2021/02/19 15:18:48
I just realized that I have 2 GTX 780s sleeping in my closet that could be used to mine in another rig that has been sleeping in the closed too for years... I know NOTHING about mining though: how much could that make a day with 2 slowass cards like that lol?
If it pays the internet bill I would be happy lol!

What could you make?  A really big electricity bill.  An acceleration of climate change? 

Was living in Philly during the last big Ethereum upsurge and justified mining by thinking that the apartment needed heating during winter and that power was cheap.... and at some point you are running idiot rigs all over and opening windows during winter... So I am done turning electricity into heat without the byproduct of fun gaming. 
2021/02/19 15:24:10
In northern MN we had 12 straight days under -10f for a high.  We had 7 days under -30 for a low, including a couple of -40.  Even though we are "ready" for these temps, peoples pipes froze and people lost power.  What's really weird is that it was 8 above today and actually felt colder than it did at -20.
I lived in the south as a kid and understand that southern states aren't ready, but bad ice storms are like a thursday in April for us.
Keep active, stay warm and avoid alcohol is the best advice I can give.  

I grew up in Norway and moved to California "only" 15 years ago. So I managed to catch the two coldest winters in Oslo before catching the two worst wildfires in California. Next time I'm moving somewhere safer!!!

Uh where do you live in California? Born and raised in LA and the only time I’ve ever felt my life was threatened I was in London and Frankfurt.

East Bay for the first record breaker, PG&E cut our power because they were concerned that the fires were getting close. Last years big one we'd just moved to the South Bay and spent a couple weeks not going outside because the air wasn't all that breathable. Orange skies, covid and the air hurting your lungs. Looked like a real life apocalypse. 
2021/02/19 15:48:11
coldrain85HA-HA !!! God luck)))))) after april you will maybe get some chance ,but the question is with year ????)))))
Not much movement this week, unfortunately.
Hopefully we will get a 3898 drop next week. I'm not too far away in that queue for that one, or so it seems.

2021/02/19 15:52:01
1st post. Thanks for the heads up on the 5800x! Got one at 4:51 pm mountain time.
2021/02/19 15:58:04
1st post. Thanks for the heads up on the 5800x! Got one at 4:51 pm mountain time.

Grats on the CPU.
2021/02/19 16:01:41
Is it confirmed to being processed after you ordered it?
Edit-nvm I just yoloed it with pay in 4 through paypal lol
2021/02/19 16:23:10
Now just to get a mobo lol
2021/02/19 17:14:51
1st post. Thanks for the heads up on the 5800x! Got one at 4:51 pm mountain time.

I'm glad I was able to be of help.
2021/02/19 17:20:20
Nice! Congrats!
2021/02/19 17:36:01
columbus ohio micro center has 3070 msi and evga xc3 3080 in destock. ryzen 5000 series also

Scoop that 3080 and I’ll Venmo you for shipment and finders fee.

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