving surgeries were "maybes" and "hypotheticals" long before they became well-practiced medicine. 
You are very much poo-pooing something that has incredible potential to do good for every socioeconomic class, not just the rich. Of course the rich will benefit the most from any kind of financial advancements, just like the rich usually benefit the most from sweeping tax cuts (as they are already usually paying the most taxes). But blockchain growth can benefit everyone with a solid current or last-gen GPU. As many have posted here, they have a single 3000-series GPU in their computer. When not using it, they are generating a little bit of side money. Did you notice the EVGA member that said it helps pay for gas expenses? 
The cryptocurrency that you are quick to criticize here is already benefiting folks in a tangible way, and I, for one, hope it continues to grow and bless the lives of rich, poor, and middle alike. 
Edit: Aaaaaand, now we have water again! Rejoice!!! I can finally take a shower!!!! 

Best part of all that you said that cracked me up was the edit lmao
2021/02/19 19:14:24
I'm starting to believe they don't exist 😂
2021/02/19 19:37:09
So, drops to four queues on a Friday; but only reports from two of the queues. It feels like folks are not as excited as they used to be when securing their card...or at least they are less likely to report it to the EVGA forums, Twitter, Discord, etc. This could be a byproduct of the queues having made their way through the hardcore gamers and into the more mainstream crowd that are, I would argue, less likely to contribute to these online communities. Who knows. 
Regardless, we soldier on. I'll keep hunting for more reports. We go again on Monday.
A quick word of thanks for the folks that PM-ed me today regarding my daughter's practice. It went great. She had a blast interacting with folks that are not her parents. The team welcomed her back. She is rusty, but ready to put in the hard work. #DontStopTillYoureProud
Have a great weekend. Get out and about if you can. Stay upright. 
As of 7:30 pm PT Friday evening, February 19, this is the status of the North American queues (bolded font represents movement from the morning of Friday, February 19; italicized parentheticals calculate the length of movement from the prior report):
Card                                  SKU                        Auto-Notify Timestamp / (Change from Previous Summary)
3090 FTW3 Ultra                 3987                       10/12/2020 18:51:55    
3090 XC3 Ultra                   3975                       10/05/2020 20:52:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra                 3897                       09/19/2020 13:46:31      (03:00:57)        
3080 XC3 Ultra                   3885                       09/18/2020 08:26:34 
3070 FTW3 Ultra                 3767                       10/29/2020 23:19:35    
3070 XC3 Ultra                   3755                       11/05/2020 09:48:25      (00:33:06)          
3060 Ti FTW3 Ultra             3667                       12/01/2020 07:14:12  
3090 FTW3 Gaming             3985                       09/24/2020 16:12:06      
3090 XC3 Gaming               3973                       09/24/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Gaming             3895                       09/16/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Gaming               3883                       09/16/2020 11:01:20
3070 XC3 Gaming               3753                       10/29/2020 09:20:00    
3060 Ti FTW3 Gaming         3665                       12/08/2020 14:51:32     
3060 Ti XC3 Gaming           3663                       12/01/2020 07:16:00  
3090 XC3 Black                   3971                       09/24/2020 00:00:00 
3080 XC3 Black                   3881                       09/16/2020 15:14:00  
3070 XC3 Black                   3751                       10/29/2020 06:15:13   
3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3988                       12/10/2020 09:42:26   
3090 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3978                       12/08/2020 14:19:07     
3080 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid       3898                       12/16/2020 09:04:29  
3080 XC3 Ultra Hybrid         3888                       12/10/2020 09:08:56    
Hydro Copper (Delayed)
3090 FTW 3 Ultra HC           3989                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3090 XC3 Ultra HC              3979                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 FTW3 Ultra HC            3899                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
3080 XC3 Ultra HC              3889                       11/13/2020 00:00:00
K|NGP|N (Queue sheet)       3998                       12/16/2020 18:30:20  
May your remaining wait be shorter than you anticipate; it is already longer than you deserve.
Have a great weekend! Stay safe!
2021/02/19 20:20:00
I'm really happy to see the 3987 advancing hours at a time! We're finally getting somewhere.
2021/02/19 20:40:54
Until it gets to the day the queue launched, then it will slow to a crawl again for at least a few hours of the time that day after the queue launch.
2021/02/19 21:22:20
You know, 3080s have been unicorns for a loooooooooong time now, but when the 3060ti's launched, retailers (especially Newegg) had large numbers of skus from multiple AIBs. Some models they had hundreds of on launch day, and it was being healthily restocked for some time. Even the EVGA queue for the 3060ti's had some good initial movement.
But then we discovered how good it mines. It mines as well as the 3070. So now we are getting 3070s for gamers. Today at microcenter, they gave out vouchers for eighteen 3070s. One voucher for a 3080 (possibly two, as the third person in line only overheard the associate say "there are no more 3080s", so she got a 3070). 
3080's don't necessarily mine the best per watt. But they do mine the best per $$ spent on your graphics card. The next best mining ability per dollar card is easily the 3060ti. It mines equivalently to the 3070. So the 3070 gets better binned and more powerful GA104 chip, but the same cheap GDDR6 (same amount of GB, even!). Surprising no one, the 3060ti mines the same, but games a little worse, but costs a LOT less. 
So basically the two absolute best buys for GAMERS are coincidentally the best buys for miners, and coincidentally now the least available cards. The 3080s have been for some time, but now we are seeing the same thing happen to the 3060ti. So now Nvidia is releasing the 3060 non-ti. It has extra GDDR6 and an even cheaper and less powerful core chip, and it could be an absolute mining champ, freeing up the more powerful gaming cards like the 3060ti for gamers. Oh, but wait! Nvidia is going to cut performance in half at the BIOS level whenever mining activities are detected. So instead of taking some of the miner demand off 3060ti and 3080ti, gamers are going to be able to buy what feels a lot like intentionally and artificially "sloppy seconds" now. 

It truly is a great time to be a gamer, and also a terrible time to be a gamer. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
Ok, I'm done now. 
2021/02/19 21:58:45
The biggest aspect I think you're missing here is this: If cryptocurrency actually continues and ends up well-established form of financial transactions, it has WAY more potential than just enriching the rich or slightly enriching the poor. If we all have some ownership of cryptocurrency in our "wallets", it's a fantastic backup for an economy gone awry. Remember when we have had people jumping off buildings when they're money and assets were suddenly worthless, basically overnight? When I was in Ecuador many years ago, I knew people who wiped their rear ends with sucres (old Ecuadorian currency no longer used) because it was cheaper to wipe their butts with their money than use it to buy toilet paper. Their government money-printed their country into financial oblivion, and it was a disaster. 
An established cryptocurrency could literally feed your family some day if our economy crashes and the US dollar somehow becomes worthless. If brought to full potential and further expanded, the decentralized nature of bitcoin (and other coins) could end up saving lives and bolstering a failing or mismanaged economy somewhere. The potential is incredible, not to mention it's a safe haven for some to have financial holdings that their government cannot corrupt or destroy. The very decentralized nature of the blockchain itself lends a measure of security and invincibility that could very well rival the strength and trust of the good ol' federal reserve some day. Sure, these are all "maybes" and "hypotheticals", but go back in time far enough and anti-psychotic drugs, corrective lenses, and life-saving surgeries were "maybes" and "hypotheticals" long before they became well-practiced medicine. 
You are very much poo-pooing something that has incredible potential to do good for every socioeconomic class, not just the rich. Of course the rich will benefit the most from any kind of financial advancements, just like the rich usually benefit the most from sweeping tax cuts (as they are already usually paying the most taxes). But blockchain growth can benefit everyone with a solid current or last-gen GPU. As many have posted here, they have a single 3000-series GPU in their computer. When not using it, they are generating a little bit of side money. Did you notice the EVGA member that said it helps pay for gas expenses? 
The cryptocurrency that you are quick to criticize here is already benefiting folks in a tangible way, and I, for one, hope it continues to grow and bless the lives of rich, poor, and middle alike. 
Edit: Aaaaaand, now we have water again! Rejoice!!! I can finally take a shower!!!! 

As I said earlier, I'm not disputing any of that. Also, I told the person who said it pays for their gas that I have no problem with that. This whole thing started because I stated an opinion that I can't get behind it. I can't. me. I didn't tell anybody else what to do or how to feel. I could probably make a couple bucks per day mining. Instead I choose to F@H. Could I use a few more dollars/month? Sure. Do I think that's more important that the research I might be able to help with even if it is totally miniscule and it means my electricity bill goes up 20+$/month? Nope. Not at all. I don't judge others or wish they'd stop mining. I'm not a big fan of the large mining groups, but I have similar feelings about various large businesses that thrive on taking away from "the little guy" or engage in extremely wasteful business just to make money. The only point I tried to make...and I tried repeatedly to make it (and it's being completely ignored in favor of arguments I didn't even make)...is that they are literally crunching numbers with these things to "mine" currency. Why can't the algorithms they are crunching also be put to good use for more than just financial gain? You two act like I said "financial gain is evil and must be stopped!" lol. I didn't say that. I just said it could be better. There is such a thing as nuance and there is more to the world than polar extremes. Not everything is binary (in fact, most things are not). Think of it like the EVGA Bucks program and how you used to be able to get Bucks from Folding. You were letting your computer generate money towards future purchases here (wonderful!). While doing that, you were also helping with medical research (even more wonderful!). I'm over here just wishing that was a thing in cryptocurrency (because it most definitely could be) and suddenly I'm ignorant and have a "flawed" opinion lol. I know you didn't say that...sorry. I admit, my very first statement on the matter could have been worded a little better in an effort to really prop up that point, but I didn't know at the time how much it would be misunderstood or misconstrued.
As an aside, I'm glad you have water again! I hope you had a great shower and a great evening. 
2021/02/19 22:09:17
You know, 3080s have been unicorns for a loooooooooong time now, but when the 3060ti's launched, retailers (especially Newegg) had large numbers of skus from multiple AIBs. Some models they had hundreds of on launch day, and it was being healthily restocked for some time. Even the EVGA queue for the 3060ti's had some good initial movement.
But then we discovered how good it mines. It mines as well as the 3070. So now we are getting 3070s for gamers. Today at microcenter, they gave out vouchers for eighteen 3070s. One voucher for a 3080 (possibly two, as the third person in line only overheard the associate say "there are no more 3080s", so she got a 3070). 
3080's don't necessarily mine the best per watt. But they do mine the best per $$ spent on your graphics card. The next best mining ability per dollar card is easily the 3060ti. It mines equivalently to the 3070. So the 3070 gets better binned and more powerful GA104 chip, but the same cheap GDDR6 (same amount of GB, even!). Surprising no one, the 3060ti mines the same, but games a little worse, but costs a LOT less. 
So basically the two absolute best buys for GAMERS are coincidentally the best buys for miners, and coincidentally now the least available cards. The 3080s have been for some time, but now we are seeing the same thing happen to the 3060ti. So now Nvidia is releasing the 3060 non-ti. It has extra GDDR6 and an even cheaper and less powerful core chip, and it could be an absolute mining champ, freeing up the more powerful gaming cards like the 3060ti for gamers. Oh, but wait! Nvidia is going to cut performance in half at the BIOS level whenever mining activities are detected. So instead of taking some of the miner demand off 3060ti and 3080ti, gamers are going to be able to buy what feels a lot like intentionally and artificially "sloppy seconds" now. 

It truly is a great time to be a gamer, and also a terrible time to be a gamer. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
Ok, I'm done now. 

Good Sir,
I enjoyed reading this. It gave me a good chuckle. Also some interesting insight into the skus and demands as I haven't really been paying close attention to how good each is at mining (in general, or in respect to /$ and /Wh). Always happy to learn something new.
2021/02/20 00:22:08
damn has the 3070 XC3 Black  not moved at all for a while gee.

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